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This is long, but please read.
So you got dumped.

Sweetie: let go.

Understand that there is NO benefit to holding on to heartache, regret, or hatred towards another person no matter WHAT they did to you. I know you probably hate them right now, but there's no benefit.

Realize that though it is over, your relationship with them WAS unique, and WAS special in so many ways, and you can cherish that, and you can appreciate that. 

And one of the coolest things is, you can congratulate yourself, because you TOOK THE CHANCE. You fell in love. Millions of people won't even let themselves fall in love, but you did.

You were brave enough to take that risk, and although love didn't work out this time, there WILL BE a next time. 

And most importantly, if you're in a revenge-seeking mood: the best revenge is to live well and be caught doing that daily

Life moves on.

--Tyler Oakley (look him up on YouTube, he's absolutely amazing)

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This is long, but please read. So you got dumped. Sweetie: let

8 faves · 1 comments · Oct 8, 2010 9:00pm






lyssaroo7 · 1 decade ago
this helped me so much.
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