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Status: You got me good(;

Member Since: 24 Aug 2011 10:30pm

Last Seen: 2 Mar 2013 11:15pm

Birthday: June 29

Location: J-Towwwwn :)

Gender: F

user id: 211401

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hii im gabby. im 14 years young, and 15 on June 29th. ii have blondissh-brown hair and greenish-hazel eyes.  im from rhode island. <3

ive never thought of myself as pretty, so dont try to convince me that i am.

no matter what, ii will ALWAYS have my two best friends, mia&jen. theres no one ii love more, besides my family. 

ii really wish ii had a relationship, but ii dont always feel good enough for guys.

so anyways, thanks for reading this<3 and talk to me if you ever have a problem, im pretty good at giving advice. :)

I won't be labeled as average! -Rachel Joy Scott 
r.i.p. rachel<3 #rachelschallenge

r.i.p Liza Archilla
r.i.p Everett Mello III
r.i.p. Evan Tellier
gone but never forgotten! xox'


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  1. xogabbbyxo98 xogabbbyxo98
    posted a quote
    November 10, 2012 10:11pm UTC
    . My boy side
    [x] I love hoodies.
    [x] I love jeans.
    [x] Dogs are better than cats.
    [x] It’s hilarious when people get hurt.
    [] Shopping is torture
    [] Sad movies suck
    [] You own a car racing game.
    [] You played with hot wheels cars as a kid.
    [] At some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter.
    [x] You owned a ds, ps2, ps3, n64, or sega.
    [] You used to be obsessed with power rangers.
    [x] You have watched sports on tv.
    [] Gory movies are cool.
    [] You go to your dad for advice.
    [x] You Hate Drama.
    [] You own like a trillion baseball caps.
    [] You used to collect hockey cards.
    [x] Baggy sweats are cool to wear.
    [] It’s kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people.
    [] Green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favorite colors.
    [x] You love to go crazy and not care what people think.
    [x] Sports are fun.
    [x] You talk with food in your mouth.
    [] You sleep with your socks on at night.
    [x] You have fished at least once.
    2. My girl side
    [x] You love to shop.
    [x] You wear eyeliner.
    [x] You wear the color pink.
    [] You go to your mom to talk.
    [x] You consider cheerleading a sport.
    [] You hate wearing the color black.
    [x] You like going to the mall.
    [x] You like getting manicures and/or pedicures.
    [x] You like wearing jewelry.
    [x] You cried watching the notebook
    [x] Dresses are a big part of your wardrobe.
    [x] Shopping is one of your favorite hobbies.
    [x] You don’t like the movie star wars.
    [] You are/were in gymnastics.
    [x] It takes you around one hour to shower, get dressed, and make-up.
    [x] You smile a lot more than you should.
    [x] You have more than 10 pairs of shoes.
    [x] You care about what you look like.
    [x] You like wearing dresses when you can.
    [x] You like wearing high heel shoes.
    [x] You used to play with dolls as little kid.
    [x] You like putting make-up on others.
    [] You like being the star of everything.
    Total: 19

  2. xogabbbyxo98 xogabbbyxo98
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2012 7:19pm UTC
    That Boy.. ♥
    What color is his hair:
    Brown :)
    What style is it:
    idk, short.
    What color eyes:
    Cute smile:
    - yeah, but hes adorbs so its k
    - Nope
    - like 5'5
    What grade is he in:
    - 9
    How did you meet him:
    - school
    How long have you known him:
    -like 2 months
    Does he play any sports:
    He runs
    Can he play the guitar:
    Not sure
    What about any other music instrument:
    - Don't know
    Do you guys ever text:
    Describe something he would wear on a typical day:
    Well his school uniform
    What's your favorite thing you've seen him wear:
    - His smile :)
    Where you're able to see his tattoo and abs:
    No where
    Least favorite thing:
    - Dont have one
    Do your friends know that you like him:
    Do you think your parents would like him if you were dating him:
    Have you met his parents:
    - Nope
    What would you do if he saw your witty:
    hi chris! :)

