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Wake up...wake up! come on please!"
"Who... are you?" I said as I regained conciousness.
"Your awake! You can call me 13."
"Hi 13 i'm aaron. Are you the nephew?"
"Yea i live on the street over and my aun-just then the power went out. It was already was dark but the only small light in the kitchen went off and the oven started beeping, alerting us it needed to be restarted. He got up and brought back two flashlights. "Ow not in my eyes!" I giggled as he shined them in my eyes
"You have pretty eyes are they always green and gray or is it just the flashlight?"
"They're always like that. You like them? Most people think they are really creepy"
"They're so cool" he said. I releazied we were both sitting very close. "Oh I brought a movie for us to watch. I hope you like scary movies" he said We walked up stairs to the second living room which is more like a game room. He put the movie in and i sat down on the small couch with my legs going across the rest of it so there was no room for him. "Hey" he said with a smile when he relized there was no spot for him. I smiled back "I guess I'll just have to sit on you!" "No!" I said and quickly moved "Shh the movies starting" It was a extremely scary movie. At the scariest parts I hid my head in his shoulder. He didn't seem to mind. When it was over he asked me what time I was going home. "Well my parents went to the keys for their anniversary. It's only for the weekend" I explained. "So your staying here?" he stated more then asked. "Yes, I brought some blankets and a pillow. Although I probably won't need the blanket" I said as I fanned myself. The power hadn't turned back on yet and there was no a/c. "You can have the couch i'll take the floor it seems comfortable." I offered. "Actually the couch turns into a queen bed if you want to sleep on an actual bed tonight" he said "Ok but where will you sleep?" "On the bed" he said "Uh ok." we unfolded the bed from the couch and put the pillows on it. "This bed is smaller then I thought." he said quietly "Well goodnight" I said quickly. "Goodnight" he said very quietly. He curled up next to me and put a hand around me. I looked over my shoulder and he was already asleep, starting to snore. I laced my fingers with his and fell asleep wondering what tomorrow would bring.
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UNTITLED CHAPTER 2 PLEASE COMMENT Wake up...wake up! come on

4 faves · 1 comments · Aug 6, 2010 1:29pm






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