Witty Profiles

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  1. TheyCallMeSmothAndRefreshing TheyCallMeSmothAndRefreshing
    posted a quote
    September 10, 2011 10:08pm UTC
    I e t s ju s t t a ke 2 s e c o n d s to re m e m be r 9 /1 1
    and click the heart for those who died that day.
    f for

  2. xmynerdherdx xmynerdherdx
    posted a quote
    August 31, 2011 4:07pm UTC
    Your crush is in a relationship with your best friend
    ♥ about a minute ago · Like · Comment · See Friendship
    you begin to wonder, "what happened to girl code?"

  3. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  4. wittywritersx3 wittywritersx3
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2011 4:03pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  5. iwriteyoureadxx iwriteyoureadxx
    posted a quote
    August 16, 2011 12:56pm UTC
    The Witty Academy
    [Part II ]
    The plane landed and I stared out my tiny window. California was a lot different compared to New York. I grabbed my luggage and got off the plane. I saw a lot of teenage girls. Which said a lot. I figured they were all here for Witty Academy. I felt really akward around them. I walked out front and got a taxi.
    The taxi pulled up to the dorm building. It was huge. I dragged my suitcase up to the building. I walked inside and it was really nice. The lady at the desk greeted me.
    "Hello! Welcome to Witty Academy!" she smiled and shook my hand.
    "Hi.. um I'm Kenzie," I said nervously.
    "Oh, okay!" she smiled and went through some papers. "Here is your schedule .. and the key to your dorm. It's number 327; 4th floor."
    "Thanks," I smiled and walked to the elevator. I pressed the silver '4' button and stood there. Another girl rushed in all out of breath.
    "Sorry! I needed to get to my dorm really fast," she laughed.
    "No, it's cool! What floor?" I asked.
    "Four," she panted.
    "Me too," I smiled.
    "I'm Molly," she said.
    "Kenzie," I smirked.
    "Dorm number?" she asked.
    "Uhh 327," I said while looking at my golden key.
    "No way! Same!" she squealed.
    I laughed and pressed the button again. We went up to floor number 4 and walked out. I dragged my suitcase down the hall. The dorm was at the end of the hall. Molly ran over to the door and jumped inside. She was a very energetic girl. I quietly walked inside and set my suitcase down. I looked around at all of these girls who would be my roomates.
    Like It?
    Comment/Fave/Follow ♥

  6. dinosaur88 dinosaur88
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2011 9:11pm UTC
    I'm taking a survey.
    Fav if you're a middle schooler.
    Comment if you're a high schooler.

  7. iwriteyoureadxx iwriteyoureadxx
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2011 1:57pm UTC
    The Witty Academy
    [Part I ]
    "Kenzie! Let's go!" my mother shouted from downstairs.
    "Coming, mom!" I yelled back.
    I quickly grabbed my suitcase and purse and ran downstairs. I stopped to look in the mirror. I fixed my hair and did a pose.
    "Honey, please. Let's go. You're going to be late to Witty Academy!" she complained.
    "This is totally new for me, I have to look good!" I said.
    She glared at me and walked out the door. I followed her to the car. Today was the day that I would fly to Los Angeles for Witty Academy. This was the first year that they had it open and I was so excited. Steve had emailed all the users about it a couple months ago. Users overflowed the newest quotes about it. You didn't have to go, it was a choice. I decided to go. Witty Academy stated that the school would be for learning HTML formatting, quote structures, helping eachother out, and just having a good time. Yes, there were rules. No jockers. You had to be real. But the main rule was that you had to be helpful and nice to your Witty sisters.
    I sat in the front seat of my mom's car and stared out the window. I looked at my house, I would miss it. But I was still very excited for Witty Academy.
    We arrived at the airport and my mother helped me with my luggage. The lady spoke over the intercom-
    "Flight 407 will be leaving in 20 minutes,"
    I sighed and looked at my mother.
    "Bye mom," I said. She threw her arms around me.
    "Good luck, sweetie! I'll miss you!" she cried.
    Kenzie - hellodoll
    Molly - Forever_In_Love_077
    Madi - lilmadi
    Alexis - ILoveToSmile
    Jaycie - jayciecutie01
    Liv - xoalicecullenxo
    Sam - xmynerdherdx
    Kristi - kristiXmorrison
    Like It?
    Comment/Fave/Follow ♥

  8. BeachBabe22 BeachBabe22
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2011 1:42pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  9. LuvStruckTeen LuvStruckTeen
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2011 4:18pm UTC
    DUDIE She Just called you
    Taylor Swift
    Hold my -Wait- Im'a write a song about this.

