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Member Since: 22 Feb 2004 02:10pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 3222

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`NaMe: AsHlEy `DaY: 1.11.90 `AgE: 14 `LoCaTiOn: EaStMo, iLLiNi `He?gHt: 5 '5 `EyE CoLoR: GrEeN `HaIr: LaYeReD-StRa?gHt-BlOnDe `ScHo0l: GmS ClAsS 0f 2008! < HeLL YeAh! `StAtIs: SiNgLe -(nOt lOoKiN)- . . . `CoLoR: PiNk & ReD! `PoP: Dr. PePpEr `SpOrTs: VoLlEyBaLl(2)- BaSkEtBaLl(6)- BoWlInG(6) - SoFtBaLl(2) `CaNdY: StArBuRsT - NeRd RoPeS `MoViE: HoLeS `SoNg: TaKe My BrEaTh AwAy MoRe LaTeR!*
  1. XoPinKPasSion143 XoPinKPasSion143
    posted a quote
    March 23, 2004 2:09pm UTC
    -_All I Ever Wanted_-
    *All I ever wanted was to be loved
    *Beauty was far away from my mirror
    *Darkness was my roommate at night
    *My wrinkles express the victory I never won
    *And my body reminds me of my exhaustion
    *The sun won`t rise on my deck anymore
    *And my empty house brings back no memories
    *There will be no flowers growing
    *My name is covered with shame
    *The judges will execute the sentence
    *And no lawyer will defend my cause
    *My faith left my soul
    *My heart is too weak to beat
    *All I ever wanted was to have more time
    *To fill my soul with hope
    *To fight against the enemy in the battlefield
    *And to see a flower grow again on my deck.

  2. XoPinKPasSion143 XoPinKPasSion143
    posted a quote
    March 23, 2004 2:08pm UTC
    -_Broken Glass_-
    *Broken glass is like a shattered heart
    *Broken glass is like all the tiny pieces, ripped apart.
    *Broken glass isn't just broken glass, it's painful reminders and bad memories.
    *Broken glass is like once beautiful roses, now black, withered, & crushed to dust.
    *Broken glass is in a million pieces, representing the millions of tears you've shed.
    *Broken glass is never a beautiful thing.
    *Broken glass, can be pieced back together, like a broken heart,
    *Alas, it will be forever changed.

  3. XoPinKPasSion143 XoPinKPasSion143
    posted a quote
    March 23, 2004 2:05pm UTC
    God saw her gettin tired
    n` her cure was not to be
    So he put his arms around her
    n` whispered 'Come with me.'
    With tearful eyes we watched her
    n` saw her pass away
    All though we loved her dearly
    We couldnt make her stay
    A golden heart stopped beating
    Hard workin hands at rest
    God broke our hearts to prove to us
    That He only takes the BEST
    DeDiKaTeD tO bRiTtAnY..wE mIsS yOu BaBy GiRl
    bRiTtAnY nIcOlE VoRhIeS
    6-29-90 + 8-10-04

  4. XoPinKPasSion143 XoPinKPasSion143
    posted a quote
    March 22, 2004 3:00pm UTC
    When I was a child the story would say
    Somebody would sweep you off your feet someday
    That's what I hoped would happen with you
    More than you could know
    I wanted to tell you that my heart's in your hands
    I prayed for the day when I would get the chance
    Just when I worked up the courage to try
    Much to my surprise
    You had somebody else
    Cuz these feelings I keep to myself
    I may never get to hold you so tight
    I may never get to kiss you goodnight
    I may never get to look deep in your eyes
    Or so it seems
    I always will be wishing you were mine
    I think about what could be all the time
    All the happiness that I could find
    Baby a girl can dream

  5. XoPinKPasSion143 XoPinKPasSion143
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2004 6:18pm UTC
    TeLL mE wHaT iT`s LiKe To Be WiT yOu. rEmInD mE oF tHa ThInGs We UsEd To Do.

  6. XoPinKPasSion143 XoPinKPasSion143
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2004 6:16pm UTC
    Many people will walk in and out of ur life, but only true friends will leave footprints on the heart.

