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  1. young_writerxx young_writerxx
    posted a quote
    April 26, 2011 5:13pm UTC
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  2. young_writerxx young_writerxx
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2011 3:31pm UTC
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  3. young_writerxx young_writerxx
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2011 1:58pm UTC
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  4. young_writerxx young_writerxx
    posted a quote
    April 24, 2011 10:47pm UTC
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  5. young_writerxx young_writerxx
    posted a quote
    April 24, 2011 10:34pm UTC
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  6. young_writerxx young_writerxx
    posted a quote
    April 24, 2011 9:59pm UTC
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  7. young_writerxx young_writerxx
    posted a quote
    April 24, 2011 12:30pm UTC
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  8. young_writerxx young_writerxx
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2011 8:35pm UTC
    A New Beginning. part 38.
    June 6th, Justin
    "Damn girl.. you got game!" I yelled to Kellyn over the loud speakers that were playing Justin Bieber of course.
    "I try!" She yelled back. She was beating me, and I mean beating me, like I was actually trying!
    "GGGOOOOAAAAAALLLLL!!!!!!!!" I shouted once I had evened the score at 8. At first she just smiled, but once I started to run around and jump on the couches, she was practically on the floor crying, from laughing so hard. "Kellyn!" I shouted to her. She looked over at me and I motioned for her to come jump on the couch with me. She rushed over and jumped onto the couch. After jumping on the couch for 10 minutes, we both fell off the couch, and collapsed onto the floor. We both just laid there, listening to Justin's music. The music stopped and then it would start up again with a new song. When Favorite Girl came on through the speakers, Kellyn sat up and smiled.
    "What?!" I asked staring at her.
    "I love this song." She said smiling.
    I grinned. I stood back up on the couch and started to sing, Favorite Girl, just for her. She sat on the floor singing along and smiling her amazing smile.
    My favorite, my favorite
    My favorite, my favorite girl
    My favorite girl
    You take my breath away
    With everything you say
    I just wanna be with you
    My baby, my baby, oh
    Once the song ended, I jumped off the couch and landed on the floor next to each other. She started to clap, "Amazing!! I love you Justin Bieber!!" She yelled.
    "Well yah know. I had to!" I said with a smile.
    "Justin, Kellyn, dinner!!!" My mom called down to us.
    I hoped up and was about to ask Kellyn to a race, I realized she was still sitting on the floor. "Kellyn?" I asked staring at her.
    "Oh sorry!" she said quietly. I extended a hand to her and pulled her up with ease. I raised an eyebrow at her. "It's just, no guy has ever sung to me." She whispered.
    I smiled, "Well I'll be sure to do it more often."
    What do yah think?! :]

  9. young_writerxx young_writerxx
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2011 8:02pm UTC
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  10. young_writerxx young_writerxx
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2011 7:32pm UTC
    A New Beginning. part 36.
    June 6th, Kellyn
    Justin smiled at me, but he always does.. It's pretty cute actually.
    "Justin do you mind setting the table, and then showing Kellyn around?" Pattie asked.
    "Sure thing mama!" He said running over to her and kissing her cheek. He ran over to the counter in the back corner and grabbed a ton of plates and silverware. i smiled as he attempted to carry all of it over to the table. About half way to the table, he dropped almost all of the silverware. Pattie and I laughed.
    "I got it!" I called out making my way over to a struggling Justin. I toke the pile of plates out of his hands and set them neatly in the table, then went back to help pick all of the silverware up. "Clumsy much?" I said bending down to pick up a few spoons.
    "Ha ha Springs. That was a good one!" He said scooping up the last of the forks. I reached to grab the last spoon, and was surprised when Justin also reached for it. Our hands touched and a spark seemed to surge through my body. I looked up into his chocolate, brown eyes and smiled. He smiled back and picked up the spoon. We both stood up and went back over to the table. We set the table quickly then he looked at me and smiled, "Not bad Springs!" He said nudging me.
    "Well I do have mad table setting skills.." I said nudging him back.
    "Well would you like to see the rest of the house?" He said raising an eyebrow.
    "Do I have a choice?" I asked sarcastically.
    "Nope!" He said grabbing my hand and pulling me out of the kitchen.
    short but i plan i writing more like now.. so yah :]

