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30 days, 30 letters
A letter to your siblings .


Dear Jaryd ,
       I hate you with a passion . You get every thing you want and more . Mom and Dad love you more . I even hear them say it . They tell me they wish i could be more like you . You are such a spoiled brat and i cant stand you . You always get me in trouble for nothing . You lie about me hitting you and yelling at you . I honestly will snap one day and hit you . When your old enough so you don't cry , actually you probably will cry because you cry when your watching some show about dolphins . I honestly wish you were never born . We would have more money and i wouldn't have to deal with you yelling at me al the time . I can't stand your voice . You look like a girl and i really want to punch you . You act like a girl to , you dont want to get dirty you dont eat anything and you have stupid friends that like to scratch me .



I hate you ,
from amanda .




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30 days, 30 letters A letter to your siblings . Dear Jaryd ,

1 faves · 2 comments · Jan 22, 2011 4:54am






xXxStoriiesxXx · 1 decade ago
i'm sorry about your sibling , but this is how i feel about my brother . its my opinion of him .
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whoaaitsemmmy · 1 decade ago
dont talk about a sibling like that. youre lucky to have one. i lost mine in a carcrash just a few months ago. cherish what you have. you never know if youll have it the next day. you should be ashamed in how cold hearted this is.
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