  7. XoPinKPasSion143 XoPinKPasSion143
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2004 6:15pm UTC
    I'm NoT aLl ThAt AnD a BaG oF cHiPs- I'm ThE whOlE dAmN pArTy MiX!

  8. XoPinKPasSion143 XoPinKPasSion143
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2004 6:14pm UTC
    YoU gAvE mE nOtHiN bUt A bRoKeN hEaRt. I tHiNk It`S bEsT tHaT wE jUsT sTaY aPaRt. EvErYtImE yOu PrOmISe mE yOu`Ll TrEaT mE rIgHt.. We EnD uP rIgHt BaCk WhErE wE sTaRtEd..

  9. XoPinKPasSion143 XoPinKPasSion143
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2004 6:14pm UTC
    U KiSs My LiPz I CloSe My EyEz - AwAy We FloAt To PaRaDiSe. All ThE PeOpLe StOp To SeE AnD SoFtly WhiSpEr "ThEy'Re MeAnT tO bE"

  10. XoPinKPasSion143 XoPinKPasSion143
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2004 6:12pm UTC
    I gOt It
    JaGgEd EdGe FeAt TrInA
    I nEeD a HoT tHuG wHo CaN hAnDlE tHiS
    AnD iN tHa HoT tUb wIt ThA cAnDlEs LiT
    I gOt ThA *cRiSsY cRiS* oN tHa BoTtLe Of IcE
    LiKe BiGgIe SmAlLS sAy "We F*n ToNiGhT"
    JE hEaRtBrEaK
    MaKe It FlOw BeTtEr
    MaKiNg LoVe On A bEd FuLL oF rOsE pEtAlS
    JuSt HoLd On TiGhT cAuSe My LoVe Is ReAl
    I mAkE yOu FeEl -eXtAsY- w/O tHa PiLL
    I wOnDeR hOw MaNy LiCkS dO iT tAkE
    To MaKe YoU
    BrEaK yOu
    MaKe YoUr BoDy ShAkE
    MaKe My InSiDe OuT
    RiDe OuT
    SpEnD a WeEk In HaWaIi
    HiDe OuT
    AnD iF yOu WaNt It YoU kNoW thAt i GoT iT
    GiVe It To Me DaDdY
    yOu KnOw ThAt I`m BoUt It
    AnD iF yOu ThRoWiN thAt S*
    I`mA dO mY thAnG aNd ThRoW tHiS s* bAcK @ YoU lIkE a BoOmErAnG