  3. xogabbbyxo98 xogabbbyxo98
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2012 7:08pm UTC
    [a]vailable: yes
    [b]irthday: june 29th
    [c]rush: Chris :)
    [d]rink you last had: sprite
    [e]asiest person to talk to: andrew bc he doesnt judge
    [f]avorite genre of music: country
    [g]ummy bears or gummy worms: Gummy worms
    [h]ad your first kiss: yeah
    [i]nstrument: guitar,trombone,piano,flute,violin,VOCAL CHORDS
    [j]uice: apple
    [k]illed someone: ....mentally
    [l]ongest trip: 2 weeks
    [m]ilkshake flavor: Chocolate
    [n]umber of siblings: 1
    [o]ne wish: To have chris like mee
    [p]erson who holds the best memories with you: Mia
    [q]uiet or loud: loud, all day erryday
    [r]easons to smile: I'm happy
    [s]ong: Too many to count
    [t]ime you woke up: 9:30
    [u]mbrella: UNDER MY UMBRELLA
    [v]egetable: CORN
    [w]arm at the moment: im never warm
    [x]-rays you've had: arm, fingers, face
    [y]our favorite animal: Horses
    [z]odiac sign: Cancer

  4. xogabbbyxo98 xogabbbyxo98
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2012 7:03pm UTC
    The Basics:
    Name: Gabby
    Age: 14
    Love Life:
    Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: No
    Do you like someone?: Yeah
    Does anyone like you?: Yeah, but i dont like them like that.
    Hugged anyone in the past week?: Yes, like 5712658716 people.
    Who is your best friend?: Mia
    Where did you meet them? 5th grade, sat next to me
    Did you lose any friends this year?: No
    Gain any?: Yes
    Meet a special friend? ..
    Did you hang out with any friends in the past week? Yeah
    New Years Eve
    Did you do anything at midnight? Watched the ball drop, told my dad i felt like id been watching tv since last year & then went to bed
    Who did you spend it with? Family
    any resolutions? Maybe
    Valentines Day
    Did you have a Valentine? No
    Did you send out any cards/chocolates/etc?: My best friends got presents from me
    Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend on this day?: No
    Did you go on vacation?: For baseball
    Did you hang out on the beach with friends?: Yes
    How long was your summer break?: end of june to the end of August
    Did you get a tan?: I dont tan
    Did you have a boyfriend/girlfriend during the summer?: No
    Did you go trick or treating?: No
    If so, who did you go with?: this is invalid
    Did you dress up?: bunny ears(:
    Was it fun?: no.
    Who did you spend it with?: Family
    Did Santa come to your house?: Im a good girl, so yess
    Did you stay up until midnight on Christmas Eve? no i passed out at like 830
    Your Birthday
    Who did you spend it with?: My family, and my two bestfriends
    What did you do?: Ooved with the besties until i officially turned 14 at 1111
    What did you get?: Money, giftcards
    Have You Ever: (Yes or No)
    Hugged someone: All da Time yo.
    Electricuted yourself: no
    Climbed more than 60 feet: Yes
    Made a Youtube video: attempted
    Lied to a loved one: Yes
    Had a pet: Yes
    Ran a marathon: no
    Had a boyfriend/girlfriend: Yes
    5 Do’s
    1. Do you play any instruments?: 5 of them
    2. Do you play any sports?: Si
    3. Do you believe in 2012? no
    4. Do you like animals? YES
    5. Do you honestly like Obama?: i dont care
    4 If’s
    1. If you get $1 Million for breaking up with your boyfriend/girlfriend, would you? Depends on the person
    2. If you were to get $50,000 for killing a rat, would you?: Yeah
    3. If you were to choose between your best friend and your brother/sister, who would you choose? Bestfriend
    4. If you were to choose between coke/pepsi or sprite/7up, which would you choose?
    3 How’s
    1. How old do you want to be when you get married?: 21-22
    2. How many siblings do you have?: One
    3. How did your last Christmas go? Great
    2 When’s
    1. When is your birthday?: June 29th
    2. When was your last relationship? two years ago.......
    1 What
    1. What would you say if the guy/girl you like right now kissed you? i would probably tell him i love him, and kiss him again.