  11. young_writerxx young_writerxx
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2011 7:32pm UTC
    A New Beginning. part 35.
    June 6th, Kellyn
    "And I'm Justin Bieber's girlfrined.." I said with a smile.
    He looked at me with a grin. I knew he liked me.. :)
    "So Kellyn.. I like just met you today and I honestly know nothing about you.."
    "Well what do you want to know?" I said smiling at him.
    He smiled back, "Anything," he started, "everything.." I heard him mumble under his breath.
    Awe that was sort of cute. I smiled, "Well my name is Kellyn Springs."
    He smiled at me, "I knew that.."
    I laughed, "I thought I would start with the basics! Ok, but anyway, I'm 16, turning 17 on July 4. My favorite color is purple. I'm really impatient. Hate waking up in the morning. And just moved to L. A from Texas. Anything else?" I asked with a small smile.
    "No you pretty much answered all of them. And I love purple!" Justin answered laughing.
    "Nu-uh!" I said jokingly. "Me too!" I squealed! He made a face at me and then pulled into a parking space. "Where are we?" I asked stupidly, considering I'm new to California.
    "Where I told you we were going!" He said nudging me.
    Oh right.. his house.. "Oh right.." I said flatly. Play it cool Kellyn!!! I thought in my head. He stepped out of the car and waited for me to join him. "Ready to go?" He asked extending his hand.
    I smiled, "Do I have a choice?!"
    June 6th, Justin
    I toke Kellyn's hand, which fit perfectly in mine, and led her inside the house. "Whoa.." I heard her say under her breath.
    "It's not much.." I said squeezing her hand.
    "It's beautiful!" She said looking around.
    "Justin! Is that you?" I heard my mom call.
    "Who was that?" Kellyn asked letting go of my hand.
    "That was my mom." I said answering Kellyn. "Yeah mom it's me! I brought another friend home!" I called out to her.
    "Well I would like to meet this friend!" I heard her call back.
    "Follow me." I whispered to Kellyn. She followed closely behind me, not wanting to get lost was what I was thinking.
    "Hey mom, this is Kellyn." I said motioning to Kellyn, who was now standing at my side.
    My mom looked up from cooking spaghetti and smiled, "Hi Kellyn! I'm Justin's mom, but you can call me Pattie!" She said shaking Kellyn's hand.
    "Nice to meet you Pattie!" She said with a smile.
    "I hope you like spaghetti? It's Justin and everyone else favorite!" She said stirring the sauce.
    "No It's fine.. I love spaghetti!" She said smiling again.
    I looked over at Kellyn and smiled.
    A girl who has a great smile, whose favorite color is purple, loves spaghetti, and can dance. I think I'm falling for Kellyn Springs.
    Awe.. They both like the color purple.. <333 haha :]

  12. young_writerxx young_writerxx
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2011 3:17pm UTC
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  13. young_writerxx young_writerxx
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2011 10:33am UTC
    A New Beginning. part 33.
    June 6th, Justin
    I bowed to her, so she pushed past me and toke off towards the car, "Race yah to the car!" she out called behind her. I heard her laughter and followed by my footsteps following quickly behind her. As I ran down the steps of the studio and out the back door, I could see Kellyn waiting for me, only a few feet from the car, "Hurry up if you want to beat me!" She called out with a smirk. I laughed and ran after her. She didn't move but just stood there. I decided to surprise her and pick her up. I picked her up and threw her on to my shoulder.
    *Flash* *Flash* *Flash*
    she laughed, "Put me down Justin!" I twirled her around then dropped her on her feet, "All better?!" I said grabbing her by her waist and pulling her into a hug.
    She giggled, "Perfect!" She said staring into my eyes. I leaned in to kiss her, and she leaned in to me. As our lips were just about to meet, the paparazzi came running from all directions and screaming our names..
    June 6th, Kellyn
    Justin and I leaned in to kiss each other, which is a little odd since we just met today! But anyway we were attacked by paparazzi..
    "Justin! Justin! Kellyn!" They screamed at us.
    "Are you too together?"
    "Are you gonna kiss her Justin!?"
    "How long have you two been dating?"
    Well this isn't that awkward.. I looked over at Justin, who smiled at me. I smiled back at him and we stood there, frozen in time.. <3333
    damn you paparazzi.. :/

