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Quotes added on Sunday, May 2 2004

  1. kentuckybaby34 kentuckybaby34
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2004 11:13am UTC
    nO matta what. happens i`m ( gOnna ) make it ... if i`m nOt
    happy : i`ll just >< fake it ... i`ve been thru |BackstabErs|
    [ scumbags ] -nD- :lies: *gOtta whOle list of ppl i despise*
    -->>this isnt mine, its my friends alanna's she has a sn on this site toO and i saw it on her thing, so dont give me or urself credit, give it to her!

  2. jamandy jamandy
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2004 11:19am UTC
    just cause u call someone fat doesnt make u skinny
    just cause u say someones dumb doesnt make u any smarter
    just cause u call someone ugly doesnt make u pretty
    ~u can take it but dont take credit 4 it

  3. jamandy jamandy
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2004 11:25am UTC
    I aM......ssssssoooooooooo BoArD!
    tAlKin2 u WiLl mAkE mE fEeL MoRe bOaRd

  4. LiViNgLifEriTe LiViNgLifEriTe
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2004 11:49am UTC
    i'D rAtHa bEe hIs fRieNd fOrEvA
    tHen bEe hIs gIrlFrIenD fOr a FeW mOnThs
    [d e d i c a t e d]
    (aIm)UnSeEn LiGhT x0

  5. Ryansladiee41 Ryansladiee41
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2004 11:52am UTC
    WhY aM i SiTtInG oN tHe SiDeLiNeS,
    WhIlE mY fRiEnDs PlAy Da GaMe Of

  6. x7heather8x x7heather8x
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2004 12:00pm UTC
    HoMewOrk bBl..*
    this is rly cute make it on impact font and these different colors so cuttee

  7. preetyhaley1025 preetyhaley1025
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2004 12:10pm UTC
    Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    Condoms Break
    So watch who u screw

  8. RiCkysGrL RiCkysGrL
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2004 12:23pm UTC
    -forget all the things he WAS to you remember all the things he IS to you-

  9. iLuVcHiNqY04 iLuVcHiNqY04
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2004 12:27pm UTC
    friendships has the same amount of wordz as
    cheatin bicth

  10. Sweetie978 Sweetie978
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2004 12:31pm UTC
    I don't understand why
    See it's burning me to hold onto this
    I know this is something I gotta do
    But that don't mean I want to
    What I'm trying to say is that I-love-you I just
    I feel like this is coming to an end
    And its better for me to let it go now than hold on and hurt you
    I gotta let it burn
    It's gonna burn for me to say this
    But it's comin from my heart
    It's been a long time coming
    But we done been fell apart
    Really wanna work this out
    But I don't think you're gonna change
    I do but you don't
    Think it's best we go our separate ways
    Tell me why I should stay in this relationship
    When I'm hurting baby, I ain't happy baby
    Plus theres so many other things I gotta deal with
    I think that you should let it burn
    -RaChEl LyN- I had to cut off the end lyrics because it wouldnt fit.. i left the lyrics that in my opinion were the best.. by the way its Burn by Usher.. i love his lyrics.. anyway i love these because its what i went through with my boyfriend.. anyway ill post more later.. <3 ya'll

  11. RiCkysGrL RiCkysGrL
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2004 12:34pm UTC
    Diffrence's between FRIEND and BEST FRINED
    a FRIEND ask's to get sumthin to eat
    a BEST FRINED opens up the cabinet and helps her self
    a FRIEND calles ur parends "Mr & Mrs"
    a BEST FRIEND called ur parents mom and dad
    a FRIEND will ask to borrow something a return it a week later
    a BEST FRIEND will tell u there takin sumthin n they have a box of other things that belong to you
    a FRIEND will call u during daylite hours
    a BEST FRIEND will call u at 3 in the mornin juss to talk about nothing inportat

  12. MemOrIes MemOrIes
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2004 12:38pm UTC
    °·.·°×W®i±±ÊÑ wi±h Å pÊn,×°·.·°×
    ×°·.·°×§eålÊÐ wi±h Å kiss,×°·.·°×
    ×°·.·°×If yoÚr My FriEnd,×°·.·°×
    ×°·.·°×PlÊå§Ê ÅÑswÊr this,×°·.·°×
    ×°·.·°×R yØÚ mY FrIenD ×°·.·°×
    ×°·.·°×Ø® R yØu Ñر?×°·.·°×
    ×°·.·°×YØu ±Øld me ØncÊ but i fo®gØt.×°·.·°×
    ×°·.·°×SØ ±Êll mÊ Ñow, ×°·.·°×
    ×°·.·°×Ånd ±Êll mÊ ±®uÊ,×°·.·°×
    ×°·.·°×SØ i cån §åy Im YØÚR FrIenD TØØ×°·.·°×
    ×°·.·°×Øf åll the peØple i've êvêr me±,×°·.·°×
    ×°·.·°×You're the ØÑe i'll Ñêvêr fØ®gê±.×°·.·°×
    ×°·.·°×Ånd if i diê bêfØ®ê Ú dØ, ×°·.·°×
    ×°·.·°×I'll gØ tØ hêåvêÑ and wåi± for you×°·.·°×
    ×°·.·°×But if Ur Ñر ±hê®ê Øn jugÐêmêѱ dåy×°·.·°×
    ×°·.·°×i'll kno Ú wêѱ ±hê othê® wÁy.×°·.·°×
    ×°·.·°×I'll givê ±hê åÑgêl§ båck ±hêi®s wiÑgs,×°·.·°×
    ×°·.·°×Ånd ®isk thê lØss of êvê®y±hiÑg,×°·.·°

