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Quotes added on Tuesday, December 26 2006

  1. lovellyloser27 lovellyloser27
    posted a quote
    December 26, 2006 8:54pm UTC
    Maybe somebody somewhere will learn something new about love today, but maybe it's better to not know.

  2. lovellyloser27 lovellyloser27
    posted a quote
    December 26, 2006 8:56pm UTC
    This is hard for me to say, but I have realized-no I've faced the truth that you don't like me. Oh, and was it hard? It was the hardest thing I ever had to do. For two years now, people have told me anything is possible, I think he might like you, you stand a chance with him. All I ever wanted you guys to tell me was...you don't stand a chance. What's so hard about saying that? I mean I know you don't want to hurt my feelings, but I appreciate honesty. I do. I really do. I was the only one who told myself that it wouldn't happen. Why??? My gosh, I love my friends. I love
    you guys, but if you had loved me enough to tell me to shake hands with reality, I would have loved you more. I knew all along I was wasting my time, but until now, I couldn't face it. I didn't want to face it. I couldn't face it. I needed to though. My gosh, I just wanted to know, you were my first love. Or maybe....I don't know. I really wanted it to be you, but we don't always get what we want. Do we?

  3. lovellyloser27 lovellyloser27
    posted a quote
    December 26, 2006 8:58pm UTC
    So maybe you don't understand why I'm holding on to something that will never be mine, but I do, and yet, I don't. But, don't worry about it. Because, it's concrete and real and true, so you're gunna have to deal with it.

  4. 1800likesgeeks 1800likesgeeks
    posted a quote
    December 26, 2006 8:58pm UTC
    He's so lame and I'm so falling for it.

  5. 1800likesgeeks 1800likesgeeks
    posted a quote
    December 26, 2006 9:00pm UTC
    So what if we drink sodas at 3 in the
    morning. So what if we act like we're on crack. So what if we walk around talking to complete strangers. So what if we laugh for no reason. So what if we attempt to sing and dance like they do in the music videos. So what if we have a billion "you-had-to-be-there" moments. So what if we make fun of each other for things that we know we'll do in the very near future, possibly in that same minute. We're best friends and that will never change.
    [yours and best friends name here]

  6. lovellyloser27 lovellyloser27
    posted a quote
    December 26, 2006 9:00pm UTC
    ive been holding on for too long.
    ive been holding on with such a grip
    holding on to what will never be mine, not a bit
    ive been holding on to this broken heart
    been holding on but im falling apart
    been holding on to crushed chances
    holding on to all the drama at all of those school dances
    ive been holding on to my world as it slips away
    holding on to you as you drift farther and farther each day
    been holding on to you, but you dont want to stay
    ive been holding on to things that dont make sense
    ive been holding on to you, for instance

  7. lovellyloser27 lovellyloser27
    posted a quote
    December 26, 2006 9:01pm UTC
    The freshman girl,
    Oh so shy,
    sits an watches the sophomore guy.
    The sophomore guy,
    With his head in a whirl,
    Sits and watches the junior gurl.
    The junior gurl,
    In her red sedan,
    Sits and watches the senior man.
    But the senior man, all hot and wild,
    Secretly loves the freshman child

  8. lovellyloser27 lovellyloser27
    posted a quote
    December 26, 2006 9:04pm UTC
    Karma: what comes around, goes around. I let go of him. I moved on after two LONG years. Guess what? He finally caught on. It's just a little too late now, though. Wish I could turn back, but I'm too far ahead in the race.

  9. lovellyloser27 lovellyloser27
    posted a quote
    December 26, 2006 9:06pm UTC
    Send a postcard from reality, and I'll give you a call if I ever make it there.

  10. nybabe1490 nybabe1490
    posted a quote
    December 26, 2006 9:40pm UTC
    How do you let go? when you,
    You just don't know? What's on,
    The other side of the door
    When you're walking out, talk about it and
    Everything I tried to remember to say
    Just went out my head
    So I'ma do the best I can to get you to understand
    Cause I know!!
    There's never a right time to say goodbye
    But I gotta make the first move
    'Cause if I don't you gonna start hating me
    'Cause I really don't feel the way I once felt about you
    Girl it's not you, it's me
    I gotta gotta figure out what I need oh
    There's never a right time to say goodbye
    But we know that we gotta go
    Our separate ways
    And I know it's hard but I gotta do it,
    And it's kind of killing me
    'Cause there's never a right time
    Right time to say goodbye


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