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I Can Be A Rebel If I Want
Part 6 

"Okay." I said cheerfully. "'Kay. I really hope to see you there." Trevor said. I flipped my hair, then turned around. I was smiling sooo big! Callie tried smiling, but I could see her eyes full of jealousy. I decided to change the subject. "So, um, let's go swimming?" I suggested. We walked over to the diving board. "Hey, wanna see me do a double flip? I've been practicing!" Faith called out proudly. Me and Callie nodded and replied with 'sure' in unison. Faith had the best body out of us all. She was very thin, with a golden tan. She had big boobs and a nice butt, according to Cole, a guy in our grade. Although, she wasn't the prettiest. She had light brown hair, blue eyes, and braces. She has a boyfriend, though. We are the richest kids in our grade, and also the most popular. Callie came in third with the richest and most popular. But she probably comes in first in being the most beautiful in our grade. She has pasty skin, black pin straight hair, and big purple eyes. Yes, purple. And it's natural, too. It's pretty cool. She is very, very, very thin. She has small boobs, like me, and is always wearing make up. Sometimes I'm very jealous of her. She doesn't have a boyfriend either.
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I Can Be A Rebel If I Want Part 6 "Okay." I said cheerfully.

8 faves · Nov 29, 2010 4:34pm






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