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i start school soon. its a new private high school. i have friends there who are older, and i have 3 friends going in my grade. 2 of them are becoming super close and leaving everyone else out, and the other one has tons of friends going to the school. I really want to move on with my life, because one of the 2 girls used to be my best friend and then she got really popular and kinda ditched me until she realised i was going to this school. Then she did everything she could to get in. Also, none of them are in any of my classes, because im alot smarter than them, so im taking all honors. Im going to be seeing my old bff in every sport, and its not like we dont talk, we do all the time. I just dont know how i should handle this; make new friends, or try and reconnect with her? 
please help. i start really soon. ill fav 5 of your quotes if you give me good advice, and the best advice will get 10 favs. thankks a ton. xoxo

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WITTY I NEED HELP. i start school soon. its a new private high

0 faves · 5 comments · Sep 4, 2010 3:31pm






bieberlove · 1 decade ago
thank you so much everyone.
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untouchablexoxo · 1 decade ago
i'd say try to make new friends. if a friend walked out of your life (ditched you), then she's probably not a very good friend. and it seems like her reasons for doing things are selfish in nature. do whatever you think is bets, but a new school is the PERFECT place to meet new friends who will treat you how you deserve to be treated. this isn't to say you should ignore your old bff. if you see her, you can still talk to her. jsut odnt go out of your way to be friends with someone who wasnt a very good friend to you in the first place. meet some new friends and get to know new people. youll have a NEW bff in no time!

and dont feel like you have to fave any quotes. i jsut wanna help.
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average_teenager · 1 decade ago
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average_teenager · 1 decade ago
well personally if she "ditched" you that showing shes not a very good friend at all, so if you did reconnect with her she might do the same thing again, so what you could do is, talk to her about it and try to gain her trust again, and take it slow with her. like don't tell her your deepest secrets right away, ya know? and try to become friend again if its possible. Also try to make new friends (: its always good to have a lot of friend and not depend on one friend, good with your new school and have fun!!! (:
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Marycastro14 · 1 decade ago
I think that you should choose to move on. If these girls show signs of not wanting to be your friend I think you shouldnt give them as much attention as you used to. I also think that you should connect with your old bff and still remain friends with your old friends at the same time. Its good to have lots of friends to hang on too :)

and please dont feel obliged to fave my quotes, only if you like them. I only wrote this cuz I luv helping people. :)
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