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Wishing on 11:11
Chapter 28

I finally got to Italy. The food is amazing. Everything is perfect. I got to my hotel and I put my suitcase in my room getting ready to explore the wonders of Italy. I walked out my door and just my luck-across the hall I saw the back of a head. A very familiar head might I add. I walked away fast. I got into the elevator. The door was closing-but someone stopped it from closing all the way before they could get in. The person got in half laughing saying they didnt want to be late for thier dinner reservation. Only then did they notice that it was me. Only then did the memories come flooding back like an April rain, I was so sick of remembering. When he left, why didnt he take the memories too. The elevator ride was silent. We got to the ground floor and I walked away fast, faster than I've ever walked before. Im not even sure you could call it a walk anymore. It was more of a running for my life. There were no tears yet though. I got to a place where I thought I wouldnt be chased. There were tourists and people all around me. I sat next to the fountain looking in.
"I've made up my mind." I heard someone say. It was probably some American tourist. Someone sat down next to me, but I didnt pay attention. Only when they were in front of me on one knee did I understand who it was. Ryan was in front of me. Everything was wrong. Oh so wrong. "I want to be with you Scar..." I heard him say. I walked away. No words came out. No emotions. Nothing. I was like a ghost. You could see me, but I was long gone into another dimensions. "Scar." "No." The words were strong and fearless-a confidence I didnt even know I had. The words strength scared me. I blossomed into some fierce animla overnight apparently. I continued after my no before he could get another word in. "No. Because you left me waiting for years. The worst thing you can make a girl do is wait for something that isnt even there, and will never be there. So No. Im not the Scarlett you met before. Im better-and Im stronger. Im smarter, and more amazing. Im fearless. So No. NO Ryan.I deserve a hell of a lot better than you- and I intend to get it" He just stood there in awe. I walked away with a newfound confidence. I was like a phoenix. This confidence was a stain not even he could wipe off.

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Wishing on 11:11 Chapter 28 I finally got to Italy. The food

7 faves · Mar 22, 2011 6:43pm






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