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Okay I wrote a very short story/letter to my grandfather who died of cancer and I was thinking about letting my Language Arts teacher read it.
I get so nervous when someone reads something I wrote and this is very personal for me. But my teacher fought Breast Cancer in the past 2 years and I think she'd enjoy reading it.
My point is, should I give it to her to read and let her decide if she wants to read it or should I just keep it to myself?
Only one person has read it (my parents haven't and neither have my BEST friends)
Comment on whether I should give her it to read or not.
Thanks ♥

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Okay I wrote a very short story/letter to my grandfather who

1 faves · 2 comments · May 3, 2011 8:12pm






kirciic1 · 1 decade ago
you should give it to her!
think- what will you lose?
nothing. [;
good luck! (:
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smexy_beast101 · 1 decade ago
i think you should. the worst she can say is "REVISE."
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