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My Lifee.
each day i wake up
roll out of bed.
can't look in the mirror,
cause i'm so affraid of what i'm seeing
looking back at me.
i put my sadness away
hiding behind a fake smile.
i go to school each day as happy as i'll ever be.
have so many friends, but know of them know the real me.
i get told how beautiful i am all the time and that im really popular
and soo luckyy.
but when i get home, when i finally look in the mirror.
i dont see the same thing,
i dont see what everyone else sees.
i dont see a girl who is beautiful and has a lot of friends.
instead of that, i see
a lonely girl with no one to talk to,
know one who understands her,
know who she feels comforatable to talk to at night.
i dont see something beautiful
but the most ugly girl in the world.
alls i actually see is;
some one screaming out for help
but no one around to hear her.

<--all mine actually how my life iss.
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My Lifee. each day i wake up roll out of bed. can't look in the

5 faves · May 24, 2010 3:41pm






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