  11. XoPinKPasSion143 XoPinKPasSion143
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2004 6:10pm UTC
    HaVeN`t ToLd YoU
    KeLLy RowLaNd
    LoOk In My EyEs.
    WhAt Do YoU sEe?
    OnLy Me..
    gOt NoThInG tO hIdE.
    SeEk AnD yOu`LL fInD wHaT`s On My MiNd.
    tHiS hApPeNs SoO fAsT-nOt A pArT oF mY pLaN.
    SoO i`M lEaViNg My HeArT iN yOuR hAnD.
    HaVeN`t ToLd YoU jUsT hOw MuCh I lOvE yOu
    OnlY iF i`M dReAmIn I sHoW mY fEeLiNgS
    HaVeN`t ToLd YoU jUsT hOw MuCh I lOvE yOu
    OnlY iF i`M dReAmIn I sHoW mY fEeLiNgS
    HaVeN`t ToLd YoU jUsT hOw MuCh I lOvE yOu
    TiMe FoR tHe ReVeAlInG
    aNd I WiLL gIvE yOu SoMeThInG tOo
    A lOvE fRoM mE tO yOu
    LoOk In My EyEs
    YoU kNoW mE sOo WeLL
    CaN`t YoU tEll ThAt I`m WaYy In ToO dEeP
    I`m GoInG dOwN
    SoO cAtCh Me NoW
    It HaPpEnS sOo FaSt-NoT a PaRt Of My PlAn
    NoW i`M lEaViNg My HeArT In YoUr HaNd
    HaVeN`t ToLd YoU jUsT hOw MuCh I lOvE yOu
    OnlY iF i`M dReAmIn I sHoW mY fEeLiNgS
    HaVeN`t ToLd YoU jUsT hOw MuCh I lOvE yOu
    OnlY iF i`M dReAmIn I sHoW mY fEeLiNgS
    HaVeN`t ToLd YoU jUsT hOw MuCh I lOvE yOu
    TiMe FoR tHe ReVeAlInG
    aNd I WiLL gIvE yOu SoMeThInG tOo
    A lOvE fRoM mE tO yOu
    I fEeL yOu EvErYdAy
    I bReAtHe YoU eVeRy SiNgLe MoMeNt FrOm ThA StArT
    I SeE yOu CaUsE i LiVe
    I fEeL yOu
    YoUr MoViNg SoUl
    No LeTtInG gO
    YoU sMiLe @ mE
    My HeArT iS yOuRs To KeEp
    HaVeN`t ToLd YoU jUsT hOw MuCh I lOvE yOu
    OnlY iF i`M dReAmIn I sHoW mY fEeLiNgS
    HaVeN`t ToLd YoU jUsT hOw MuCh I lOvE yOu
    OnlY iF i`M dReAmIn I sHoW mY fEeLiNgS
    HaVeN`t ToLd YoU jUsT hOw MuCh I lOvE yOu
    TiMe FoR tHe ReVeAlInG
    aNd I WiLL gIvE yOu SoMeThInG tOo
    A lOvE fRoM mE tO yOu

  12. XoPinKPasSion143 XoPinKPasSion143
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2004 6:09pm UTC
    TaKe My BrEaTh AwAy
    JeSsIcA SiMpSoN
    WaTcHiNg EvErY mOtIoN
    In My FoOlIsH lOvEr`S gAmE
    On ThIs EnDlEsS OcEaN
    FiNaLLy LoVeRs KnOw No sHaMe
    TuRnInG aNd ReTuRnInG
    To SoMe SeCrEt PlAcE iNsIdE
    WaTcHiNg In SlOw MoTiOn
    As YoU tUrN aRoUnD aNd SaY
    TaKe My BrEaTh AwAy
    TaKe My BrEaTh AwAy
    WaTcHiNg I kEeP wAiTiNg
    sTiLL aNtIcIpAtInG lOvE
    NeVeR hEsItAtInG
    To BeCoMe ThE fAtEd OnEs
    TuRnInG aNd ReTuRnInG
    To SoMe SeCrEt PlAcE tO hIdE
    WaTcHiNg In SlOw MoTiOn
    As YoU tUrN aRoUnD aNd SaY
    TaKe My BrEaTh AwAy
    ThRoUgH tHe HoUrGlAsS I sAw YoU
    In TiMe YoU sLiPpEd AwAy
    WhEn ThE mIrRoR cRaShEd i CaLLeD yOu
    AnD tUrNeD tO hEaR yOu SaY
    If OnLy FoR tOdAy
    I aM aFrAiD
    TaKe My BrEaTh AwAyTake my breath away
    WaTcHiNg EvErY mOtIoN
    In My FoOlIsH lOvEr`S gAmE
    HaUnTeD bY tHe NoTiOn
    SoMeWhErE tHeRe`S a LoVe In FlAmEs
    TuRnInG aNd ReTuRnInG
    To SoMe SeCrEt PlAcE tO hIdE
    WaTcHiNg In SlOw MoTiOn
    As YoU tUrN aRoUnD aNd SaY
    TaKe My BrEaTh AwAy

  13. XoPinKPasSion143 XoPinKPasSion143
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2004 6:07pm UTC
    *I`m AlReAdY tHeRe. TaKe A lOoK aRoUnD. I`m ThA sUnShInE iN yOuR hAiR, I`m ThA sHaDoW oN tHa GrOuNd, I`m ThA WhIsPeR iN tHa WiNd, I`m YoUr ImAgInArY fRiEnD. AnD I kNoW i`M iN yOuR pRaYeRs. Oh I`m AlReAdY tHeRe..
    *LoNeStArr -I`m aLrEaDy ThErE*

