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Member Since: 11 May 2011 08:17pm

Last Seen: 31 Jan 2013 09:12am

user id: 173403

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My name is Ivy Lyn. I am as real as they come:) I am taken by the best guy ever<3333 and am 13. All my best friends have wittys (GothicLollie, Pankake, njames, Sierraam, berrylovesabs, and Born2beawesome). They are my support system and have been with me since last year at the beginning of the school year.
Few things about me:
-i love listening to music. i will listen to any genre mostly because i don't really know the difference between them haha
-i am a struggling artist. i don't think i'm that good but according to others i am.
-i love playing volleyball and basketball. i'm looking into soccer as well as tennis as sports to do.
-i am a HUGE fan of reading. i read different genres and will spend a gwhole day in Barnes&Nobles if my parents ever let me. i WILL spend a whole day up in my room reading. i'm a huge nerd.
-i am all about Pinky-Promises! if i Pinky-Promise something to you, you don't have to worry about me not doing it cuz i will. i would never break one. iknow that seems childish but it's very true. just ask one of my friends:)
If you ever need someone to talk to that wont tell anyone, i'm all ears. your secret is safe with me forever. i don't like sharing secrets cause i believe in treating others how i wish to be treated.

look at my quotes. some of them have been taken off of Facebook while others are complete itslikeivylikemmkay originals. if i happen to have the same quote as you, my apologies but i will not remove it. thank you and goodbye i guess.

with  the  best  of  luck,
  1. itslikeivylikemmkay itslikeivylikemmkay
    posted a quote
    September 29, 2012 2:58pm UTC
    I was very grateful to have heard it again.
    Because I guess we all forget sometimes.
    And I think e v e r y o n e is special in their own way.
    I really do.
    Charlie, The Perks of Being a Wallflower

  2. itslikeivylikemmkay itslikeivylikemmkay
    posted a quote
    May 16, 2012 8:13am UTC
    click to see this quote

  3. itslikeivylikemmkay itslikeivylikemmkay
    posted a quote
    February 21, 2012 8:46am UTC
    I found out yesterday what it's like to be stabbed in the back by one of your best friends.
    I trusted this girl. I trusted her with my boyfriend. She promised me that she wouldn't try to take him away from me. I found texts she sent him. She told him that she wanted him back and that she loved him. She talked about how she wanted to kiss him. And you know what, he played her. He fed her words that he knew would make her happy.
    I trusted her and she proved to me just how wrong I was to do that. She was like a sister to me but then she turned around and just stabbed me right in the back. It hurt.

  4. itslikeivylikemmkay itslikeivylikemmkay
    posted a quote
    January 21, 2012 12:05pm UTC
    For those days we felt like a mistake,
    Those times love's what you hate,
    W e k e e p m a r c h i n g o n .
    For those nights when I couldn't be there,
    I've made it harder to know that you know,
    That somehow,
    W e ' l l k e e p m o v i n g o n .
    Format by Pankake

  5. itslikeivylikemmkay itslikeivylikemmkay
    posted a quote
    January 1, 2012 1:55pm UTC
    he calls me his princess
    (baby, baby bunny, sweetie)
    he tells me sweet things at night
    he trys his hardest to cheer me up when i'm sad
    he's always there for me when i need him
    he's he best thing that has happened to me for a while

  6. itslikeivylikemmkay itslikeivylikemmkay
    posted a quote
    January 1, 2012 1:31pm UTC
    Did you know the heart has
    no pain receptors?
    So, the next time someone
    breaks your heart,
    MOVE ON.
    Your pain is just an illusion.
    A temporary psychologic
    disturbance that you have to
    It's all in the MIND.

  7. itslikeivylikemmkay itslikeivylikemmkay
    posted a quote
    January 1, 2012 1:25pm UTC
    Did you know the heart has
    no pain receptors?
    So, the next time someone
    breaks your heart,
    MOVE ON.
    Your pain is just an illusion.
    A temporary psychologic
    disturbance that you have to
    It's all in the MIND.