  14. young_writerxx young_writerxx
    posted a quote
    April 22, 2011 10:19am UTC
    A New Beginning. part 32.
    June 6th, Justin
    Kellyn texted her mom saying she couldn't come home for dinner because she had to work on dance routines with me.. We danced to almost everyone of my songs. I'd sing along to some of them, and so would she. She actually had an amazing voice! "Wow. A great dancer and a singer!?" I said nudging her a little.
    She blushed a little, then smiled, "Well thanks! I never really tried singing.." She said trailing off.
    "Well you should follow you dreams.." I started to say, but she butted in, "And Never Say Never." She said smiling at me.
    "That too!" I said smiling back at her. I looked at the clock at the back end of the studio, already 8 o'clock. "Hey Kellyn, do you want to come back to my house for pizza with me and the guys?" I said raising an eyebrow at her. She smiled, "I'd love to.." She toke out her phone and quickly dialed her moms phone number.
    "Hey Mom. I'm going over Justin's for pizza. Yes. Yeah. Uh-huh. Yes Mother.. Alright. Bye!"
    She looked over at me, "Sometimes my mom just never shuts up" She said with a grin.
    Ok shawty, let's go." I said bowing to her and grinning.
    She pushed past me, "Race yah to the car.." She toke off and I watched her for a moment, thentoke off after her.
    I think I'm falling for a girl, I just met...
    sorry I didn't write yesterday :/

  15. young_writerxx young_writerxx
    posted a quote
    April 20, 2011 4:56pm UTC
    A New Beginning. part 31.
    June 6th, Kellyn
    Chaz is hitting on me? Great.. I tried to mostly ignore it by asking Justin to dance again.
    "Ready to dance Bieber?" I said with a wink, hoping to impress him. He walked over to me quickly and positioned himself to start the dance off. Chaz stood in the doorway of the studio and watched the two of us dance around the room together. I tried to concentrate mainly on my moves and myself in the mirror, but I found myself constantly staring at Justin, well that isn't too obvious is it? :) When the dance ended, once again, we struck our stupid little poses then relaxed ourselves a few second later.
    "Aight shawty! I think you made a true dancer outta me." He said smiling and giving me a high five. I accepted it, but it turned out to be one of those you high five the hold hands sort of things. Chaz just stared at us, as we stood there staring into each others eyes.
    I let go first and looked down at my feet, "Well it wasn't easy" I said smiling slightly.
    "Hey!" He practically screamed. It echoed throughout the dance studio.
    "Calm down there Bieber!" I said pushing him in the chest, sending him backwards a little.
    "Watch it there Springs! I'm an international star!" He said with a smirk.
    I giggled, "What ever you say Justin. Got anything else we could dance to right now?" I asked raising an eyebrow.
    He looked around the room, "Don't you have to be home for dinner or something?" He said with a smile.
    "I can skip it. I live, breath and eat dance!" I said with a cheesy smile.
    He smiled, "That's what I was hoping.."
    Just so yah know, I think there will be sequel to this..! :]

  16. young_writerxx young_writerxx
    posted a quote
    April 20, 2011 4:23pm UTC
    A New Beginning. part 30.
    June 6th, Justin
    It was 2 hours later and we were still dancing to the same song, over and over again. I learned it less then an hour ago but we just kept dancing, I mean she was an amazing dancer. We finished off the song, once again, and she struck an amazing, sexy pose. I posed to and looked at her in the mirror. She was smiling, as usual.
    "Wow Justin, I had no idea you were such an amazing dancer." She said walking over to grab a water bottle.
    "Well yah know, I try. But you ain't bad yourself." I said taking my hat off and flipping my hair, followed by putting it back in.
    "Why do you flip your hair so much?" She asked still facing the other way.
    "How did you know I did?" I asked stupidly.
    She turned around, "Justin, we're in a room filled with mirrors.." She said stifling a giggle.
    "Oh.. Right.. Forgot about that.." play it cool Bieber!! "So where did you learn to dance like that?" I asked collapsing onto the floor.
    She came and sat next to me, "Well I was always inspired by my older cousin who loved to dance so one day my mom just signed me up and I haven't stopped dancing since." She said taking a small sip from her bottle.
    I studied her, she really had been dancing for that long? Jeez. I was about to ask her how old she was, considering I still have no idea how old this girl is, but Chaz came strutting in, and I do mean strutting, clearly trying to impress Kellyn.
    "Sup Justin? Hey Kellyn." He said immediately focusing all his attention on Kellyn.
    I rolled my eyes, "We're making a pizza stupid." I said standing up and stretching.
    "What ever. So Kellyn I was wondering whether you wanted to hangout tomorrow?" He asked with a grin. I looked down at Kellyn who was still sitting on the floor. She went to start to stand up, but I offered her my hand and pulled her up.
    "Thanks Justin!" She said smiling, then she turned to Chaz, "Can we talk about this later? I've gotta teach this kid a lot before our first practice tomorrow." She said with an innocent face. I peered over her shoulder and made a face at Chaz.
    She turned back around, "Ready to dance Bieber?!" She asked with a wink. She turned to face the mirrors once again, followed by the music, then her first graceful step across the dance floor..
    heres the dance again!! just incase you didn't see it before!! I think it was like 1:05 till the end :] watch the girl in the yellow coat coat :]

