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The thing that i hate most is;
Knowing that my ex-best friend wanted my to be that angry at her,
That she got up with my ex and made a plan, 
She got on the phone to me and told me my boyfriend broke up with me
and that she was going out with him.
I swear I cried so much
The next day, He came up to me and said it was a joke.
I couldn't help but cry but him being the gentlemen his not. 
He hugged me and said sorry, he meant it
We were still going out
He still 'loved' me
And I still 'loved him
Its not like that now. I think they weren't lying.
'Cause there happy now.


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The thing that i hate most is; Knowing that my ex-best friend

10 faves · Mar 3, 2011 1:30am





break up

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