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Status: woof

Member Since: 25 Jan 2012 11:58pm

Last Seen: 25 Nov 2017 03:52am

Birthday: July 8

Location: Hoenn Region

Gender: F

user id: 267844

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253 Following
6 Comment Points
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Hi I'm Selena
I like anime/manga, youtubers, and video games


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  1. doggo* doggo*
    posted a quote
    December 16, 2012 10:21pm UTC
    Pick five artists you love before reading the questions:
    · Taylor Swift
    · Cher Lloyd
    · Demi Lovato
    · Stuck In Your Radio
    · Kelly Clarkson
    1) What was the first song you heard by 1?
    You Belong With Me
    2) What’s your favorite song by 5?
    Catch My Breath
    3) What kind of impact has 1 left on your life?
    Not much, I think.
    4) What are your favorite lyrics of 5?
    Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone.
    5) How many times have you seen 4 live?
    Never :(
    6) What is your favorite song by 2?
    Behind The Music
    7) When did you first get into 5?
    About 2 years ago.
    8) How did you get into 3?
    From Disney ._.
    9) What is your favorite song by 4?
    Homies Unite
    10) Is there a song by 2 that makes you sad?
    Yeahhhh, I think Beautiful People makes me kinda sad.
    11) What is your favorite song by 3?
    Fix a Heart
    12) Which song do you dislike by number 1?
    .. Picture to Burn.

  2. doggo* doggo*
    posted a quote
    December 15, 2012 2:41am UTC
    [] One of your parents is dead.
    [x] You are expected to do a lot of chores.
    [] You love to dress up.
    [x] You love animals.
    [x] You are waiting patiently for your Prince Charming.
    [] Your mom is really strict.
    [] You have sisters who seem kind of jealous of you.
    [x] You’re afraid to speak your mind sometimes.
    [] You have left your shoes at a friend’s house before.
    [] You have/had blonde hair.
    TOTAL: 4
    [] You’ve kissed someone your friends didn’t like.
    [] You’ve been lost in the forest.
    [x] You love to read.
    [] You are not shy at all, and not afraid to speak your mind.
    [x] One of your family members is a bit weird.
    [x] You have done volunteer work.
    [] You have a wild imagination.
    [x] You love to take care of people in need.
    [] You’ve had guys like you only because they think you’re hot (girls).
    [] You’ve rejected at least one person when they’ve asked you out.
    TOTAL: 4
    [] Your dad is very rich/important.
    [] You are very clever.
    [] You’ve been with someone way different from you.
    [] You’re unique and different from everyone else.
    [x] You’d never marry someone just because they were rich.
    [x] You have set a lot of goals for yourself.
    [] You don’t have a lot of friends.
    [x] You’re independent.
    [] You are wealthy.
    [] Your parents try to control your life.
    TOTAL: 3
    [x] Your parents expect a lot from you.
    [] You really try to follow the rules, but it’s hard for you.
    []You’re a bit of a trouble maker.
    [x] You’re the youngest in your immediate family or in the last 2.
    [] You have a lot of sisters (3 or more).
    [x] You collect something.
    [x]You have/had long, hair.
    [x] You have/had a pet fish.
    [x] You’re extremely curious.
    [] You believe everything people tell you/you’re a bit gullible.
    TOTAL: 6
    Snow White:
    [x] You know that you’re beautiful.
    [x] You like taking care of others.
    [x] You have/ had dark brown/ black hair.
    [] Sometimes it seems like your mom is jealous of you.
    [x] You’ve almost been killed.
    [x] You have at least seven good friends.
    [ ] You’ve had food poisoning.
    [x] You have/had short hair.
    [] You get along with almost everyone.
    [x] All of your friends are different.
    [x] You love to have a good time.
    [x] You’re happier when you’re out of the house than in.
    TOTAL: 9
    [x] You can be a tomboy sometimes.
    [] People wish you could be a bit more girly.
    [] You’ve pretended to be someone you’re not.
    [] You’ve had a physical fight with someone.
    [] You have/had considered running away from home.
    [] Your parents try to plan your life out.
    [] A lot of your friends are boys.
    [x] You sometimes find yourself in bad situations.
    [x] You love your family so much that you’d do anything to protect them.
    TOTAL: 3
    [] You live/have lived with someone other than your parents.
    [] You almost died at a very young age.
    [x] You are gentle, loving, and/or thoughtful.
    [] You have a decent singing voice.
    [x] You like to sleep in late on the weekends.
    [x] You spend most of your time outside.
    [] You’re adopted.
    [] You’re very romantic.
    [x] Pink is one of your favorite colors.
    TOTAL: 4
    [x] You love to walk around and explore big cities.
    [] You are more spiritual than religious.
    [] You’ve been in an interracial relationship.
    [x] One of your family members is dead (mom, dad, sister, brother, grandma, grandpa).
    [x] Your parents are very protective of you.
    [] Someone you know has been in war.
    [] You love nature.
    [x] You have/had black hair.
    [x] You would love to move somewhere exotic and beautiful.
    [] You’re very adventurous.
    TOTAL: 5

