Witty Profiles

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Chapter 1
Crimson, the color that runs through our veins. Sharp, the blade that cuts our skin. The rush of the endorphins running through my veins, one cut, two cuts...when does it end? You may ask yourself, what kind of sick masochistic person would intentionally harm themselves. Me. My name is Luna, I'm only 16 but I know more about people than my clueless hairbrained mother, case and point, my biological father told my mother he would be there by her side for the rest of their lives. Where is he now? I have no idea. Probably off telling another foolish pregnant woman the same thing he told my mom. Little does she know I use a blade my step dad gave me to take care of an ingrown toenail to pierce my skin and cut...not deep enough to die, but deep enough to feel the sharp pain. She spends almost every moment she's awake working, whether she's on her blackberry texting her office, or checking her email, work is never gone. Don't even get me started on my step dad, he is the devil in disguise... Does my mom believe me that he screams at me for no reason at all?
At school, I am the outcast. The "emo" girl...I have one friend, without her i'd be 10 feet under the ground in a casket with my throat slit open. Her name is Zoei, she doesn't know about the cutting... If she did, she might kill me herself. Nobody but me and the blade know of the deadly dance I do. Nobody cares that i'm slowly disappearing into my own misery...

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Chapter 1 Crimson, the color that runs through our veins. Sharp,

3 faves · 2 comments · Jun 11, 2010 7:31pm






herecomesthesunshine · 1 decade ago
thank you :) this chapter took me so long to write...i will write the next chapterr :)
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KSDavis · 1 decade ago
im a writer too. i haven't decided if i should post my stories here yet btu your story is definitly good! PLEASE KEPP WRITING!!!!!!
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