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you know, the one who seems so p e r f e c t ?
yeah, well theres alot you don't know about her.
sure, she may seem like she has
alot of friends, gets all the guys, and is f l a w l e s s ,
but half those girls that are her "friends",
are either talking about her, or shes talking
about them
. she can never tell the difference between
whos r-e-a-l and whos f-a-k-e,
and the only guy that she really wants is the
only one that she can't get because he sees
right through her, he knows that she is the one
that starts all the drama, he hears what she says
about her "friends", and he knows that half the
rumors spread around school were started by
her so this "Perfect Girl"? She's not so perfect.
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I'veAlwaysWantedToBeThatGirl you know, the one who seems so p

27 faves · 1 comments · Oct 14, 2009 9:41am






JustifyingWitty00 · 1 decade ago
wow, this is really good(: i think it rly deserves more creditt! =)
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