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Wrestling With Friendship part 16
Nick quickly pulled back. And stood next to my bed. I closed my eyes so it looked like I never even woke up. Nick picked that up quickly. It was Nicco who walked in. "How's she doing?" I loved Nicco's voice right now. "Ummm, I don't really know. She hasn't woke up yet. Nick and Nicco turned towards the door. Nick turned back and looked at me. I opened my eyes and winked at him. I tried to mouth 'Thank You' to him, but I don't think he really got that. When the door closed, I knew that it was just me and Nicco, alone in the room. He came over and sat at the foot of my bed. I knew he was sad, but I don't really know why. "I'm so sorry. I wish we had never walked the beach home." I heard him sigh quiet loudly. He then started to talk again. "I hope your feeling okay. I know I'm not without you. I hope that Nick kid didn't cause you too much trouble." I started to open my eyes slowly. I heard his phone ring, so I closed my eyes again quickly and tried to be as quiet as I could. I listened. "Hey Mario. No, I'm at the hospital with Rebecca. I think that Nick kid likes here again. Yah, I won't. Okay. Yah. I'll meet you at Sam's room in a couple of minutes. Okay, Bye." I heard his phone close. I knew he was looking at me again, so I opened my eyes AGAIN, slowly. I think he knew I had been listening to his conversation with Mario. "Hi beautiful." "Hey." "You heard me huh? Talking to Mario?" "Yah? Sorry bout that." "It's cool. How's your head feeling?" I shrugged. Just then the nurse walked in. "Hi. I'm your nurse, you may leave when ever you want. I looked at Nicco and he knew that I wanted to go see Sam and Mario. We checked out and started to walk down the halls to Sam's room. I had no idea what was wrong with her until I saw her....
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Wrestling With Friendship part 16 Nick quickly pulled back. And

4 faves · 2 comments · Jun 2, 2010 8:32pm






love_of_my_life · 1 decade ago
tomorrow or friday. im rlly tired and i have a huge test tomorrow and a test friday! ill write a ton on friday. promise,....
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psychomaniac · 1 decade ago
more! more! more! more! more!
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