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I wanted to talk to you for so long...but I was so afraid. When I found out that you liked me...I felt good and warm inside...One cold, February day after school I was walking home because I didn't live far...Every part of my body was numb with the coldness of winter, my toes,nose,fingers,legs,arms, and lips... I hadn't noticed you walking towards me, and you hadn't noticed me walking towards you...As you came closer to me I bumped into you, we fell...You helped me up and I started blushing...Then you kissed my red, cold bar lips...As you pressed yours to mine, my lips suddenly became warm. When I got home I looked at my calendar to write it down...The day...Valentine's Day.

xoxo*B*xoxo i made it up, u can use it just don't take the credit...thanx ~BMS~
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I wanted to talk to you for so long...but I was so afraid. When

1 faves · May 23, 2004 4:58pm






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