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  1. stephismagical stephismagical
    posted a quote
    July 20, 2010 11:08pm UTC
    Dear Witty Girl,
    Feel free to add this to your faves {♥}
    As a reminder
    So when you are married and happy
    (And somehow remember you have a Witty Profiles account),
    You can come and tell us
    That what we fight for and cry for
    Really does exist.♥ ♥ ♥

  2. audreyann audreyann
    posted a quote
    November 1, 2010 4:07pm UTC
    I have a secret mission for those of you who just highlighted this. Here's what you have to do:
    1. Fave the quote so the helplessly confused will be wondering why a blank quote is so loved <3
    2. Comment saying something random like "I like reeses, too!"
    or "OMG, I love love love elephants!"
    or "I wish I had an I love my mom tattoo!"
    3. Yay! You're done! Let's see what happens...

  3. st0riesunwritten st0riesunwritten
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2011 1:42pm UTC
    Chapter 5.
    Alex's POV
    Within the next month I had gotten a lot done. Me, Kaylin, and Teresa had cleaned out one of the guest rooms to make a nursery. The doctor had told me I was pregnant. I was seeming not to mind having a baby in my tummy as much as I used to. Until I thought about College in the Fall. I was transferring to a local community college for my freshman year and then after Me and Reilly had enough money saved up, with the help of my mom we were going to buy a little town house in Santa Cruz. It seemed like every thing was starting to go as planned.
    Reilly was going to help me plan the wedding when he came back for Christmas. I couldn't' wait to hear from Reilly; it has been almost a month since I mailed my first letter. I should be hearing from him soon. The skyping system would be set up in the next few days also.
    I looked at my phone, it was 12:13. The mail man dropped the mail off everyday at about 12:15. I looked out the window and in the corner of my eye I saw the mail truck. I ran downstairs and outside to the mailbox. I casually waited for the mail as I did everyday, hoping it would be a letter from Reilly. Our mail man, George, started walking towards me.
    "What exactly are you looking for Miss. Tacolone?" He asked.
    "A letter from my boyfr..- fiance," I responded.
    "Is he in the forces?"
    "He actually is," I said.
    "Your letter is here. Congrats on your engagement and tell your fiance I said thank you for fighting for my family," He smiled and handed me a stack of mail.
    "Thanks George!" I yelled running back inside. I looked through the mail. I finally reached the letter that was addressed to me. I quickly opened the envelope and pulled the letter out.
    Dear Alex,
    A Baby? Well thats not what you hear everyday. I am excited though. We are going to have the cutest baby in the world. By the time you get this, I'll be able to see your face soon. I've been starting to think about names. For a boy I like Carter or Corey. For a girl I like Madison after your mom. Or Caitlyn after mine. I can't wait to see your face. Its been to long. Its hard going from seeing you every other day to barely seeing you. I miss you so much babe.
    I really wish I could tell you where I am, but I'm not allowed to. Its so hard for me to keep something from you, but I need to continue fighting for you and this baby. I love you and say a prayer for me.
    Love always,
    Author's Note- Comment and Fave! Tell me what you think!
    Format by _RandomRequests

  4. posted a quote
    January 1, 1970 12:00am UTC
    This quote does not exist.

  5. writingfromtheheart writingfromtheheart
    posted a quote
    June 24, 2011 2:00pm UTC
    Once Upon A Mistake
    Chapter One: Part One: Sophie's Diary
    September 9th, 2009
    Dear Diary,
    Hi, I'm Sophie! I'm 16 years old and I go to Freedman High. I'm single, heartbroken, and I love love love to dance. So now, I will fill your pages with my life story. Sound good? Okay, lets start. Well, life is, you know, life. School was great. Wish you would’ve been there, so many new people. Why did they move? I always wonder that…
    Well, yeah. So there’s this new girl, Rachel? Raven? Something like that. She rode my bus, I think she moved in across the street. She was so pretty, but she wasn’t good enough for Cassie, obviously. Cassie dissed her in front of the whole lunch room, everyone laughed. 11th graders, obviously, ‘cause that’s what we are, but all the 9th graders laughed too! I felt so bad for the poor gal, ha-ha. That’s what Daniel called me, a gal. He’s so adorable, just the way he looks at me with his big, blue eyes. Makes me feel really special, ya know? Off topic. Point is, Cassie was brutal to this girl, and she just, walked away. Conceited much?
    Being best friends with the most popular girl in the school has its advantages. Like, we’re always getting the hottest guys, the coolest clothes, having awesome parties, but the whole “no pity for anyone”? That part, it’s one of the worst drawbacks. It feels like running someone over and it sometimes hurts. But I guess I’ll live with it. Don’t have much of a choice, do I? Without Cassie, I have nothing.
    Thomas claims to love 9th grade, and Dad left, again. He just took off. I hope for my mother’s sanity he never sets foot in her life again. Any of our lives, really. I cried. No sleep, but hey, what’s gotta happen, happens.
    I kinda didn’t eat lunch. I ‘forgot’ to. Is that bad? It’s not like I need to lose weight, I just had other things on my mind. Like Thomas and Mom and Dad. I’m really trying to stay optimistic, but it’s harder than you think under these circumstances. So, I’ll keep trying. Let you know what happens tomorrow. (I’m not anorexic or anything, I swear. I just don’t like to eat I guess.)


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