  10. cutie26119 cutie26119
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2011 12:30pm UTC
    My Daily Needs-
    Food- ..........▀ 5%
    Water- ........▀ 1%
    Sleep-.......... ▀ 4%
    Internet-.... ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ 90%

  11. superfish12 superfish12
    posted a quote
    August 11, 2011 12:03pm UTC
    Fav if you were born
    in the 90's! ;)

  12. alexis_xoxox alexis_xoxox
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2011 9:18pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  13. iwriteyoureadxx iwriteyoureadxx
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2011 4:23pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  14. lollipopx3 lollipopx3
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2011 8:02pm UTC
    Chapter 22
    I froze, and my body suddenly felt stiffer than ever.
    What should I do? Say yes?
    As much as I wanted to, I couldn't. Something inside me just couldn't say yes, yet.
    "I-I, w-we can't." I whispered, knowing I just crushed him.
    "What? Why? Carson, you kissed me back." Brett said in confusion.
    I held my hand on his soft, muscular cheek, and traced my fingers on it.
    "I know I did. And I'm sorry." I said, looking in his icy, blue eyes.
    He looked back at me, looking defeated.
    "It's okay. I was just being stupid anyway." he shrugged, standing back up.
    I knew he was hurting inside, I could tell by the gaze of his eyes.
    "Wait, Brett, I didn't mean it like that." I explained, trying not to hurt him anymore.
    "You know what? Let's just forget about our kiss. Like nothing happened. Okay?" he said, with his voice slightly cracking.
    My heart sank to my stomach, as I suddenly felt the urge to throw up.
    I like Brett, I really do. But, I didn't want a relationship, just yet.
    I just broke things off with Nate, after he cheated on me.
    "Brett, no, stop. Don't say that." I breathed, with my eyes feeling moist.
    "Whatever, let's just go home." he sighed heavily.
    He turned around and started walking, but I used all my force to spin his shoulder around.
    "Brett, don't be mad." I pleaded.
    "I'm not. You aren't ready, that's all." he mumbled.
    As much as he denied it, I knew he was angry.
    "How about one date?" I suggested.
    His eyes lit up, and for a split second, I saw a slight smile.
    "Fine. But, I'm choosing." he finally smiled.
    I sighed in relief, knowing he wasn't mad. But, I was also excited for our date.
    "Well, the sun is already up. We should go back... you look like a mess." he teased.
    I looked down, and noticed I was still in my little boxer shorts and my hello kitty tank top.
    "Oh, shut up." I whined.
    We got in the car, and started driving back to Providence.
    "So, what are we now? Friend's with benefits?" I joked.
    He gave me a chuckle, which made my heart melt.
    "Sure." he smirked.
    I turned to the side, just so he wouldn't see me blush.
    We walked back in our dorm room, laughing.
    He made a joke in the elevator, and I couldn't stop laughing the whole way.
    People getting on and off the elevators gave us annoyed and irritated looks.
    He finally opened our door, and we stepped inside, holding hands.
    We didn't even realize Kristina on the couch and Tyson in the kitchen until they gave out a loud, obnoxious cough.
    Brett and I quickly snatched our hands away at the same time, and I turned bright red.
    "Where were you guys..." Kristina asked, suspiciously.
    Brett rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, and I bit my lip nervously.
    "We, uh, went for a walk." Brett muttered.
    Tyson furrowed his eyebrows together, but smirked.
    "Is there something we should know? Because your hands were awfully close when you guys came in."
    My eyes widened, as I looked over at Brett.
    His face was unreadable. It was pale and blank.
    "He was just showing me a magic trick." I said.
    Kristina giggled from the couch, covering her face with a pillow.
    "You wouldn't mind showing us? Would you, Brett?" Tyson asked, playing along with Kristina.
    "Man, shut up." Brett snapped, and stormed off to his room.
    I snuck back inside my room, and my body was sweaty and hot from what just happened.

