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You know your best mates when;;......
You laugh at something until you cry;
you can trust them with anything;
they laugh even at the stupidest joke you tell;
you go boy stalking together;
you shop for hours even on school nights;
you call them in the afternoon just to hear them;
[more too]

You know your not best friends when;;.....
they tell people your secrets;
you hear a rumour about yourself and that the person thats spreading them is that person;
you feel uncomfortable around them;
you'd do anything to get out of their house;
you cant trust them;
you want them to quit copying you;
you have to keep giving them second chances;
{more too]

All mine no jocking;;
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You know your best mates when;;...... You laugh at something

1 faves · Oct 12, 2009 11:52am






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