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its the ( best  kind  of  love ). its seeing his face for the first time, when you
lock eyes with him, then quickly look down. its that feeling you get when
your head is spinning out of control with thoughts and "what-ifs". teenage
love is building up the courage to ask the other out. its having your friends
giggle while you slow dance, and tease you about it later. its when o-n-e
gesture can completely brighten your day;; or destroy it. teenage love is 
about first dates. its about spending hours in your room finding an outfit
that looks amazing, yet like you :just threw it on: then rushing out the
door to avoid concerned fathers. teenage love is rejection, and heart ache.
its seeing |the one you want| with another person, or having some one tell
you its over in a text message. teenage love is feeling thousands of butterflies
when he passes you in the hallway, and blushing when you hear his name.
its when you're assigned to be lab partners with the one you're crushing
on, and you sit there babbling all the wrong things. its having him tell
you you're beautiful. teenage love is when you drop your books and
he helps you *pick them up*. its magical first kisses, late night phone calls,
and ( pebbles  thrown  at  bedroom  windows ). teenage love is when you
can't sleep at night, and you wake up dying to see his face. its about
flirting, and hol-di-n-g ha-nd-s. its when you're so in love, nothing else
. teenage love is falling hard for someone that won't catch you.
its about dating jerks, jerks, and more jerks. then finding the one you're
so sure you'll marry someday, you start secretly naming your children.
its about break-ups and make-ups ;; and finding your true friends while 
defining yourself. teenage love is feeling on top of the world, like
nothing could ever knock you down. its having nothing to lose, and loving
with every fiber in your being. its being totally unaware how love-sick
you truly are. some day, we're all going to wish we could go back to 
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its the ( best kind of love ). its seeing his face for the first

30 faves · Nov 14, 2009 4:27pm






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