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Member Since: 26 Jul 2009 01:16pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 84044

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a l l   a b o u t  t h i s  a m a z i n g  g i r l  «

& the amazing girl is jessica.
jessica is obviously me, thus making me amazing.
my music is my life
and my life is
owl city, boys like girls, & jonas brothers
my theme song?
love drunk.
my obession?
i love life,
and i adore laughing.
at first i might seem weird, but truly i'm
N I  Q U E
my loveess;

nick/joe/kevin jonas, music overall, cheerleading, basketball, friends, family, God.
that's it for now.
faveing my quotes would mak

e me real happy ; )
and i' d like some followers too : ) thankss.

the currents?
thinking of story ideas
excited for school
: ) bee on soon

  1. xx_La_La_Land_xx xx_La_La_Land_xx
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2009 11:48am UTC
    Chew it Over with Twix Moment # 1
    So I'm in the car with my brother
    I'm listening to Love Game on my iPod
    Suddenly, I burst out:
    "Let's have some fun this beat is sick,
    I want to take a ride on your disco stick,"
    My brother stops the car and looks at me.
    "Are you trying to tell me something?"
    Awkward moment?
    Chew it over with twix.
    I got out my handy-dandy twix bar.
    But it was still awkward.
    kinda gross/awkward.
    but this happened to my friendd.

  2. xx_La_La_Land_xx xx_La_La_Land_xx
    posted a quote
    August 20, 2009 11:33am UTC
    After reading some hilarious MLIA quotes,
    I decided to make -->[myown]
    So I walked around my house a bit,
    Searching for something average,
    I sat in my room, [bored]
    Then it hit me
    "Dang, my life is average,"
    I laughed.
    true story.
    my life is quite average.

  3. xx_La_La_Land_xx xx_La_La_Land_xx
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2009 4:05pm UTC
    long...please read:
    The way we judge one another, is horrible
    I recently experience some minor discrimination
    Just because I'm a little darker than most people
    And just because I do a sport someone didn't like
    In my personal view, this whole thing is stupid
    People pick out the smallest things, and then they attack
    Like beasts almost, disgusting, horrible beasts
    I'm not trying to be discriminating right now,
    But ---> [Cut the crap]
    This goes to every single person who's judged someone
    Every person who's made fun of someone
    I'm not trying to call you out or anything
    But I'm not living with this anymore
    I know I might not be able to change the world
    But I can change this website, this website we all love
    If we love this site so much, then why am I seeing rude quotes?
    Quotes about black people? White People?
    People making fun of mentally retarded people?
    I feel like crying when I see those quotes
    I really do.
    I hope no one is offended, but seriously
    We're all equal, and no one is the same
    Deal with it though : ]
    I like cheer-leading so I must be a b*tch
    I'm religious so I must shove my beliefs down your throat
    And the stereotypes keep on going
    We're teens, so sarcasm is a way of life for us
    Okay, so that one might be true, but we're also a revolution waiting to happen
    We can all change our ways, by complimenting a person we hate
    Making a quote about how discrimination is bad
    Becoming friends with the enemy
    You might gain a best friend, you might lose a friend
    But we're changing the world one good deed at a time
    I'm sorry for being all creepy, and motivational
    But together we can do this
    And you don't even have to do any of the things I said
    All you need to do is rate this quote and say that you believe we can all make peace
    You don't have to comment, you can say it to yourself
    Say it to your dog, or a best friend
    Because if you agree with me and you know we can change
    All you need to do is favorite this quote, pass the message on,
    And look at the world through blind eyes
    Live Color Blind
    Live Together
    Live in Harmony

    all minee. please rate : ]

  4. xx_La_La_Land_xx xx_La_La_Land_xx
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2009 12:55pm UTC
    long...please read:
    The way we judge one another, is horrible
    I recently experience some minor discrimination
    Just because I'm a little darker than most people
    And just because I do a sport someone didn't like
    In my personal view, this whole thing is stupid
    People pick out the smallest things, and then they attack
    Like beasts almost, disgusting, horrible beasts
    I'm not trying to be discriminating right now,
    But ---> [Cut the crap]
    This goes to every single person who's judged someone
    Every person who's made fun of someone
    I'm not trying to call you out or anything
    But I'm not living with this anymore
    I know I might not be able to change the world
    But I can change this website, this website we all love
    If we love this site so much, then why am I seeing rude quotes?
    Quotes about black people? White People?
    People making fun of mentally retarded people?
    I feel like crying when I see those quotes
    I really do.
    I hope no one is offended, but seriously
    We're all equal, and no one is the same
    Deal with it though : ]
    I like cheer-leading so I must be a b*tch
    I'm religious so I must shove my beliefs down your throat
    And the stereotypes keep on going
    We're teens, so sarcasm is a way of life for us
    Okay, so that one might be true, but we're also a revolution waiting to happen
    We can all change our ways, by complimenting a person we hate
    Making a quote about how discrimination is bad
    Becoming friends with the enemy
    You might gain a best friend, you might lose a friend
    But we're changing the world one good deed at a time
    I'm sorry for being all creepy, and motivational
    But together we can do this
    And you don't even have to do any of the things I said
    All you need to do is rate this quote and say that you believe we can all make peace
    You don't have to comment, you can say it to yourself
    Say it to your dog, or a best friend
    Because if you agree with me and you know we can change
    All you need to do is favorite this quote, pass the message on,
    And look at the world through blind eyes
    Live Color Blind
    Live Together
    Live in Harmony

    all minee. please rate : ]

