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A friend
Is always there to support you in
EVERYTHING you they'll always agree
with you. You'll always have great times with
them and they are always there when your happy and
hyper, they will always be the ones who you share laughs with.
The people who know how to have a good time, the ones you have
sleepover with , and the ones that you talk to when your bored.
but a true friend...
corrects you when your wrong , they steer
you in the right direction and they would never let you
follow the wrong path. These are the people that you can always
count on... when you have a problem in life they will do everything in their
will to help you. these are the ones who stay up all night , just because
they dont want you to be crying, alone . having a true friend is
more than someone you have good times with, its about
having someone you can depend on no matter what.

A true friend...

is who we all need in our lives.

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A friend Is always there to support you in EVERYTHING you they'll

12 faves · Feb 10, 2011 4:45pm






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