  17. young_writerxx young_writerxx
    posted a quote
    April 19, 2011 7:41pm UTC
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  18. young_writerxx young_writerxx
    posted a quote
    April 19, 2011 6:59pm UTC
    A New Beginning. part 28.
    June 6th, Chaz
    I clicked on the pictures and studied them carefully. I noticed that there was an article underneath it, so I clicked on it.
    "Runaway Lovebirds"
    The teen sensation Justin Bieber was spotted lounging on the beach with his new back up dancer, Kellyn Springs. The two seemed to be engaged in a conversation, or having a moment when the paparazzi showed up and spoiled their fun. The two quickly toke flight hand in hand down the beach and out of sight before the paparazzi could uncover anything else. Has the new bee already caught young Bieber's heart? Either way the couple really seem to be spending a lot of time together. Earlier today, the two were seen leaving a pizzeria together along with the rest of the gang. Justin was seen holding the door for her and with his arm wrapped comfortably around her. Either way, whenever they're together, they both can't seem to stop smiling.
    I looked up from my phone to look at Justin and Kellyn, who were smiling as usual, just like the article had stated. I turned around to hand my phone to Scooter, Ryan and Kenny but was surprised to see that they all had their own phones out. I turned my attention to Ryan who was laughing. "What's so funny Ryan?" I asked walking over to him. He pointed to his phone, "The two lovebirds.." He said with a chuckle.
    "Aw little Bieber's already got himself a new women." Kenny shouted. We all broke out into laughter.. sort of.. I pretended to laugh, because I honestly I have no idea what was so funny?
    "The paps are gonna be all over these two the next few days!" Scooter exclaimed, and I agreed.
    June 6th, Justin
    I read the article out load so Kellyn could hear it. She laughed when I finished reading it. "What?" I asked confused.
    "I don't know.. It's just sort of funny how they automatically think people are dating because they are seen with each other." She smiled. "I don't know, I guess the new bee here just doesn't understand yet." I laughed, "Ha ha. True, you new bees are a bit slow.." I said with a smile. She nudged me.
    "Oh shut up Justin." She said with a playful smile, boy do I love that smile.. Kellyn stood up, "Do you mind if I change out of these clothes? I left my bag here earlier anyway? Maybe then we could start to work on the routine?" She asked walking towards the back room.
    "Yeah sure. Sounds good. Here I'll show you where the bathroom is back there." I said standing up and following her to the back of the dance hall.
    Runaway Lovebirds... <33333

  19. young_writerxx young_writerxx
    posted a quote
    April 19, 2011 6:17pm UTC
    A New Beginning. part 27.
    June 6th, Justin
    I couldn't think of any place to run except back for the studio. Kellyn kept a steady pace going next to me as I held her hand, she never pulled away, and neither did I.. After turning out of the beach and the studio was in sight I slowed my pace down and Kellyn did the same. One we had reached the back entrance of the studio, I opened the door quietly and held it for her as she walked inside. I closed the door safely behind me, making sure no paparazzi would find their way in, and made my way up the stairs, following Kellyn. Once we reached the dance hall, I collapsed on the floor from the running. Kellyn sat down next to me and laid back, "Well that was fun." she said under her breath.
    I smiled, "Life couldn't get any better." She laughed.
    "Of course not. After just one day of being a back up dancer for The Justin Bieber, I have been attacked by paparazzi, twice." She paused clearly lost in thought.
    "Don't forget the pictures.." I said flatly while looking over at her. She put her hands over her eyes and sighed.. "Nice.." She sat up quickly, "Check Twitter! See if there have been any posts since the last 15 minutes." I toke out my phone and logged in to Twitter. I scrolled through and found the picture of me and Kellyn from the interview earlier, I smiled. She looked amazing in it. She peered over my shoulder and smiled, "Ha my mom saw the picture.." She said laughing. I scrolled down more and there it was.. the picture from the beach..
    June 6th, Chaz
    We were in the back room of the studio when Kellyn and Justin came running in. Me, Ryan, Scooter, and Kenny all quieted down to hear them talking. "Check Twitter to see if the pictures are up!" I heard Kellyn say to Justin. I whipped out my phone and scrolled through all the tweets. At first all I saw was a picture of Justin and the back up dancers, followed by a picture of him and Kellyn alone. I kept scrolling through, determined to find the pictures they were talking about. I scrolled down a final time and found the pictures they had been talking about..
    ***scandalous... :]***

  20. young_writerxx young_writerxx
    posted a quote
    April 19, 2011 4:45pm UTC
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