  5. xx_La_La_Land_xx xx_La_La_Land_xx
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2009 7:28pm UTC
    S O M E T i M E S
    i do my homework in the bathroom
    Everyone who thinks best when in the bathroom, rate high.
    You know you do ; ]

  6. xx_La_La_Land_xx xx_La_La_Land_xx
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2009 7:18pm UTC
    && I was in the bathroom
    And for a second, I thought I heard rain
    Then I heard thunder
    Then I realized I was in the bathroom
    made this up lol
    lol you probably won't get it.
    rate anyway? +

  7. xx_La_La_Land_xx xx_La_La_Land_xx
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2009 12:36pm UTC
    Wanna know how to keep a dumb person busy?
    Highlight Below:
    Highlight Below:
    Highlight Below:
    Highlight Below:
    Highlight Below:
    Highlight Below:
    Rate High If You Fell For it
    : )
    lol no clue what the purpose of this quote was or is

  8. xx_La_La_Land_xx xx_La_La_Land_xx
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2009 12:27pm UTC
    My definition of cheerleading
    getting thrown up [intheair] and not being caught
    being kneed in the back, and slapped in the face
    breaking your two arms, and continuing to train
    doing suicide runs, overandover until you pass out
    being pressured about the girl balancing over your head
    headaches, and headaches, and falling and falling
    almost wanting to quit because you can't take the pain
    you might not think it's that important, but i love it
    i love the [thrill] of the competition
    the [sweat] dripping down my face
    and the [trophy] in my hands
    i love it all, i love it all so much
    because it's a win-win game
    you might end up tired at the end of the day
    but you'll also end up with a smile --->
    because it's a way of life to me
    a way of life
    minee. 1OO % mine
    i think we should stop with the cheerleading not a sport thing
    because it's a matter of opinion
    me? i think of it as more then a sport
    and i'm sorry if i caused a riot w/ my other quote
    : ) ratee?

  9. xx_La_La_Land_xx xx_La_La_Land_xx
    posted a quote
    August 8, 2009 1:19pm UTC
    && I really hate
    The way I think of you when
    --- >[alovesongcomesontheradio]
    I hate the way I think of the ocean when I see your eyes
    And I hate the way I dream of you at night
    And I hate the way I love you
    this is obviously all mine
    rate, ?

  10. xx_La_La_Land_xx xx_La_La_Land_xx
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2009 1:12pm UTC
    *So Don't Cry For A Guy
    : ' (
    Let The Guy Cry For [[ You ]]
    Because He Doesn't Know What He's Got
    Till He Misses You Too
    all minee. don't jock.
    not sure if any person has made it already tho.
    but it's 1OO percent minee, don't steal

  11. xx_La_La_Land_xx xx_La_La_Land_xx
    posted a quote
    August 6, 2009 10:25am UTC
    && I brushed the tear away
    Held my chin high, and said to him:
    "You're a wittyprofiles quote, waiting to happen,"
    He knit his eyebrows, and just left.
    He left just like that.
    all mine. 1OO %
    Don't Jock!

  12. xx_La_La_Land_xx xx_La_La_Land_xx
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2009 1:54pm UTC
    && So Cheerleading Isn't A Sport?
    Next time you say that try lifting someone above your head,
    And throwing them up in the air while keeping a {smile} on your face
    Try holding someone above your head, trying to keep them {sturdy}
    Try knitting your hands together like a basket, and throw someone up t
    --------> [skyhigh]
    Try getting hit, slapped, elbowed, kneed, and whacked,
    And then shaking it off because you have to keep going
    Try breaking a couple of bones, but push yourself to keep going
    Try staying up later after practice, just because you want to get better
    Try sweating so much because you've done millions of --->
    [back tucks, front tucks, back hand springs, fulls]
    && Doing it non-stop
    And even when you run out of sweat, you keep going
    Even if you faint, and run out of energy
    You keep going
    You build up strength until you hit the ground, passed out
    You cry, you bleed, you get bruised, and you end the day with a smile
    Then Come and Tell Me
    That Cheerleading isn't a sport
    got some of this from other quotes
    but most of it was from me.
    you can jock, but give me credit.

  13. xx_La_La_Land_xx xx_La_La_Land_xx
    posted a quote
    July 28, 2009 8:24pm UTC
    Jealousy is a sickness
    -- > Get well soon < --
    : )
    thought of this yesterday. not sure if anyone already posted it..
    but if not...credit to me, don't steal.

  14. xx_La_La_Land_xx xx_La_La_Land_xx
    posted a quote
    July 27, 2009 5:56pm UTC
    Mydefinitionoflove ::
    Is looking up in the night sky
    And smiling
    When you see that [ twinkling star ]
    You close your eyes, and put on a big smile
    And hope, just hope
    That the last thought,
    the last image that flashes in his mind
    Could possibly make him
    d r e a m o f
    y o u
    * * * * * *
    Star light, Star bright
    First Star I see tonight
    I wish I may, I wish I might
    Get the wish I wish tonight
    all mine, don't steal... rate?
    [ the format isn't mine, but don't take the quote]
    [ it's kind of a two in one quote ; ) ]


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