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{long but worth it}


I am three weeks old today, Mommy.
I was given a heart, just for me.
You just found out I am growing inside you today, Mommy.
I love you already; don't you see?
Why are you crying so hard, Mommy?
I really thought you wanted me.
If you honestly don't love me Mommy;
Then what happened to chastity?
It is not my fault your boyfriend left you, Mommy.
So please, do not hurt me.
We don't need him Mommy.

Do not worry, God is on our side.
He will never leave us.
His arms will always be opened wide.
God will protect us Mommy.
I am six weeks old today, Mommy.
As a present, God gave me eyes.
One day they will look just as pretty as yours.
They will be big, and as blue as the skies.
Your eyes are so lovely Mommy.
So why are they shedding tears?
You'll get your figure back i promise.
Please, Mommy, do not listen to your peers.
I will always be here for you Mommy.

Don't let those scary men hurt you Mommy.
If they try to touch you, just kick and scream.
Do not worry Mommy.
This is all just a very bad dream.
We will wake up any moment Mommy.
And we will be together; a perfect team.

I am getting scared Mommy.
What could be going on?
Why are we not waking up Mommy?
I just want the bad men to be gone.  

Help me Mommy!
They are tearing me apart.
There goes my brand new eyes.
And there goes my little heart.
I love you Mommy;
I really, I do.
But the worst part is,
I thought you loved me too.


Click the heart to stop abortion</3

Mine, tell me what you think
Inspiration from a fellow Wittier

Next Quote >

{long but worth it} >Abortion< I am three weeks old today,

577 faves · 36 comments · Mar 19, 2011 7:14pm






BellaSwan14 · 1 decade ago
I cried :'(

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xojulianaxo happy witty anniversary! · 1 decade ago
The point is everyone deserves to live no matter who they are with! Adoption is a great idea for people who are pregnant and dont want a baby. Its making me upset because i cred over this quote and people are accually saying negative things about it :/
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LesBiaNloVe · 1 decade ago
wow... i just tearedd upp not gonna liee
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ahmess · 1 decade ago
this literally almost made me cry! so amazing, i love this quote so much <3333333333333 good for youuu!
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sometimessmiley101 · 1 decade ago
look haters. this was for a writing contest for a chastity paper. if you dont like it then you can shut it. i respect you opinion but you dont have to be rude. and yes i looked it us and the baby does begin to develop a heart at 3 weeks. and at points while the baby is in the womb it can feel pain. most abortions are quite painful for the baby. and im not judging ANYONE who had an abortion ok? it most likely will cause the parents pain, i know that. thats why i dont think you should get one. for every one adoptable baby there is over 100 families wanting to adopt. so by adoption you could make three lives happier instead of ending one and hurting another. and im not judging those who have had either. im just saying that if you get pregnant you should accept the consequences. so there
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Ginaxxlove33 · 1 decade ago
umm poeticwriter : according to the catholic church the only reason for is to strenghtn your love bond, and create new life, and if your in love then you would be willing to create new life with that person....
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carlislecullensdreamdaughter · 1 decade ago
It isn't the bab'y fault u were .
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carobaro · 1 decade ago
and until the fetus is born its technologically a pparasite...
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carobaro · 1 decade ago
i think if your stupid enough to get knocked up you can deal with the pregnancy... other then that like or if the baby is seriously threatening your life then you can have abortion if you so wish.
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colormyrainbow · 1 decade ago
at 3 weeks old a baby doesnt have a heart . its not even really alive & it cant feel anything . abortion is legal for a reason . dont judge people who do have abortion .
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wilkil4shoes · 1 decade ago
i think you should only really get a abortion if you have medical issues, your too young, or too old. Other than that, i thing you should give the baby up for adoption. but nobody actually likes killing babies, if so there's something really wrong with you... but i don't think anybody wants to do that.
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Hannahxo · 1 decade ago
Guys seriously, fetus's don't have feelings. and they're not even human yet. so just stop.
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Amy318 · 1 decade ago
Fetus' can't think.
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elmo_bigbird · 1 decade ago
Ive done an abortion quote, and i got so much crap for it. If i were you, ignore the rude comments, because they really got to me. One night i couldnt fall asleep:( so just ignore half these people, and live on with life:)
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poeticwriter2413 · 1 decade ago
so what some of you are saying that people shouldn't have because is only for having babies. people have because they love somebody, no matter the situation and they will show it, no matter the situation. but if they do get pregnant and are unable to do anything they will abort it instead of bringing it into a life on misery and pain. you guys are all looking from the POV of the babies, look at the parents POV. they're miserable, they're worried about everything, the pregnancy could be ruining their life and bringing the baby to life would ruin 2 lives. you think that abourting their child makes them happy, you think they go and have it happen and they walk out with a smile on their face. they go through pain, misery, regret. you don't know the situation, so why should you judge
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cookie_monster_love · 1 decade ago
Not yours.
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moomoo001 · 1 decade ago
this is rlly sad, but its not true. abortion is only bad if people abuse it. sometimes people r too young, or too old to take care of a baby. this quote isnt rlly fair, some people need it. but idk, we shouldnt rlly make this a fight u knoww?
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x3wittyfades · 1 decade ago
this isnt youurs...
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Xobri96Xo · 1 decade ago
Just because someones not against abortion, doesn't mean they are for killing a baby! That seems to be what everyone mistakes it as. It's called Pro-CHOICE that means the mother should have an option in HER OWN pregnancy. Just because someones Pro-Choice doesn't mean it's Pro- killtheFETUSeverytimesomeonegetspregnant...It's not just as easy as giving it up for adoption. It's much more than that. A reason for abortion could be because of medical problems, that could occur for both the mother and baby. If my mother got an abortion it wouldn't matter. I wouldn't be here and I wouldn't know any better. Therefore, I wouldn't be affected. And, yeah, maybe that baby could have found a cure for cancer but it could have also been the next .
Just about no one likes the idea of killing their own child, but it might be someones only option. Plus, what does the moms decision have ANYTHING to do with you? Absolutely nothing, so don't try to make a decision for her.

"You're killing a baby" Technically, at the time a baby is a fetus. Also, if that's killing a baby, then and having your period is also killing the baby, too. So maybe in the end we're all murders.
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_YouHadMeAtHello · 1 decade ago
Because this quote is going to help stop abortion, right? No quote on witty or what any of you have to say is going to stop it. People will get them no matter what and nothing a 15 year old has to say is going to stop them. I really don't think any of you don't even know enough to have an unbiased opinion on the subject. So i have an idea, If you don't like them don't get them !
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