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for all the broken hearted girls.
forget him. he let you go, that's his loss. so, knock off the sadness, sobbing, and tears. remember no guy is worth crying over. stop listening to sad songs and listen to upbeat songs then sing them in the shower. have a girls night. watch funny movies and do makeovers, that should get him off your mind. do NOT not mention him the whole night, that could bring you to tears and ruin the night. __> and one day your prince charming will come. but don't waste your time searching, love will find you. and when the right fish does come he won't be going back to the sea. until then live your life, girls.(:

btw- look at all the
 blue letters, there's a message.(:

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for all the broken hearted girls. forget him. he let you go,

340 faves · 3 comments · Dec 4, 2010 8:13pm






taylorswiftfanxx16 · 1 decade ago
thanks for posting this
i was watching parts of the notebook on youtube, which we watched together, then i started listening to really sad songs and it made me cry:( but this helped me realize that its okay.
so thank you for making this!!! <3
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neongummybears · 1 decade ago
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burtonchick13 · 1 decade ago
him (: damn right
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