  5. xogabbbyxo98 xogabbbyxo98
    posted a quote
    November 4, 2012 6:52pm UTC
    Don't Cheat or It Won't Work !
    1. Which is your favorite color out of: red , black , blue , green , or yellow ?
    2. Your first initial?
    3. Your month of birth?
    4. Which color do you like more, black or white?
    5. Your favorite number?
    6. Do you like Flying or Driving more?
    7. Do you like a lake or the ocean more?
    8. Write down a wish (a realistic one or not. its ur life).
    Chris will magically like me.
    when you're done, scroll down. (Don't cheat!) Answers:
    1. Red- You are alert and your life is full of love.
    Black - You are conservative and aggressive.
    Green - Your soul is relaxed and you are laid back.
    Blue - You are spontaneous and love kisses and affection from the ones you love.
    Yellow - You are a very happy person and give good advice to those who are down.
    2. If you're initial is: A-K You have a lot of love and friendships in your life
    . L-R You try to enjoy your life to the maximum & your love life is soon to blossom.
    S-Z You like to help others and your future love life looks very good.
    3. If you were born in:
    Jan-Mar: The year will go very well for you and you will discover that you fall in love with someone totally unexpected.
    April-June: You will have a strong love relationship that will not last long but the memories will last forever.
    July-Sep: You will have a great year and will experience a major life-changing experience for the good.
    Oct-Dec: Your love life will not be great, but eventually you will find your soul mate.
    4. If you chose:
    Black: Your life will take on a different direction, it will seem hard at the time but will be the best thing for you, and you will be glad for the change.
    White: You will have a friend who completely confides in you and would do anything for you, but you may not realize it.
    5. This is how many close friends you have in your lifetime.
    6. If you chose:
    Flying: You like adventure.
    Driving: You are a laid back person.
    7.. If you chose:
    Lake : You are loyal to your friends and your lover and are very reserved.
    Ocean: You are spontaneous and like to please people.
    8. This wish will come true only if you copy and paste this onto your profile within one hour. Copy and paste this in the next 10 minutes, and it will come true before your next birthday

