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Quotes added on Friday, September 10 2010

  1. Doll_Face Doll_Face
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2010 7:27am UTC
    Freaking Awesome Text.

  2. goronguy goronguy
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2010 7:38am UTC
    When A Boy Misses You...
    Girl Facts:
    --When a girl is mean to you after a break-up
    she wants you back but she is too
    scared she'll get hurt and knows
    you're gone forever!
    --When you catch a girl glancing at you,
    she wants you to look back
    and smile.
    --When a girl bumps into your arm,
    while walking with you she wants
    you to hold her hand.
    --When she wants a hug
    she will just stand there.
    --When u break a girls heart
    she still feels it when
    you run into each other 3 years later.
    --When a girl is quiet,
    millions of things are running through her
    --When a girl stops arguing,
    she is thinking deeply
    --When a girl looks at you with eyes full of questions,
    she is wondering how long you will be with her.
    --When a girl answers, "I'm fine," after a pause,
    she is not fine at all.
    --When a girl stares at you,
    she is wondering why you are playing games.
    --When a girl lays her head on your chest,
    she is wishing for you to be hers forever.
    --When a girl says she can't live without you,
    she has made up her mind that you are her future.
    --When a girl says, "I miss you,"
    no one in this world can miss you more
    than that.
    Guy Facts:
    --When a guy calls you,
    he wants to be with you.
    --When a guy is quiet,
    He's listening to you.
    --When a guy stops arguing,
    He realizes he's wrong.
    --When a guy says, "I'm fine" after a
    pause, he means it.
    --When a guy stares at you,
    he wishes you would care about him and
    wonders if you do.
    --When your laying your head on a guy's
    chest, he has the world.
    -- When a guy calls, texts, comments, messages you everyday,
    he is in love.
    --When a (good) guy tells you he loves you,
    he means it.
    --When a guy says he can't live without you,
    he's with you till your done.
    --When a guy says, "I miss you,"
    he misses you more than you could have
    ever missed him or anything else.
    Repost this in 10 minutes and your true
    love will
    call you;
    text you;
    kiss you;
    or just surprise you (:

  3. princesspanda princesspanda
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2010 7:40am UTC
    when you open your eyes
    and see nothing but black
    then close your eyes
    to see his face
    ♥ It Must Be Love ♥

  4. ella_xoxo ella_xoxo
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2010 7:43am UTC
    We all need to know were we belong... <3

  5. ella_xoxo ella_xoxo
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2010 7:48am UTC
    Only fight the battles worth fighting for

  6. ella_xoxo ella_xoxo
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2010 7:50am UTC
    We all need to belong

  7. Saaaamiiieeeexox Saaaamiiieeeexox
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2010 7:50am UTC
    Why does Candace want to bust
    Phineas and Ferb
    I would trade my brother for them any day

  8. goronguy goronguy
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2010 7:54am UTC
    - He stares at you a lot
    - He hits you a lot(playfully)
    - He uses the first thing that pops into his head to start a converstaion with you
    - He yelled, "HI" to your mom that day she picked you up from school
    - He blew off his buds to go see "Brown Sugar" with you cuz you couldn't get another girl pal to go and didn't want to go alone
    - He tries to make you laugh anyway even if he gets hurt in the process
    - His voice gets softer when ever you two talk
    - You hung up on him. He called you back
    - You where invited by him to a group outin
    - He called you to talk about nothing at all.
    - He imitates your laugh Which makes you laugh even harder
    - He remembers little things you mention in casual conversation
    - He sometimes stares straight into your eyes.
    - He uses every possible way to touch you (your hair, face, thighs, etc.
    Now make a wish. > >>
    > >>
    > >> ♥>♥>♥>♥>>♥>♥>♥>♥>>♥
    > >>
    > >> ♥>♥>♥>♥>>♥>♥>♥>♥>>♥
    > >>
    Ok stop!!
    Your wish will come true if you repost this
    If you don't repost this then you will never get asked out
    or you will lose the one you love!
    Repost this in 15 min and your wish will come true in 5 days. Repost this in 10 min and your wish will come true in 3 days. Repost this in 5 min and your wish will come true in 1 day

  9. hellomynameis hellomynameis
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2010 7:57am UTC
    | |
    //| \
    | \|_ |
    ♥ ♥

    when i think of you, my heart sings a little love song <3
    credit format to xHugzNKissez146x and peaceinpieces :D

  10. princesspanda princesspanda
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2010 8:02am UTC
    i know what will make you smile
    He asked about you today :P
    :D :D :D :D :D :D
    NO WAY
    :D :D :D :D :D :D
    :D :D :D :D :D :D
    (incase u didn't get the memo i am now SMILING)
    :D :D :D :D :D :D
    ... ... ok there may just be a small possibility i might perhaps maybe like this guy

  11. ashdan ashdan
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2010 8:08am UTC
    ßë §må®t, þè
    ¢l€vê®, pµ† m€
    Îñ ¥øÜ® hÊஆ 4
    êvå ღ

  12. HollisterGrlx1922 HollisterGrlx1922
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2010 8:16am UTC
    I <3 my friends!
    I <3 my family!
    I <3 my earth!
    I <3 my pets!
    I <3 my life!
    I <3 my spirit!
    But I hate you

  13. HollisterGrlx1922 HollisterGrlx1922
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2010 8:17am UTC
    Love the life
    you live

  14. madelynnwashere madelynnwashere
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2010 8:19am UTC
    I agree.

  15. HollisterGrlx1922 HollisterGrlx1922
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2010 8:20am UTC
    Music tells the words
    that I'm afraid to say

  16. HollisterGrlx1922 HollisterGrlx1922
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2010 8:22am UTC

  17. ashdan ashdan
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2010 8:30am UTC
    She said , LIE TO ME .
    He said,
    I love you.

  18. iCantHearYouOverMyMusicx iCantHearYouOverMyMusicx
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2010 8:33am UTC
    I've never seen a smile that can light the room like yours
    It's simply radiant, I feel more with everyday that goes by
    I watch the clock to make my timing [ x ] just [ x ] right [ x ]

  19. ilovebreny ilovebreny
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2010 8:34am UTC
    people realize what they had after they lose it,
    so hold onto what you have & never let it go.
    not mine <3

  20. emeraldfever emeraldfever
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2010 8:36am UTC
    He Said "No"
    I Said "Goodbye"
    He Said "Wait"
    I Said
    " Nice try..."


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