  13. fOrGeT_mY_nAmE fOrGeT_mY_nAmE
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2004 12:38pm UTC
    My dearest friend, if you don't mind..I'd like to join you by your side. Where we can gaze into the stars and sit together, now and forever. For it is plain as anyone can see... we're simply meant to be.<3 JacK and SaLLy * -The Nightmare Before Christmas

  14. MemOrIes MemOrIes
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2004 12:43pm UTC
    *Near to the door*
    *he paused to stand*
    *as he took his class ring*
    *off her hand*
    *all who were watching*
    *did not speak* *as a silent tear*
    *ran down his cheek*
    *and through his mind*
    *the memories ran*
    *of the moments they walked*
    *and ran in the sand hand and hand*
    *but now her eyes were so terrible cold*
    *for he would never again*
    *have her to hold*
    *they watched in silence*
    *as he bent near*
    *and whispered the words..*
    *""I LOVE YOU"" in her ear*
    *he touched her face and started to cry*
    *as he put on his ring and wanted to die*
    *and just then the wind began to blow*
    *as they lowered her casket*
    *into the snow....*
    *this is what happens*
    *to man alive.....*
    *when friends let friends....*
    *drink and drive.*
    ((did not make thiz up i take no credit))

  15. MemOrIes MemOrIes
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2004 12:47pm UTC
    My Imagination Is a drawn out animation That covers my eyes And darken the skies Takes me to a place to hide A place inside Place where the world died. I would stay here all year Where there is no fear Where I won't cry Where my dreams will never die Yet this world is not true The alarm sounds and my time is due I awake to this realistic life Where my heart is pierced by a knife Where love is made Truth fades So all you see is lies I sit here wishing time will fly And go back to darken skies And my sweet lullabies. My Imagination
    ((did not make thiz up i take no credit but i did make up the drunk driver wen he hit the 18 year old you can use it but pleazz dont take credit thanx))

  16. SwEeTnSeXy SwEeTnSeXy
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2004 12:48pm UTC
    No More
    no more eyes
    that have cries
    from your lies
    n all your tries
    that still have me askin why's
    no more
    some things just happen that you cant control....
    im gonna miss you....but i cant change what already happen and what was already said....its ment to be this way even if it kills me..</3

  17. MemOrIes MemOrIes
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2004 12:51pm UTC
    >.:":>*no one can cut me deep enough to bleed*<.:":<
    >.:":>*no one can keep me long enough from being freed*<.:":<
    >.:":>*no one can hurt me bad enough to make me cry*<.:":<
    >.:":>*no one can crush me enough to make my spirit die*<.:":<
    >.:":>*no one can hit me hard enough to bruise*<.:":<
    >.:":>*no one can beat me enough to make me loose*<.:":<

  18. MemOrIes MemOrIes
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2004 12:56pm UTC
    I'll be there
    *When no one is there for you*
    *And you think no one cares*
    *When the whole world walks out on you*
    *And you think you're alone*
    *I'll be there*
    *When the one you care about the most*
    *Could care less about you*
    *When the one you gave your heart to*
    *Throws it in your face*
    *I'll be there*
    *When the person you trusted*
    *Betrays you*
    *When the person you share all your memories with*
    *Cant even remember your birthday*
    *I'll be there*
    *When all you need is a friend*
    *To listen to you whine*
    *When all you need is someone*
    *To catch your tears*
    *I'll be there*
    *When your heart hurts so bad*
    *You cant even breathe*
    *When you just want to crawl up and die*
    *I'll be there*
    *When you start to cry*
    *After hearing that sad song*
    *When the tears just won't*
    *Stop falling down*
    *I'll be there*
    *So you see I'll be there until the end*
    *This is a promise I can make*
    *If you ever need me*
    *Just give me a call and...*
    *I'll be there...*
    ((didnt make it i take no credit))

  19. BoReDuM_qUeEn BoReDuM_qUeEn
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2004 12:59pm UTC
    My FaVoRiTe WoRd StArTs WiTh F aNd EnDs WiT uCk, My FaVoRiTe WoRd Is FiReTrUcK, nOw WhAtDyA tHiNk Id SaY???
    i didnt make it up so im not takin credit

  20. carebear07 carebear07
    posted a quote
    May 2, 2004 1:03pm UTC
    Everybody look left
    Everybody look right
    Everywhere you look im
    standing in the spotlight


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