  3. doggo* doggo*
    posted a quote
    December 13, 2012 1:52am UTC
    1. Name - Selena
    2. Birthday - July 8
    3. Current location - At homeeee.
    4. Current mood - Sleepy
    1. Flower - Orchid
    2. Color - Pink & blue
    3. Restaurant - Kome? :3
    4. Store - Macy's
    5. Designer - wut.
    6. Animal - Pigs
    7. Drink - Wooter(;
    This, that, either
    1. Summer or winter? Both?
    2. Shoes or purses? Purses
    3. Jeans or skirts? Both!
    4. Showers or baths? Showers hecka cooool.
    5. Yoga or sports? Both?
    6. Ocean or pool? Both?
    7. Real tan or tanning beds? None?
    8. Eyeliner or mascara? None? ._. I don't know how it feels to wear makeup lmao.
    1. Taken or single - Single
    2. Looks or personality - Personalityyyyyyyyy
    3. Longest relationship - 0 seconds.
    4. Crush - No one :P
    5. Does he know you like him - No.
    6. Do you believe in soul mates - I dunno.
    7. Do you like romantic guys - Sure
    8. Have you ever been in love - No
    9. Did it work out? - What.
    10. Has any guy ever cheated on you - No
    11. Have you ever cheated on anyone - No.
    1. Best friends - Peopleeezzzzzz
    2. Do you tell him/her everything - Not everything. but most things.
    3. Can you be yourself in front of your girls - I guesssss.

  4. doggo* doggo*
    posted a quote
    December 12, 2012 10:51pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  5. doggo* doggo*
    posted a quote
    December 11, 2012 9:16pm UTC
    If stress was a drug,
    I would be high as f.uck

  6. doggo* doggo*
    posted a quote
    December 5, 2012 1:29am UTC
    Day 1- 15 facts about you
    Day 2- the initials of the person you loved for the longest.
    Day 3- your closest friends to you
    Day 4- the thing you most fear
    Day 5- the saddest moment in your life
    Day 6- favorite sport(s)
    Day 7- favorite song(s)
    Day 8- your deepest secret
    Day 9- first impression on the guy you like now
    Day 10- last time you cried
    Day 11- thing closest to your heart
    Day 12- when you hear this song you cry
    Day 13- place wanna visit really badly
    Day 14- favorite book
    Day 15- favorite animal
    Day 16- favorite show
    Day 17- last time someone hurt you
    Day 18- the story behind your life
    Day 19- person who scares you the most
    Day 20- last major injury
    Day 21- favorite youtube video
    Day 22- phone type
    Day 23- biggest confection
    Day 24- last break up
    Day 25- last heart break
    Day 26- the day you regret the most
    Day 27- first friend
    Day 28- favorite drink
    Day 29- a letter to someone in your family
    Day 30- a letter to a friend
    DAY 29
    Dear Mommy,
    I wanna keep this short, so thanks for everything you've done for me
    & I'm sorry again for leaving my slippers in your room D:
    - Selena ♥(:

  7. doggo* doggo*
    posted a quote
    December 1, 2012 3:07pm UTC
    That epic awesome moment when you drop something, then catch it in

  8. doggo* doggo*
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2012 1:04am UTC
    Day 1- 15 facts about you
    Day 2- the initials of the person you loved for the longest.
    Day 3- your closest friends to you
    Day 4- the thing you most fear
    Day 5- the saddest moment in your life
    Day 6- favorite sport(s)
    Day 7- favorite song(s)
    Day 8- your deepest secret
    Day 9- first impression on the guy you like now
    Day 10- last time you cried
    Day 11- thing closest to your heart
    Day 12- when you hear this song you cry
    Day 13- place wanna visit really badly
    Day 14- favorite book
    Day 15- favorite animal
    Day 16- favorite show
    Day 17- last time someone hurt you
    Day 18- the story behind your life
    Day 19- person who scares you the most
    Day 20- last major injury
    Day 21- favorite youtube video
    Day 22- phone type
    Day 23- biggest confection
    Day 24- last break up
    Day 25- last heart break
    Day 26- the day you regret the most
    Day 27- first friend
    Day 28- favorite drink
    Day 29- a letter to someone in your family
    Day 30- a letter to a friend
    DAY 28
    I like water, Dr.Pepper, Sprite & smoothies :D