  8. itslikeivylikemmkay itslikeivylikemmkay
    posted a quote
    December 29, 2011 6:57pm UTC
    Did you know the heart has
    no pain receptors?
    So, the next time someone
    breaks your heart,
    MOVE ON.
    Your pain is just an illusion.
    A temporary psychologic
    disturbance that you have to
    It's all in the MIND.

  9. itslikeivylikemmkay itslikeivylikemmkay
    posted a quote
    December 27, 2011 5:03pm UTC
    she will chase you around for a while;
    but there's going to be a day when
    she's going to stop running
    incircles around you.
    she's going to get over you &
    at that very moment
    you're going to wish you had
    let her chase you.

  10. itslikeivylikemmkay itslikeivylikemmkay
    posted a quote
    December 25, 2011 12:04pm UTC
    And bury me in all my favorite colors,
    My sisters and my brothers, still,
    I will not kiss you,
    'Cause the hardest part of this is l e a v i n g y o u .
    Cancer by My Chemical Romance

  11. itslikeivylikemmkay itslikeivylikemmkay
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2011 3:06pm UTC
    All I want for Christmas is you...
    a necklace
    Ian Somerhalder calendar
    new Converse
    a bracelet
    a ring ;)

  12. itslikeivylikemmkay itslikeivylikemmkay
    posted a quote
    December 24, 2011 1:49pm UTC
    It's Christmas Eve Witty!
    a day for spending time with the family,
    last minute shopping. :)

  13. itslikeivylikemmkay itslikeivylikemmkay
    posted a quote
    December 20, 2011 12:01pm UTC
    Get down low!
    Lower than a snake's belly in a wagon wheel rut!
    - Coach Marroquin

  14. itslikeivylikemmkay itslikeivylikemmkay
    posted a quote
    December 10, 2011 1:55pm UTC
    you want the truth? okay. truth is…
    I hate you.
    I hate your face.
    I hate your laugh.
    I hate your girlfriend.
    I hate that you make me laugh when I don’t want to.
    I hate that you make me smile just by looking at me.
    I hate how you seem to know what I’m thinking.
    I hate that when I write my name, I put your last name down.
    I hate how you’re always on my mind.
    I hate that I am jealous.
    I hate your smile.
    But really….
    I hate that I still love you.

  15. itslikeivylikemmkay itslikeivylikemmkay
    posted a quote
    November 13, 2011 10:42am UTC
    when you're black slacks with accentuating, off-white, penstripes
    everything goes according to plan

  16. itslikeivylikemmkay itslikeivylikemmkay
    posted a quote
    November 5, 2011 1:49pm UTC
    It has been said, 'time heals all wounds.'
    I do not agree. The wounds remain.
    In time, the mind, protecting its s a n i t y , covers them
    with scar tissue and the pain lessens.
    B u t i t i s n e v e r g o n e .
    Rose Kennedy

  17. itslikeivylikemmkay itslikeivylikemmkay
    posted a quote
    November 5, 2011 1:33pm UTC
    monsters are real, and ghosts are real too.
    they live inside us, and sometimes, they win.

  18. itslikeivylikemmkay itslikeivylikemmkay
    posted a quote
    October 15, 2011 9:38pm UTC
    We never really grow up;
    we just learn how to a c t in public.
    -Bryan White

  19. itslikeivylikemmkay itslikeivylikemmkay
    posted a quote
    October 15, 2011 4:48pm UTC
    if you don’t look at what’s in front of you,
    you get overrun from behind.
    –Mr. Carter, Cold Skin

  20. itslikeivylikemmkay itslikeivylikemmkay
    posted a quote
    October 15, 2011 4:38pm UTC
    Maybe our favorite quotations
    say m o r e about us
    than about the stories and people
    we're q u o t i n g .
    –John Green


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