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  1. abbeysroad333 abbeysroad333
    posted a quote
    April 27, 2012 4:47pm UTC
    And who else remembers
    Boy meets world
    sabrina the teenage witch
    Full house
    Saved by the Bell
    Sister, sister
    Bill nye the science guy
    Magic school bus
    Adams family
    Step by step
    Dragon tales
    Format by twilightgirl995

  2. h0pe h0pe
    posted a quote
    April 27, 2012 4:29pm UTC
    Here's to the kid's,
    That do not have the “perfect” body. That believe in mind over matter. The ones that deserve the best but receive the worst. The ones that nobody believes are beautiful, the ones nobody cares about in a world built on appearance and prejudice. Here’s to the kids that see personality before physical beauty, because they know that its only skin deep.

  3. AlyB AlyB
    posted a quote
    April 27, 2012 6:31pm UTC
    *After school, the day you wear a new shirt*
    Mom: Did everyone love your new shirt?
    Me:Yeah, mom everyone saw it and worshiped the ground I walked on

  4. _to_the_kids_who _to_the_kids_who
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2012 9:59pm UTC
    Here's to the kids who
    are awkward...

  5. _to_the_kids_who _to_the_kids_who
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2012 9:03pm UTC
    Here's to the kids who
    are tired of waiting for someone.

  6. _to_the_kids_who _to_the_kids_who
    posted a quote
    April 27, 2012 4:56pm UTC
    Here's to the kids who
    hate having braces.

  7. _to_the_kids_who _to_the_kids_who
    posted a quote
    April 27, 2012 6:19pm UTC
    Here's to the kids who
    can't go through an entire tube
    of chapstick without losing it.

  8. _to_the_kids_who _to_the_kids_who
    posted a quote
    April 28, 2012 10:23am UTC
    Here's to the kids who
    actually know when your birthday is without using facebook.

  9. _to_the_kids_who _to_the_kids_who
    posted a quote
    April 27, 2012 9:50pm UTC
    Here's to the kids who
    are insecure.

  10. Kalliefornia Kalliefornia
    posted a quote
    April 27, 2012 6:41pm UTC
    I believe in the underdog,
    who chases dreams and breaks down walls,
    the shy kid who gets the prom queen,
    who's never been the star of anything.
    And those two lovers hitched at city hall,
    they've got each other, so they've got it all.
    Call me a dreamer, say I'm a little naive,
    oh, but I believe in the underdog.

  11. mayt97 mayt97
    posted a quote
    April 27, 2012 8:41pm UTC
    My thoughts during school
    me:whats english?
    me: HA. Thats not the answer.
    me: oh..it is. well played. well played.
    me: whens lunch
    me: sit down and shut up you stupid mother f*cker.
    me: quit staring at me you ugly cow.
    me: stare down. bring it.
    me: "its FRIDAY?! friday, gotta get down on friday".. Are you Fugging kidding me?!
    me: DAFUQ i wasn't done writing yet. but okay then.
    me: di hope this isnt on a test.
    me: lcause then im royally F*CKED.
    me: what if i just smashed my head against the desk.
    me: did he just look at me? He must like me.
    me: if that bell doesnt ring in 5 seconds im going to murder a bunny.
    me: jk. Bunny's are cute. Maybe a pencil. Yeah i'll be a pencil murder-er! Woo.
    me: 'i like bread and butter, i like toast and jam.' oh my f*ck not again.
    me: dafuq is this sh*t?! I thought this was english, not science.
    me: are you seriously still staring at me? go stare at the fat kid. he has food, and cows like food.
    me: THE BELL!?! Sweet baby Jesus. Time to get out of this unbearably hot classroom. *slow kid cuts me off in the hallway.*
    me: yeah well fml.

  12. KortniJoe KortniJoe
    posted a quote
    April 27, 2012 7:32pm UTC
    Girls are not Temperatures
    Call Them Beautiful;
    Not Hot.

  13. yellowdino16 yellowdino16
    posted a quote
    April 27, 2012 6:08pm UTC
    Is it just me or did
    Jesse McCartney fall off the
    face of the earth or something //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ♥

  14. Jade672 Jade672
    posted a quote
    April 27, 2012 3:08pm UTC
    Sometimes I Wonder
    why we never speak anymore and then I remember I pushed you away.

    posted a quote
    April 27, 2012 7:02pm UTC
    girls, one day you will find a boy who will smudge your lipstick, not your mascara.

  16. marleesue marleesue
    posted a quote
    April 27, 2012 7:10pm UTC
    If you're reading this;
    Congratulations, you're alive.
    If that's not something to smile about, I don't know what is.

  17. JustAnotherWittyGuy JustAnotherWittyGuy
    posted a quote
    April 27, 2012 10:10pm UTC
    Who came up with fun size candy?
    what is so fun about smaller sized candy?

  18. beautyinsidexox beautyinsidexox
    posted a quote
    April 27, 2012 6:11pm UTC
    Kidz Bop:
    a clean version of current popular music up-tight & over-protective parents buy there children.

  19. Sofie14 Sofie14
    posted a quote
    April 27, 2012 6:02pm UTC
    * *
    * * * *
    * * * *
    * * *
    * *
    * *
    * *
    Break her heart,
    I will break your face.

  20. Rawriloveyou97 Rawriloveyou97
    posted a quote
    April 27, 2012 8:32pm UTC
    Its not forever alone
    its forever


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