  9. doggo* doggo*
    posted a quote
    November 30, 2012 12:48am UTC
    click to see this quote

  10. doggo* doggo*
    posted a quote
    November 29, 2012 12:25am UTC
    Day 1- 15 facts about you
    Day 2- the initials of the person you loved for the longest.
    Day 3- your closest friends to you
    Day 4- the thing you most fear
    Day 5- the saddest moment in your life
    Day 6- favorite sport(s)
    Day 7- favorite song(s)
    Day 8- your deepest secret
    Day 9- first impression on the guy you like now
    Day 10- last time you cried
    Day 11- thing closest to your heart
    Day 12- when you hear this song you cry
    Day 13- place wanna visit really badly
    Day 14- favorite book
    Day 15- favorite animal
    Day 16- favorite show
    Day 17- last time someone hurt you
    Day 18- the story behind your life
    Day 19- person who scares you the most
    Day 20- last major injury
    Day 21- favorite youtube video
    Day 22- phone type
    Day 23- biggest confection
    Day 24- last break up
    Day 25- last heart break
    Day 26- the day you regret the most
    Day 27- first friend
    Day 28- favorite drink
    Day 29- a letter to someone in your family
    Day 30- a letter to a friend
    DAY 27
    My first friend was Christine C.

  11. doggo* doggo*
    posted a quote
    November 27, 2012 8:27pm UTC
    Day 1- 15 facts about you
    Day 2- the initials of the person you loved for the longest.
    Day 3- your closest friends to you
    Day 4- the thing you most fear
    Day 5- the saddest moment in your life
    Day 6- favorite sport(s)
    Day 7- favorite song(s)
    Day 8- your deepest secret
    Day 9- first impression on the guy you like now
    Day 10- last time you cried
    Day 11- thing closest to your heart
    Day 12- when you hear this song you cry
    Day 13- place wanna visit really badly
    Day 14- favorite book
    Day 15- favorite animal
    Day 16- favorite show
    Day 17- last time someone hurt you
    Day 18- the story behind your life
    Day 19- person who scares you the most
    Day 20- last major injury
    Day 21- favorite youtube video
    Day 22- phone type
    Day 23- biggest confection
    Day 24- last break up
    Day 25- last heart break
    Day 26- the day you regret the most
    Day 27- first friend
    Day 28- favorite drink
    Day 29- a letter to someone in your family
    Day 30- a letter to a friend
    DAY 26
    I dunnooo. A lot of days... Can't keep track.

  12. doggo* doggo*
    posted a quote
    November 24, 2012 12:28am UTC
    Day 1- 15 facts about you
    Day 2- the initials of the person you loved for the longest.
    Day 3- your closest friends to you
    Day 4- the thing you most fear
    Day 5- the saddest moment in your life
    Day 6- favorite sport(s)
    Day 7- favorite song(s)
    Day 8- your deepest secret
    Day 9- first impression on the guy you like now
    Day 10- last time you cried
    Day 11- thing closest to your heart
    Day 12- when you hear this song you cry
    Day 13- place wanna visit really badly
    Day 14- favorite book
    Day 15- favorite animal
    Day 16- favorite show
    Day 17- last time someone hurt you
    Day 18- the story behind your life
    Day 19- person who scares you the most
    Day 20- last major injury
    Day 21- favorite youtube video
    Day 22- phone type
    Day 23- biggest confection
    Day 24- last break up
    Day 25- last heart break
    Day 26- the day you regret the most
    Day 27- first friend
    Day 28- favorite drink
    Day 29- a letter to someone in your family
    Day 30- a letter to a friend
    DAY 25
    When my dentist told me no more chocolate.

  13. doggo* doggo*
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2012 10:19pm UTC
    Day 1- 15 facts about you
    Day 2- the initials of the person you loved for the longest.
    Day 3- your closest friends to you
    Day 4- the thing you most fear
    Day 5- the saddest moment in your life
    Day 6- favorite sport(s)
    Day 7- favorite song(s)
    Day 8- your deepest secret
    Day 9- first impression on the guy you like now
    Day 10- last time you cried
    Day 11- thing closest to your heart
    Day 12- when you hear this song you cry
    Day 13- place wanna visit really badly
    Day 14- favorite book
    Day 15- favorite animal
    Day 16- favorite show
    Day 17- last time someone hurt you
    Day 18- the story behind your life
    Day 19- person who scares you the most
    Day 20- last major injury
    Day 21- favorite youtube video
    Day 22- phone type
    Day 23- biggest confection
    Day 24- last break up
    Day 25- last heart break
    Day 26- the day you regret the most
    Day 27- first friend
    Day 28- favorite drink
    Day 29- a letter to someone in your family
    Day 30- a letter to a friend
    DAY 24
    Never been in a relationship, so yeah...
    No breakup.

