Witty Profiles

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1. Name - Selena
2. Birthday - July 8
3. Current location - At homeeee.
4. Current mood - Sleepy

1. Flower - Orchid
2. Color - Pink & blue
3. Restaurant - Kome? :3 

4. Store - Macy's
5. Designer - wut.
6. Animal - Pigs
7. Drink - Wooter(; 

This, that, either
1. Summer or winter? Both?
2. Shoes or purses? Purses
3. Jeans or skirts? Both!
4. Showers or baths? Showers hecka cooool.
5. Yoga or sports? Both?
6. Ocean or pool? Both?
7. Real tan or tanning beds? None?
8. Eyeliner or mascara? None? ._. I don't know how it feels to wear makeup lmao.

1. Taken or single - Single 
2. Looks or personality - Personalityyyyyyyyy
3. Longest relationship - 0 seconds.
4. Crush - No one :P
5. Does he know you like him -  No.
6. Do you believe in soul mates - I dunno.
7. Do you like romantic guys - Sure
8. Have you ever been in love - No
9. Did it work out? - What. 
10. Has any guy ever cheated on you - No
11. Have you ever cheated on anyone - No.

1. Best friends - Peopleeezzzzzz
2. Do you tell him/her everything - Not everything. but most things.
3. Can you be yourself in front of your girls - I guesssss.
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1. Name - Selena 2. Birthday - July 8 3. Current location - At

1 faves · Dec 13, 2012 1:52am






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