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OcEaNs ApArT, dAy AfTeR dAy n` I sLoWlY gO iNsAnE. i HeAr YoUr VoIcE oN tHa LiNe BuT It DoEsN't StOp ThE PaIn. If I sEe YoU nExT tO nEvEr, HoW cAn We StAy FoReVeR?

WhErE eVeR yOu Go, WhAt EvEr YoU dO, i WiLL bE rIgHt HeRe WaItInG fOr YoU. wHaTeVeR iT tAkEs Or HoW mY hEaRt BrEaKs, I wIll Be RiGhT hErE wAiTiNg FoR yOu.

I tOoK fOr GrAnTeD aLL tHa TiMe ThAt I tHoUgHt WoUlD lAsT sOmEhOw. I hEaR yOuR lAuGhTeR n` I tAsTe ThA tEaR bUt I cAn'T gEt NeAr YoU nOw. OhH cAn't YoU sEe It BaBy? YoU GoT mE gOiN cRaZy!

WhErE eVeR yOu Go, WhAt EvEr YoU dO, i WiLL bE rIgHt HeRe WaItInG fOr YoU. wHaTeVeR iT tAkEs Or HoW mY hEaRt BrEaKs, I wIll Be RiGhT hErE wAiTiNg FoR yOu.

I wOnDeR hOw We CaN sUrViVe ThIs RoMaNcE. BuT In ThA eNd If I'm WiT yOu I'll TaKe ThA cHaNcE!

WhErE eVeR yOu Go, WhAt EvEr YoU dO, i WiLL bE rIgHt HeRe WaItInG fOr YoU. wHaTeVeR iT tAkEs Or HoW mY hEaRt BrEaKs, I wIll Be RiGhT hErE wAiTiNg FoR yOu.

^RiGhT hErE wAiTiNg _ BrYaN aDaMs
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OcEaNs ApArT, dAy AfTeR dAy n` I sLoWlY gO iNsAnE. i HeAr YoUr

1 faves · Mar 17, 2004 1:26pm






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