  14. doggo* doggo*
    posted a quote
    November 21, 2012 12:55am UTC
    Day 1- 15 facts about you
    Day 2- the initials of the person you loved for the longest.
    Day 3- your closest friends to you
    Day 4- the thing you most fear
    Day 5- the saddest moment in your life
    Day 6- favorite sport(s)
    Day 7- favorite song(s)
    Day 8- your deepest secret
    Day 9- first impression on the guy you like now
    Day 10- last time you cried
    Day 11- thing closest to your heart
    Day 12- when you hear this song you cry
    Day 13- place wanna visit really badly
    Day 14- favorite book
    Day 15- favorite animal
    Day 16- favorite show
    Day 17- last time someone hurt you
    Day 18- the story behind your life
    Day 19- person who scares you the most
    Day 20- last major injury
    Day 21- favorite youtube video
    Day 22- phone type
    Day 23- biggest confection
    Day 24- last break up
    Day 25- last heart break
    Day 26- the day you regret the most
    Day 27- first friend
    Day 28- favorite drink
    Day 29- a letter to someone in your family
    Day 30- a letter to a friend
    DAY 23
    ....... I don't understand this.
    The sweet prepartation of a fruit?

  15. doggo* doggo*
    posted a quote
    November 18, 2012 7:54pm UTC
    Day 1- 15 facts about you
    Day 2- the initials of the person you loved for the longest.
    Day 3- your closest friends to you
    Day 4- the thing you most fear
    Day 5- the saddest moment in your life
    Day 6- favorite sport(s)
    Day 7- favorite song(s)
    Day 8- your deepest secret
    Day 9- first impression on the guy you like now
    Day 10- last time you cried
    Day 11- thing closest to your heart
    Day 12- when you hear this song you cry
    Day 13- place wanna visit really badly
    Day 14- favorite book
    Day 15- favorite animal
    Day 16- favorite show
    Day 17- last time someone hurt you
    Day 18- the story behind your life
    Day 19- person who scares you the most
    Day 20- last major injury
    Day 21- favorite youtube video
    Day 22- phone type
    Day 23- biggest confection
    Day 24- last break up
    Day 25- last heart break
    Day 26- the day you regret the most
    Day 27- first friend
    Day 28- favorite drink
    Day 29- a letter to someone in your family
    Day 30- a letter to a friend
    DAY 22
    Phone type..?
    Puh-lease my phone sucks.
    Well I got a button phone.
    & it comes with the keyboard thing.. thing.
    I like to push buttons.

  16. doggo* doggo*
    posted a quote
    November 16, 2012 10:43pm UTC
    Day 1- 15 facts about you
    Day 2- the initials of the person you loved for the longest.
    Day 3- your closest friends to you
    Day 4- the thing you most fear
    Day 5- the saddest moment in your life
    Day 6- favorite sport(s)
    Day 7- favorite song(s)
    Day 8- your deepest secret
    Day 9- first impression on the guy you like now
    Day 10- last time you cried
    Day 11- thing closest to your heart
    Day 12- when you hear this song you cry
    Day 13- place wanna visit really badly
    Day 14- favorite book
    Day 15- favorite animal
    Day 16- favorite show
    Day 17- last time someone hurt you
    Day 18- the story behind your life
    Day 19- person who scares you the most
    Day 20- last major injury
    Day 21- favorite youtube video
    Day 22- phone type
    Day 23- biggest confection
    Day 24- last break up
    Day 25- last heart break
    Day 26- the day you regret the most
    Day 27- first friend
    Day 28- favorite drink
    Day 29- a letter to someone in your family
    Day 30- a letter to a friend
    DAY 21
    Oh gosh. I love a lot. I think it would have to be.. Um. I guess the last episode of Minecraft Marriage on Sly's channel.
    yeah music videos or something I dunno. .___.

