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Envied Love


"Matt! Matt, wait up!" I ran to him, my feet slipping out of my ballet flat style shoes. He turned, his gorgeous black hair twirling round his head.
"Rosie!" he exclaimed and put on a smile. I felt my stomach twist. I felt guilty.
"Matt... we can't... we can't be together right now... I'm with Daniel... I just came to tell you, I want to be friends at least. But I'm not ready to give up what I have at the moment. I love Daniel and he loves me. But I really do want us to be friends. I hate not being able to talk to you, or even look at you..."
"Right. I got that vibe that you didn't want me any more when you rejected me the other day," his eyes narrowed ever so slightly at me.
"Matt please! I just want us to be the friends we were before!"
"Before?" he growled. "Before we were together. We were girlfriend and boyfriend! We kissed and we laughed and we smiled at eachother! We were in love!"
"You can't just listen to me can you?" I asked angrily. It was more of a rhetorical question, I didn't expect an answer.
"No!" he shouted. "No I can't! I don't want to listen to you! I don't want anything but be with you, Rosie, I love you!" he came towards me then, taking three steps to reach me. And before I knew it his hands were around my face and his lips were on mine.
"Matt!" I shrieked, batting him away. Then I ran. And where I was going, I didn't know.



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(c) lifeloveandwriting.  allmine.donttake.

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Envied Love ChapterEleven "Matt! Matt, wait up!" I

12 faves · Dec 1, 2010 5:26am






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