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Heres to the heartbreakers
To the hearts that they break
and the girls that they play.

Heres to the Risk Takers
To the stars they create
and the bones that they break.

Heres to the drama queens
To the scarves that they wear
and the voices that they conserve.

Heres to the Athletes
To the sports that they play
and the races that they race.

Heres to the loners
To the tables that they sit at
and the desks that they huddle over.

Heres to the nerds
To the tests that they pass
and the homework that they do.

Here to the girls
To the boys that they date
and the lips that they kiss.

Heres to the kids
To the halls that they wander
and the feelings that they feel.

Heres to middleschool.




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Heres to the heartbreakers -------> To the hearts that they

9 faves · 1 comments · May 13, 2010 9:39am






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