  17. doggo* doggo*
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2012 8:56pm UTC
    Day 1- 15 facts about you
    Day 2- the initials of the person you loved for the longest.
    Day 3- your closest friends to you
    Day 4- the thing you most fear
    Day 5- the saddest moment in your life
    Day 6- favorite sport(s)
    Day 7- favorite song(s)
    Day 8- your deepest secret
    Day 9- first impression on the guy you like now
    Day 10- last time you cried
    Day 11- thing closest to your heart
    Day 12- when you hear this song you cry
    Day 13- place wanna visit really badly
    Day 14- favorite book
    Day 15- favorite animal
    Day 16- favorite show
    Day 17- last time someone hurt you
    Day 18- the story behind your life
    Day 19- person who scares you the most
    Day 20- last major injury
    Day 21- favorite youtube video
    Day 22- phone type
    Day 23- biggest confection
    Day 24- last break up
    Day 25- last heart break
    Day 26- the day you regret the most
    Day 27- first friend
    Day 28- favorite drink
    Day 29- a letter to someone in your family
    Day 30- a letter to a friend
    DAY 20
    Like weeks ago. My friggin pinky toe got jabbed into the sofa edge. Ohmy. Welcome, purple pinky toe. -_-

  18. doggo* doggo*
    posted a quote
    November 15, 2012 1:39am UTC
    Day 1- 15 facts about you
    Day 2- the initials of the person you loved for the longest.
    Day 3- your closest friends to you
    Day 4- the thing you most fear
    Day 5- the saddest moment in your life
    Day 6- favorite sport(s)
    Day 7- favorite song(s)
    Day 8- your deepest secret
    Day 9- first impression on the guy you like now
    Day 10- last time you cried
    Day 11- thing closest to your heart
    Day 12- when you hear this song you cry
    Day 13- place wanna visit really badly
    Day 14- favorite book
    Day 15- favorite animal
    Day 16- favorite show
    Day 17- last time someone hurt you
    Day 18- the story behind your life
    Day 19- person who scares you the most
    Day 20- last major injury
    Day 21- favorite youtube video
    Day 22- phone type
    Day 23- biggest confection
    Day 24- last break up
    Day 25- last heart break
    Day 26- the day you regret the most
    Day 27- first friend
    Day 28- favorite drink
    Day 29- a letter to someone in your family
    Day 30- a letter to a friend
    DAY 19
    I dunno. o_o
    My PE Teacher? hehe...

  19. doggo* doggo*
    posted a quote
    November 13, 2012 9:02pm UTC
    Day 1- 15 facts about you
    Day 2- the initials of the person you loved for the longest.
    Day 3- your closest friends to you
    Day 4- the thing you most fear
    Day 5- the saddest moment in your life
    Day 6- favorite sport(s)
    Day 7- favorite song(s)
    Day 8- your deepest secret
    Day 9- first impression on the guy you like now
    Day 10- last time you cried
    Day 11- thing closest to your heart
    Day 12- when you hear this song you cry
    Day 13- place wanna visit really badly
    Day 14- favorite book
    Day 15- favorite animal
    Day 16- favorite show
    Day 17- last time someone hurt you
    Day 18- the story behind your life
    Day 19- person who scares you the most
    Day 20- last major injury
    Day 21- favorite youtube video
    Day 22- phone type
    Day 23- biggest confection
    Day 24- last break up
    Day 25- last heart break
    Day 26- the day you regret the most
    Day 27- first friend
    Day 28- favorite drink
    Day 29- a letter to someone in your family
    Day 30- a letter to a friend
    DAY 18
    I don't really get this question but okay. I guess my story is that my family are immigrants & was farmers before coming to America. I don't really... Know. what to put. lol

  20. doggo* doggo*
    posted a quote
    November 12, 2012 12:54am UTC
    Day 1- 15 facts about you
    Day 2- the initials of the person you loved for the longest.
    Day 3- your closest friends to you
    Day 4- the thing you most fear
    Day 5- the saddest moment in your life
    Day 6- favorite sport(s)
    Day 7- favorite song(s)
    Day 8- your deepest secret
    Day 9- first impression on the guy you like now
    Day 10- last time you cried
    Day 11- thing closest to your heart
    Day 12- when you hear this song you cry
    Day 13- place wanna visit really badly
    Day 14- favorite book
    Day 15- favorite animal
    Day 16- favorite show
    Day 17- last time someone hurt you
    Day 18- the story behind your life
    Day 19- person who scares you the most
    Day 20- last major injury
    Day 21- favorite youtube video
    Day 22- phone type
    Day 23- biggest confection
    Day 24- last break up
    Day 25- last heart break
    Day 26- the day you regret the most
    Day 27- first friend
    Day 28- favorite drink
    Day 29- a letter to someone in your family
    Day 30- a letter to a friend
    DAY 17
    I dunno.


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