  15. wittywritersx3 wittywritersx3
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2011 6:21pm UTC
    part 20 // peanut43998
    My head was pounding, and all I could think about was what my mom said to me. What could she possibly mean by that? That Ashley was the only one with problems?
    The pounding in my head got worse. I felt like curling up in my own bed, not Ashley's, and start crying. And never leave my room again. But I knew I couldn't. Not with this police officer staring at me. I was just sitting there, hands on my lap, and staring at the wall into nothingness. Images flashed before my eyes.
    Me stabbing the knife through my sister's innocent back. Me not caring that I just killed my own blood. I remembered the feeling of her limp body in my hands before throwing her in the hole that I'd dug.
    "Or what, you'll murder me?" Just kept playing in my head. She said it so sarcastically. At the time, I'd only been annoyed by what she said. But now, I'm beginning to be haunted by the sentence.
    I stared down at the orange suit I'd been put in. Never in all of my years of living have I ever thought I'd be wearing one of these ugly things. I looked around at my jail cell. It seemed like it was just like the ones in the movies. I was by myself in the cold and smelly little room. There was one bed attached to the steel wall, not even touching the ground. Just like a metal thing hanging out of the wall. It had a somewhat comfortable looking matress with a thin pillow. There was a sink and a little stall with a flushable toilet. Sure, I'd seen them in the movies. But movies always exaggerated things like that. I wasn't expecting a royal room or anything, but I also wasn't expecting this.
    I sat down on the bed. Why did I do that? Why did I kill my own sister? I thought back to what she'd done to me.
    She really hadn't done anything to me. I'd just stabbed her to live her life. And turns out, it wasn't even that great. It was actually like a living hell.
    "I'd do anything to take it all back." I whispered. I leaned over so that I was laying on the bed. I watched what was happening on the other side of the bars. Nothing, really. There was one person across from me doing the same thing I was. Laying there, probably thinking about what they'd done. I closed my eyes and thought.
    'I'm a monster' was the first thing that went through my mind. It wasn't a lie, really. It was the truth.
    The second thing that entered it was 'I miss you.' I wasn't sure who it could have been directed to.
    I came to one conclusion after thinking about it long and hard.
    It was Ashley.
    "Cassandra, you have a visitor." The police officer rudely woke me up. But I was thankful, because I was having a terrible nightmare. I woke up with my hair sticking to my face with sweat.
    "Who is it?" I asked, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. I felt like closing them again. They did close at one point.
    "Hey, Cass." I stared back at Danny, with my eyes wide open.

  16. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  17. wittywritersx3 wittywritersx3
    posted a quote
    August 9, 2011 12:13pm UTC
    part 19 // annalovespie
    The door swung open and the figure stepped inside.
    It was… just my mother. I was kind of glad there was a cop in the room with us. Who knew what my mother would do to me knowing I killed her precious daughter?
    She sat down and there was silence for a couple of minutes before she said, "You don't even understand how much it disgusts me to look at you."
    I didn't respond and looked down at my lap, nervously picking at my nails.
    My mother exhaled sharply, "I don't know why I was cursed with such disgraces for daughters."
    I looked up, "Disgraces?" I said softly.
    Surely she only meant "disgrace".
    "I thought Ashley was the only one with problems, but I guess you were too." she said, talking to herself more than to me.
    "Wait wh--"
    "You were my last shred of hope for our family and you destroyed that too."
    "I guess I deserve it…" her voice trailed off.
    I didn't even know what was going on. I felt lightheaded.
    "Mom, please stop. You love Ashley. She's your perfect daughter. You love her so much, and you treat her so much better than you do me." there were tears streaming down my eyes at this point.
    My mother put two fingers to her forehead and sighed.
    "Did you ever try and think of why I always acted so nice towards her?" my mother sneered, annoyed.
    I was speechless.
    "You know what." my mom said, getting up and pushing her chair back towards the table, "I can't -- I just can't do this. Goodbye."
    "Wait mom!" I cried out, but she was already gone -- maybe even for good.
    note from annalovespie: i will no longer be writing in the collab. i cannot tolerate the amount of disrespect i get just because i take long periods of time to post parts. i'm 15. i have a lot of obligations in my life right now, and granted, i'm too old for this website. i'm sorry, but getting so much insolence from prepubescent girls has made the experience of writing in a collab not so fun. so i'm done. i hope you guys are happy cos n0w u will get a p@rt 3every s!ngle d@y!!! bye.

  18. wittywritersx3 wittywritersx3
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2011 8:26pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  19. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2011 3:51pm UTC

    You weren't
    just a star to me
    you were
    my whole damn sky

  20. ThatsSoMeee ThatsSoMeee
    posted a quote
    August 5, 2011 4:06pm UTC
    I like conversations where
    I don't have to think about what to say.
    It just comes naturally.


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