  14. XoPinKPasSion143 XoPinKPasSion143
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2004 6:05pm UTC
    TrUe StReNgTh iS bEiN AbLE 2 HoLd iT alL 2gEtHeR weN EvErY1 ElSe iS eXpEcTiN u 2 FaLl ApArT

  15. XoPinKPasSion143 XoPinKPasSion143
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2004 6:05pm UTC
    PeOpLe CoMe InTo YoUr LiFe FoR a ReAsOn - SeAsOn - Or - A LiFe TiMe..

  16. XoPinKPasSion143 XoPinKPasSion143
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2004 6:04pm UTC
    PeOpLe CoMe InTo YoUr LiFe FoR a ReAsOn - SeAsOn - Or - A LiFe TiMe..

  17. XoPinKPasSion143 XoPinKPasSion143
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2004 6:04pm UTC
    LaDiEs MoVe-GeNtLeMeN mOvE-
    SoMeBoDy RiNg ThA aLaRm; FiRe On ThA rOof

  18. XoPinKPasSion143 XoPinKPasSion143
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2004 5:55pm UTC
    HeArTbReAkEr YoU`vE gOt ThE bEsT oF mE
    BuT i JuSt KeEp CoMiNg BaCk InCeSsAnTiLy
    OoHh WhY dId YoU hAvE tO rUn YoUr GaMe On Me?
    I sHoUlD oF kNoW rIgHt FrOm ThA sTaRt
    YoU`d Go n` BrEaK mY hEaRt
    HeArTbReAkEr _MaRiAh CaReY

  19. XoPinKPasSion143 XoPinKPasSion143
    posted a quote
    March 20, 2004 5:25pm UTC
    EvErYtImE i TrY tO fLy
    I fAll WiThOuT mY wInGs
    I fEeL sOo SmAll
    I gUeSs I nEeD yOu BaBy
    EvErYtImE i SeE yOu In My DrEmS
    I sEe YoUr FaCe, It`S hAuNtInG Me
    I gUeSs I nEeD yOu BaBy,
    EvErYtImE _ BrItNeY sPeArS

  20. XoPinKPasSion143 XoPinKPasSion143
    posted a quote
    March 18, 2004 2:29pm UTC
    There's somethin bout the way
    You look tonight
    There's somethin bout the way that
    I can't take my eyes off you
    There's somethin bout the way
    Your lips invite
    Maybe it's the way that
    I get nervous when you're around
    And I want you to be mine
    And if you need a reason why
    It's in the way that
    You move me
    And the way that
    You tease me
    The way that
    I want you tonight
    It's in the way that
    You hold me
    And the way that
    You know me
    And when I can't find
    The right words to say
    You feel it in the way
    Oh, feel it in the way
    Somethin bout how you stay on my mind
    There's somethin bout the way that
    I whisper your name when I'm asleep
    Maybe it's the look
    You get in your eyes
    Oh, baby, it's the way that
    It makes me feel to see you smile
    And the reasons they may change
    But what I'm feelin stays the same
    In the way that
    You move me
    And the way that
    You tease me
    The way that
    I want you tonight (tonight)
    It's in the way that
    You hold me
    And the way that
    You know me
    And when I can't find
    The right words to say
    You feel it in the way
    Oh, feel it in the way
    I can't put my fingers on
    Just what it is that makes me
    Love you, you, baby
    So don't ask me to describe
    I get all choked up inside
    Just thinkin bout the way
    It's in the way that
    You move me
    And the way that
    You tease me
    The way that I want you tonight
    You hold me
    And the way that
    You know me
    When I can find the right words to say
    It's in the way that
    You move me
    And the way that
    You tease me
    The way
    There's somethin bout the way you look tonight
    There's nothin' more to say than
    I feel it in the way
    ClAy AiKeN *tHe WaY*


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