  6. xogabbbyxo98 xogabbbyxo98
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2012 7:34pm UTC
    Start Time: 7:07
    Gender: Female
    Birthday: June 29th
    Siblings: Little brother
    Eye color: hazel-y
    Shoe size: 9 and a half
    Height: 5'2 and a half
    What are you wearing: tank top and shorts
    Where do you live: RI
    Righty or lefty: Righty
    Can you make a dollar in change right now: You bet I can.
    Who are your closest friends: Mia,Jen,Heather,Haley,Jake,Andrew,Rob
    Best place for a date? Lake
    Where is your fav place to shop: Forever 21&Abercrombie
    Favorite kind of plant? the pretty ones.
    Fave Color?: SPARKLES
    Fave Number: 12 or 9
    Fave Boys Name: Dylan,Jacob
    Fave Girls Name: Elizabeth
    Fave Animal: Turtles
    Fave instrument to play: Acoustic guitar
    Fave Subject: Math
    Fave book: The Outsiders
    Fave sport: Cheerleadng
    Fave Month: September
    Movies: The newest Batman,Footloose,Grease,The Wizard of Oz,Twilight
    Juice: Orange
    Finger: Pinky
    Breakfast food: Pancakes,waffles,bacon
    Favorite cartoon character: Spongeybob Squarepants
    Given anyone a bath: myself.?
    Smoked: Never have NEVER WILL
    Made yourself throw-up: No
    Gone skinny dipping: No
    Eaten a dog: No
    put your tongue on a frozen pole?: Yup..
    Loved someone so much it made you cry: Yes
    Broken a bone?: Yeah.
    Played truth or dare: Yes
    Been in a physical fight: Kinda.
    Been in more then one car accident? Yes
    Been in a police car: Yes, but not bc i was like in trouble
    Been on a plane: Yes, I hate it.
    Come close to dying: Yes, at least nce a day.
    Been in a sauna: No
    Been in a hot tub: Yes
    Cried when someone died: Yes
    Cried in school: Yes
    Fell off your chair: too many times to count.
    Wait for someone's phone call all night: No
    Saved AIM/Yahoo conversations: Yes
    Saved e-mails: Yes
    Fallen for one of your best guy friends: Yes
    Made out with JUST a friend? No.
    Used someone: No, only hideous creatures do that.
    What is...
    Whats your good luck charm?: My locket
    Best song you ever heard: WEEEE ARE NEVER EVER EVERR GETTING BACK TOGETHERRR, or anything tswizzle related.
    What's your bedroom like: Messy
    Last thing you said: NO MOM!
    What is beside you? My phone,my ipod
    Last thing you ate: Ice cream :D
    What kind of shampoo do you use?: Aussie:moist. *hair flip*
    Best thing that has happened to you this year: High school cheer squad
    Worst thing that has happened to you this year: idk..
    Have you had...
    Chicken pox: No, i get shots for thatt.
    Sore Throat: Yes
    Stitches: No
    Broken nose: No
    Do You..
    Believe in love at first sight? yes.?
    Like school: sure
    Want to get married? Yes
    Have kids? Yes
    What schools have you gone to: kindergarten, graniteville elementary, winsor hill elementary, ferri middle school, and now im at lasalle
    Eat a live hamster for $1,000,000. dollars: yea, it a million bucks
    If you were stuck on an island, what people would you want with you: Mason and a chef
    Who was the last person that called you: cameron
    Who was the last person you slow danced with: i dont slow dance? i salsa-ed with jake thoughh.
    What makes you laugh the most?: Funny things.
    What makes you smile?: Cute boys, cute texts, anything really
    Last Person..
    You yelled at: andrew
    Who broke your heart: ..dk
    Told you that they love you: kylie or corey, idk who was first.
    Is your loudest friend: mia, i taught her how to be loud.
    Do you/Are You..
    Do you like filling these out?: yur
    Do you wear contacts or glasses: Glasses
    Do you like yourself: Sometimes
    Do you get along with your family: Yes
    Stolen anything over $50: No
    Obsessive Compulsive? No
    Anorexic? No
    Suicidal? no
    Final questions
    What are you listening to right now?: Crickets *chirp chirp*
    What did you do yesterday: Woke up, was amazing, ate food, laughed, cheered, breathed, blinked, walked, went to school, and slept.
    Got any awards? Yes
    What car do you wish to have: A cool one.
    Where do you want to get married: On the beach
    If you could change anything about yourself, what would you change: Thinner
    Good driver: probably not.
    Good Singer: no.
    Have a lava lamp: YES ITS PURPLE
    How many remote controls are in your house: 6, maybe 7
    double jointed: No
    Flexible? very
    What do you dream about: boys.
    Last time you showered: a little while ago.
    Last time you took a bath: idk, i dont like sitting in my own wet filth..
    Scary or happy movies: Scary&with a boy next to me, happy when im with friends
    Chocolate or white chocolate: Either
    Root Beer or Dr.Pepper: Dr. Pepper
    Mud or Jell-O wrestling: Jell-O
    Vanilla or chocolate: Vanilla
    Summer or winter: Summer
    Silver or Gold: silver
    Diamond or pearl: Diamond
    Sunset or Sunrise: Sunset
    Sprite or 7up: Sprite
    Cats or dogs: Dogs
    Coffee or tea: Coffee<3333
    Phone or in person: In Person
    Indoor or outdoor: Outdoor
    Facebook or Twitter: Twitter
    Peanut butter or Jelly: Peanut butter
    Hockey or Football: Football to watch, but hockey players>>
    Hot or Nice: Nice
    Rich or Poor: Middle
    3 kids or none? 3
    Nike or Adidas: Nike
    Lions or Tigers? Tiger
    End Time: 7:33

  7. xogabbbyxo98 xogabbbyxo98
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2012 5:05pm UTC
    How To Get Laid:
    Lay on bed.
    wait 2 hours.
    Lay becomes past tense.

