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Quotes added on Monday, January 31 2005

  1. jenny_fosely jenny_fosely
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2005 2:36pm UTC
    be carefull what you do
    in life because someone
    might be following in your
    IM me: jenny fosely

  2. jenny_fosely jenny_fosely
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2005 2:37pm UTC
    dont you hate it when you are away
    and a bunch of ppl IM you and ask you
    if you are there.. well *I AM AWAY* leave some
    AIM: jenny fosely

  3. jenny_fosely jenny_fosely
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2005 2:38pm UTC
    goodnight lil star * maybe tonight
    is the night my ..wish.. will come
    true - - - sleep tight lil star * ill be
    draming along with you / / / and
    if i wake up tomorrow and he is
    still just my FRIEND then ill see u
    tomorrow night lil star * to try to
    wish once again ...------>**.. [<3]
    lines up in terminal(western)
    AIM: jenny fosely

  4. jenny_fosely jenny_fosely
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2005 2:39pm UTC
    out . ·´`·-»» be back later
    call me, sweety*
    (where the stars r, u put ur number)
    AIM: jenny fosely

  5. staceyanne staceyanne
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2005 2:39pm UTC
    Press 1-if you miss me
    *Press 2-if you hate me
    *Press 3-if you love me
    *Press 4-if your bored
    *Press 5-if you just wanna chat
    *Press 6-If you need to tell me something important
    *Press 7-if you know something i really should know
    *Press 8-if you just like pushing the buttons to make me mad
    *Press 9-if you like me & dont know how to tell me
    *Press 10-if you wanna go out with me
    *Press 11-if you need a hug
    *Press 12-if you think im hott
    *Press 13-if you think im Cute

  6. jenny_fosely jenny_fosely
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2005 2:39pm UTC
    you''d think... after
    aLL * these months
    i''d finally be over u
    i actually thought i
    was.. but then by
    AcCiDeNt our eyes
    met ¤ & everything
    came rushing back
    the ** memories **
    the x- kisses -x
    and fun times we
    had and i just fell
    all over again
    i like this alot
    AIM: jenny fosely

  7. jenny_fosely jenny_fosely
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2005 2:40pm UTC
    *6* words to start
    *6* words to end
    *will you go out with me*
    *maybe we should just be friends*
    awwwww lol<3
    AIM: jenny fosely

  8. jenny_fosely jenny_fosely
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2005 2:43pm UTC
    : Around* give me a call
    : or leave a message ©
    `- - - - - - - - »» xxx*xxxx
    this is soooo cute
    font: black: tahoma
    Around*: monotype corsiva
    ©: symbol (it makes a heart): pink
    xxx*xxxx: put ur number there
    i love this one
    AIM: jenny fosely

  9. jenny_fosely jenny_fosely
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2005 2:46pm UTC
    you do your thing
    »i'll do mine.«
    you go your way
    »i'll go mine«
    ...and if we end up
    » together «
    it's beautiful
    font: comic sans
    beautiful: lucida handwriting
    i love this
    AIM: jenny fosely

  10. nEwyOrKxbAbYy15 nEwyOrKxbAbYy15
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2005 2:58pm UTC
    sOmetiime`z yOo dOn`t need
    a fOrtune teller Or phsyciik
    tO tell yOo whut wiill happen
    iihn yOor furture n hOo yOo
    wiill end uhp wiith ... awL
    yOo ever reallii need __
    '` ii z . y O o r . h E a r T '`

  11. nEwyOrKxbAbYy15 nEwyOrKxbAbYy15
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2005 2:58pm UTC
    sOmetiime`z yOo dOn`t need
    a fOrtune teller Or phsyciik
    tO tell yOo whut wiill happen
    iihn yOor furture n hOo yOo
    wiill end uhp wiith ... awL
    yOo ever reallii need __
    '` ii z . y O o r . h E a r T '`
    scn - xomercedisbabiox

  12. nEwyOrKxbAbYy15 nEwyOrKxbAbYy15
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2005 2:59pm UTC
    tOmmii w//O chuckiie
    iiz liike steve w//O Blue
    iiht`z liike sOnny w//O cher
    Or me wiithOut yOo
    scn - xomercedisbabiox

  13. nEwyOrKxbAbYy15 nEwyOrKxbAbYy15
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2005 2:59pm UTC
    LuHv iiz abOut thA waii he hOld`z thA dOor
    fOr yOo, even when iinsiide, he`z HOpiinq
    dat yOo wiill never Leave __'`

  14. nEwyOrKxbAbYy15 nEwyOrKxbAbYy15
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2005 3:00pm UTC
    iihf yOo knOw iihn yOor heart dat sOmethiinq
    iiz meant tO happen .. then dOn`t ever let
    |a n ii t h ii n q ] qeht iihn yOor way ______'`
    scn - xomercedisbabiox

  15. nEwyOrKxbAbYy15 nEwyOrKxbAbYy15
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2005 3:00pm UTC
    LuHv iiz when he siit`z @ hOme n wiish`z yOo
    were riiqht there wiith hiim, riiqht @ dat exact
    mOment .. True Love iiz when he qOez Out iihn
    search Of yOo, nOt stOppiinq untiiL he fiind`z
    yOo, befOre wrappiinq yOo iihn a huq n never
    l e t t ii n q ____'`____ q o
    scn - xomercedisbabiox

  16. nEwyOrKxbAbYy15 nEwyOrKxbAbYy15
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2005 3:05pm UTC
    i luhv tha waii yoo lauqh
    nd tha waii yer eyez look
    when yer stariinq at me lonqiinqly
    ii luhv tha waii yer haiir fallz iinto yer eyes
    as yew lean over n whisper kute thiinqz iin my ear
    buht mozt of awl, i luhv tha waii dat yew luhv mhe
    scn - xomercedisbabiox

  17. nEwyOrKxbAbYy15 nEwyOrKxbAbYy15
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2005 3:08pm UTC
    i wish i could qive back every huq i ever qave yew
    i wish i could undo every lonq sonq i ever played yew
    i wish i could unwrite every love letter i ever wrote to u
    i wish i could i could take back any love i ever showed u
    but i cant`, bkauz no matter whut i ever saii or do..
    these will always be the only thinqz to remind mhe of yew
    n i never wanna forqet anythiinq about our love
    our hope for happily ever after
    or mozt of all, yew
    scn - xomercedisbabiox

  18. nEwyOrKxbAbYy15 nEwyOrKxbAbYy15
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2005 3:10pm UTC
    dun`t qiive uhp on anythiinq
    bkauz yew never know whut dream
    miiqht come truu .. riiqht after
    yew qiive uhp .. the possiblitie'z
    are endless, nd yhu never know whut yew
    miiqht miss out on .. so never qiive up,
    and ALWAiiZ remember to have hope, no
    matter whut __ scn - xomercedisbabiox

  19. nEwyOrKxbAbYy15 nEwyOrKxbAbYy15
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2005 3:12pm UTC
    alwaii`z liive every daii tO tha fullezt
    as iihf iiht`z yer very lazt .. bkauz yhu
    never knOw whut tOmOrrOw briinq`z, n tOdaii
    cOuld bhe yer last daii tO liive .. iihf yhu
    spend every daii mOrniinq Over a lOst lOve, Or
    bad qrade Or w//e, then when yer tiime cOme`z tO
    diie, yOo wiill nOt have liived a full liife ..
    scn - xomercedisbabiox

  20. g0oDbYe_KisSeS g0oDbYe_KisSeS
    posted a quote
    January 31, 2005 3:13pm UTC
    & aS tHe DaYs gO By
    ThE MeMoRiEs ReMaiN


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