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When they go see a horror movie,  
She resists the urge to scream.
He resists the urge to hold her hand.
When her favorite band comes on the radio,
She is dying to burst into song.
He is dying to ask her to dance.
When it rains on their walk,
She almost ruins her hair.
He almost kisses her right then and there.
When they go to the dance,
She tries not to mess up her makeup.
He tries not to stare and tell her how beautiful she looks.
When they get stuck on the top of the ferris wheel,
She almost faints because they're so high up.
He almost tells her that he loves her.
When all of his friends are being jerks,
She wants to punch them.
He wants to hug her and tell them to knock it off.
When she leaves him because of all the things he didn't do,
She holds back tears.
He holds back the urge to run after her.
But once again,

he doesn't.

not mine, but I love it
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When they go see a horror movie, She resists the urge to scream.

203 faves · 4 comments · Feb 13, 2010 5:35pm






lavaeg · 1 decade ago
i really love this quote. it reminds me a bit of my boyfriend.. only a little bit though haha, but i really do love it!

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live_laugh_love_xo · 1 decade ago
Hey, where did u find this quote? because i have the same one and i changed it a bit and this is the same as the one i made...
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Singrrr3 · 1 decade ago
haha this kindaaa made me cry a little :)
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OMGitzKAC4eva · 1 decade ago
this almost made me tear... i feel lame any who i completely adore this(:
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