  8. xogabbbyxo98 xogabbbyxo98
    posted a quote
    September 13, 2012 4:51pm UTC
    Here's a random idea,
    Just out of the blue.
    How about you fall for me,
    As hard as I fell for you?

  9. xogabbbyxo98 xogabbbyxo98
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2012 5:49pm UTC

  10. xogabbbyxo98 xogabbbyxo98
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2012 12:59pm UTC
    Girls Want Every Boy
    To Know #2:
    We want you to put your arm around us at the movies!

  11. xogabbbyxo98 xogabbbyxo98
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2012 12:55pm UTC
    Girls Want Every Boy To Know #1:
    Cuddle with us, we love it.

  12. xogabbbyxo98 xogabbbyxo98
    posted a quote
    September 8, 2012 11:38am UTC
    click to see this quote

  13. xogabbbyxo98 xogabbbyxo98
    posted a quote
    August 31, 2012 5:37pm UTC
    Its not YOLO its LLL,
    Living Like Larry.

  14. xogabbbyxo98 xogabbbyxo98
    posted a quote
    August 31, 2012 5:34pm UTC
    I wanna be the girl he gives his hoodie to
    and cuddles up next to when its cold.
    he'll be the one who comes up behind me, wraps his arms around my waist, catches me off guard, and whispers you look beautiful.

  15. xogabbbyxo98 xogabbbyxo98
    posted a quote
    August 31, 2012 5:28pm UTC
    When the blind man sees the legless man walk on water, ill stop loving you.
    Format by Sandrasaurus

  16. xogabbbyxo98 xogabbbyxo98
    posted a quote
    August 29, 2012 9:29am UTC
    Am I The Only One #2
    that wants to create a boomerang app, just to see what people do with their phones.
    Format by Yayrey

  17. xogabbbyxo98 xogabbbyxo98
    posted a quote
    August 29, 2012 9:26am UTC
    Am I The Only One #1
    Gets the best hiding spot in hide and seek/manhunt,
    Format by Yayrey

  18. xogabbbyxo98 xogabbbyxo98
    posted a quote
    August 28, 2012 1:41pm UTC
    I screwed up 51% of my teenage life...
    [x] Kissed someone before dating
    [ ] Gotten a phone taken away at school
    [x] Gotten caught chewing gum
    [ ] Gotten caught cheating on a test
    Total so far: two
    [ ] Arrived late to class more than 5 times
    [x] Didn't do homework over 5 times
    [ ] Turned at least 2 projects in late
    [ ] Missed school just because you felt like it
    [ ]Laughed so loud you got kicked out of class
    Total so far: three
    [ ] Got your mom, dad, etc to get you out of school
    [x] Text people during class
    [x] Passed notes
    [x] Threw stuff across the room
    [x] Laughed at the teacher
    Total so far: seven
    [x] Took pictures during school hours
    [ ] Called someone during school hours
    [x] Listened to iPod, CD, etc during school hours
    Total so far: nine
    [ ] Threw something at the teacher
    [x] Went outside the classroom without permission
    [x] Broke the dress code
    [ ] Failed a class
    [x] Ate food during class
    Total so far: twelve
    [ ] Been called the worst student
    [ ] Punished on a school trip because you behaved badly
    [x] Didn't take your stuff to school
    [x] Given a teacher the finger when they weren't looking
    Total so far: fourteen
    [ ] Faked your parents signature
    [x] Slept in class
    [x] Cursed at a teacher behind their back
    [x] Copied homework
    [ ] Got in trouble with the principal/vice principal/dean
    [ ] Thrown food in the lunch room
    Total so far: seventeen
    Multiply by 3

