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have you ever had that one friend you you truly though of as family?
someone who is there through your laughs, and is there through the tears.
and even though they might not even realize it? theyre your most prized possesion.
but wanna know what the worst part is?
when you lose that prized possesion. and you cant find it anywhere.
you might see something around that looks just like it. but on the inside...its not your real possesion.
you can search for days, months, and still not be able to find it.
and that prized possesion doesnt know how loved...and missed it is.
and what you would do, to just have it back.
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have you ever had that one friend you you truly though of as

4 faves · 4 comments · Jun 9, 2010 1:53pm






xxLexxyfureverrxx · 1 decade ago
hiii. your in Mrs. Browns with me right now.
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xxloveyahhxx101 · 1 decade ago
i know it stinks. who i thought was my best friend is kinda a jerk now. she acts like im not cool enough for her.
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xocorboxo · 1 decade ago
okay ik that this is gonna sound crazzy but this just made me cry because my friend was exactly like that and now she wont talk to me. it only happened on sunday but it seems like its been foreverr & i hatee it.
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xxloveyahhxx101 · 1 decade ago
this is a quote on who i though was my best friend. she was my prized possestion. and what happened? i dont know. im still trying to find her deep down in what i know looks like her...but on the inside is NOTHING.
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