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My teacher was talking to us about September 11th ,
the dreadful day that no one will ever forget .
He read us the first chapter of a book
that the Mayor of New York wrote about 9/11 .
He read ,
" I saw debris falling from the building ,
but when I looked closer ,
it was actually people jumping out .
They chose to fall to their death
then die from 2000 degree flames .
Some jumped seperate ,
others jumped while holding hands with someone . "
Someone shouted out ,
" But why would they jump out ?
They're going to die anyways . "
That's when I stood up & said ,
" You know , they chose to jump ,
which would probably be a
|||HUGE |||
decision to make .
But I would jump too ,
while holding a loved one's hand .
Because the last thing I would want to remember
|||before dying|||
is being with that person
& having the feeling of flying 
instead of dying from 2000 degree flames
on the worst day in history .
They were brave to jump .
Now , do you think that if you were stuck up there
|||right now ,|||
could you have made a decision within mere minutes ? "

*sorry its late
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My teacher was talking to us about September 11th , the dreadful

4 faves · Sep 12, 2009 1:51pm






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