  19. xogabbbyxo98 xogabbbyxo98
    posted a quote
    August 27, 2012 12:29pm UTC
    Can you name 13 people off the top of your head? 1-7girls, 8-13boys
    2. jenn
    3. heather
    4. haley
    5. lauren
    6. kenzie
    7. kat
    8. jake p
    9. jake g
    1O. andrew
    11. robert
    12. kyle
    13. matt
    How did you meet 10?
    school in 7th grade, he made me laugh a lot.
    Have you ever seen 4 cry?
    i dont think so
    Would 11 and 2 make a good couple?
    Are you good friends with 13?
    Do you think 5 is cute?
    Whats 7s fav color?
    something neon..either blue or green
    What would you do if 8 confessed that they like you?
    tell him i like him too.
    1 fact about 9?
    idont know him too well, but hes really cute&seems nice
    Would you ever live with 4?
    Is 2 single?
    How close are you to number 8?
    eh, i wish we were more

  20. xogabbbyxo98 xogabbbyxo98
    posted a quote
    August 25, 2012 10:31am UTC
    1. Name:Gabby
    2. Age: 14
    3. Height: 5'2 and a half
    4. Date of Birth: June 29th
    5. Eye Color: Hazelish..green most of the time
    6. Religion: Christian
    7. Sexuality: Straight
    8. Hair Color: Brown & blond streaks
    9. Eye Color: Hazelish, as said before
    11. Skin Tone: White
    12. Piercings/Tattoos: Ears
    13. Jewelry: power bracelet, stretchy bracelet thats really cool, alex&anis
    14. Build: Short..i guess curvy, but with strong legs
    15. Funny or Serious? Funny
    16. Hard working or lazy? Lazy!
    17. Flirty or reserved? Flirty
    18. What is the first thing people notice about your personality? idk, ask them
    19. Are you more caring or sympathetic? Caring
    20. Are you sporty, artistic, bookworm or sciency? A sporty bookworm i guess
    Have You Ever
    21. Slapped someone in the face?Yes
    22. Lost touch with a good friend? dont wanna talk abbt it
    23. Kissed someone for a dare? no
    24. Drank alcohol? No
    25. Broke a bone? yes
    26. Got chickenpox? no
    27. Ate a whole pizza to yourself? Not even close
    28. Stepped on a bug? what kinda question is this?! yurr
    29. Rode a horse? YESS<3
    30. Been seen naked by someone not your doctor or family member? Not that im aware of.
    How Many
    31. TVs are in your house? 4
    32. People have you kissed? 1, but almost-kissed 2
    33. Chairs are in the room you are in now?1
    34. Best friends do you have? 6
    35. PCs or laptops are in your house? 2 laptops
    This or That?
    36. Summer or Winter? Summer
    37. Strawberry or Banana? Strawberry?
    38. Justin Bieber or Taylor Swift? Taylor Swift
    39. Eminem or Kanye West? Eminem:)
    40. Vegetables or Fruits? Fruits
    41. Books or Movies? Movies.
    42. Hugs or Kisses? hugss<3 my favorite thing everr.
    43. Rock or Pop? pop
    Name The Last Person That...
    44. Hugged you? Alex :D
    45. Kissed you? my mom?
    46. Thanked you? jenn
    47. Flirted with you? jake?
    48. Insulted you? probably mia, we insult each other every day..
    49. Made you laugh? jake&andrew
    50. Made you cry?My dad
    51. Ate? pop tarts
    52. Drank? water
    53. Texted to? jenn
    54. Word Spoke? goodnight
    55. Time cried? yesterday
    56. Time laughed? yesterday
    57. Best friend? Jenna
    58. Crush? Dustin in 1st grade
    59. Boyfriend? idrk.
    60. Dog? Princess :(
    61. Kiss? Jarod.
    62. Took steps? 9 months old?
    63. Do you own any brand shirts? Yes?
    64. What languages do you know? English, American, Rhode Island-anian, Gabbers Language, Gibberish, Sarcasam
    65. Do you like to sing? Yurr, but only when im by myself with my guitar
    66. Are you competitive? Extremely
    67. What are you afraid of? Squirrels&Needles
    68. Who do you miss? ..long list right there, but heather mostly
    69. Are you a virgin? Durr
    70. Do you like photography? Absolutely!


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