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Today I was with one of my best guy friend's in the whole world.
I love him like a brother.
He's in my drama class after school so we were sitting in the back row auditorium while some other kids practiced a scene.
We were talking about how we want to put acting into our life after middle school.
He said if his acting career didn't go well, he'd be a therapist.
I asked him why.
This is where I'm going to start crying.
He said he's a people person and how him and his brother always talk to each other and comfort each other.
His dad, just, disappeared one day when he was a baby.
Right now his mom's seeing someone.
Her boyfriend beats her, but she doesn't dump him.
He always goes to the school's guidance counselor, but that really doesn't help.
That's why is acting isn't good, he wants to help other people get through hardships.
If you knew my friend, you would never guess anything like this would be his life.
He's always happy and funny and just having a good time.
He's always that smiling face that perks you up when you're having a crappy day.
But on the inside, he the complete opposite.
After he told me this I realized something.
He's one of those people who puts on a mask almost everyday of their life.
And that might be the most horrible thing of all....

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Today I was with one of my best guy friend's in the whole

5 faves · Mar 7, 2011 10:38pm






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