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  1. Raymatts Raymatts
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2011 9:02pm UTC
    So am I the only girl on Witty
    Who has never seen The Notebook?
    I'd never even heard of it until I made a witty account.
    My favorite movie is The Hangover...

  2. TiffanyMalfoy TiffanyMalfoy
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2011 2:30pm UTC
    fanfiction (Harry Potter,but is the year Harry comes to Hogwarts)
    chapter 3: platform 9/3
    alice began to pack her things for school,as a tear dropped from her eye. she hadn't spoken to her mother since the day she got the acceptance letter from Hogwarts. she only talked to her father,who usually understood her problems. she took the cage of her owl,sparky,and carried her things downstairs where her mother was waiting patiently to put her things in the trunk of their BMW. alice thought she'd never talk to her mother,so she said to her,"mum,do you think,i'll fit in?" her mother looked at her. "of course,dear." said mrs.goldington.they packed everything into their car and drove off to Kings Cross Station. when they arrived,alice and her mother saw other wizards at Platform 9/3,so she felt a leap of joy in her stomach. alice got her things and her mother and her rushed to platform 9/3. some other wizards looked at her,as she was something they've never seen before. they ran through the wall between platform 9&10 and they found themselves standing by a large train. "wow." said alice,with a look on her face,that shocked her. they walked closer to it,and they saw other families standing there. "you have a great time." mrs.goldington said,as she kissed alice on the forhead.alice ran to the entrance of the train and looked for a seat in different compartments. she found an empty seat and sat down,looking out the window. alice looked at the empty seat beside her,and a short red head was standing there. "may i sit here?" he asked. "sure."alice said. the red head was short,with frekles,and looked friendly. alice scooted towards the window more. "i'm alice.alice goldington."alice said " i'm ron,ron weasley." ron said. alice looked at the seat across from them,but no one was sitting there. then a unpleasent looking wizard walked down the aisle. he had bleach blonde hair,and he looked rather unfriendly. alice looked away quickly so he wouldn't notice she was staring. alice played with her long dirty blonde hair and looked out the window,not noticing anyone else. as the train started to move,her big green eyes scanned across the compartment,looking over the other wizards who were talking,and introducing themselves. alice looked at the bleach blonde wizard sitting across from them. she wispered to ron 'he looks mean..'. ron looked at alice,agreeing. 'is there any reason you are starring at me?" the unpleasent looking wizard asked. "no reason." alice said,proudly. "and your name is?" alice asked him. "draco malfoy. what's it to ya?" draco said. "i'm alice goldington." alice said. draco gave her a rather discusted look. "you look like a mudblood." draco said. alice's face turned slightly pink. "muggle-born and proud!" alice said.

  3. xxxxHogwartsxxxx xxxxHogwartsxxxx
    posted a quote
    August 24, 2011 7:18pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  4. dreamer18 dreamer18
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2011 10:00pm UTC
    So, who registered for Pottermore?


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