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For God so loved the world,
he gave up his
one and only son.
So whoever believes in him shall never die
And have eternal life.

John 3:16

God loves you, sinner or not. He sent his ONLY son because he loved us so much. Say if you had someone you loved. you just simply loved them, your child, your boyfriend, your relative. And the world was coming to an end and there were many people whom you hated. I don't think you'd give them up. Yet God sent his only son. Love others and follow the footsteps of God. If you disagree, it is fine. I cannot force you for you must choose to take the path. I just say, may God be with you at all times. He is real and have faith in him

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For God so loved the world, he gave up his one and only son.

4 faves · Oct 8, 2010 8:54pm






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