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Keep moving forward. 1
The only sound I could hear was the one of my converse hitting the pavement. The chilly night air hit the back of my neck, causing me to shiver. I ran faster. My back pack bounced in my back, and I was only about 20 meters from home. I heard someone open a door, and I stopped to look back. "Ethan! Ethan were the f●●k do you think you're going!?  Come here right now boy!" My father yelled. He was still drunk, and he slammed the door with a yell of frustration. I looked forward and kept running until I got to a convenience store. I looked at my self in the reflection of the door. My brown messy hair covered my blue eyes. My gray sweat was not too sweaty, and my jeans clung to my legs. My black converse were worn out, and the only thing i carried in my back pack was 750 dollars in cash, a credit card, which i wasn't sure if it had money at all, clothes, my phone, it's charger, my ipod and headphones a notebook and pen, and some snacks. I asked for their phone, in case my father decided to track mine or anything, and called a cab. I bought some gum and waited for the cab. When it finally got there i got in. The man said, "Were to, sir?" I looked at my hands. "La Guardia." The airport. 

feedback? :)with one fave i'll keep going. 
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Keep moving forward. 1 The only sound I could hear was the one

8 faves · 3 comments · Jan 23, 2011 1:15pm






cookie_monster_love · 1 decade ago
Can you comment on my profile? Witty won't let me follow anyone at the moment. :[
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blueberrybabe121 · 1 decade ago
Thanks to the fave and comment,
i'll keep going(;
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rockinfrogy · 1 decade ago
This is good! It's interesting and a good start, I'd love to read more!
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