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Member Since: 20 Feb 2012 07:48pm

Last Seen: 3 Apr 2013 06:27pm

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  1. whaddupstories whaddupstories
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2012 10:36pm UTC
    Takethe Pain Away
    Chapter 6
    The next day I woke up to my alarm and realized it was Friday. I was relieved but at the same time overwhelmed at the fact that I'd probably go to Brice's house, get beat up, and run home crying, like every other Friday night. When I arrived at school I walked past Brice's locker, which is normally filled with obnoxious laughing boys, but today the area was vacant. So I walked towards my locker and visited with a boy named Eric who had the locker next to mine. When the warning bell rang I ran upstairs to my first hour. As the day went on I didn't see Brice and wondered where he was. We normally tell each other when we'll be gone. I texted him in 2nd hour asking where he was. He didn't reply until lunch time. "I stayed home. I'm having really bad flashbacks. Don't come over tonight." was his reply.
    "okay.. see you soon i guess." was what I said back to him.
    "I just don't wanna hurt you, don't be mad ): " he replied.
    "It's okay I'm not mad. I'll talk to you later."
    "Okay bye babe."
    These are the things that make me stay with him. He cares. He cares about me and he cares about what he does and is trying to change it. But yet I still have doubts about what Payton said. What if he never does change? A real man wouldn't hit you. It ran through my head for the rest of the day.
    After school I called Brice. "Hello?" He answered in a tired voice.
    "Did I wake you up?" I asked after hearing his groggy tone.
    "Yeah. It's okay though. What's up?" he asked.
    "I wanna come over." I told him. I actually really wanted to. I missed him, since I didn't get to talk to him all day.
    "No, Emerson. I don't want you to tonight." He stated.
    "Please Brice, I just want to be with you."
    "Fine, come whenever," he said in an annoyed voice.
    "I don't want to if you're mad at me..."
    "I'm not mad at you. I'm worried about you," he told me.
    "Thanks, but I'm coming anyway. Be there soon!" I said before I hung up.
    When I got home I packed a bag and headed over to Brice's for the night.
    ** feeeedabackkk pleeeease ! and pleeeease read it ! (: **

  2. whaddupstories whaddupstories
    posted a quote
    May 30, 2012 10:16pm UTC
    Takethe Pain Away
    Chapter 5
    It hurt to see Brice hurting the way he was. But he knew it hurt me just as much. Our realtionship was just full of so much pain and hurt. Brice's foster mom walked in the front door while I was rubbing Brice's back and trying to soothe him. "Oh no. What happened this time?" she asked in concern.
    "I'm a fricken monster." Brice spoke up for the first time since he'd looked out the window. Tracy knows that Brice hurts me, but she understands why and tries to help us with our relationship.
    "Why did this happen again?" she calmly asked my boyfriend as she sat on an arm chair near the couch.
    He frowned and shrugged his shoulders, "I blacked out again."
    "And why did you black out?" she asked, out of concern, not anger.
    "I-I was drinking," his head hung low.
    "Brice why were you drinking?" she asked, dissapointment in her voice.
    "I don't know!" Brice cried. I rubbed his back again, calming him a little.
    "Brice we have to get to the root of the problem."
    "I have flashbacks sometimes... of when my dad used to... beat me. That's when I drink. It makes me black out and then I don't feel anything. I don't feel the pain he caused me," his voice was weak and small. He started to cry again. One thing I loved about him was he wasn't afraid to show his emotions. But it also was bad, when his emotion was anger.
    "Okay, this is good progress, Brice," Tracy said, then switched her gaze to me, " Emerson, I want to see what he did." I showed her everything he had done. "Okay good it's not as bad as it's been before. Have you iced your cheek yet?"
    "No," I choked out. She got up and went to get an icepack.
    "I'm so sorry I put you through this," Brice whispered so close to me I could feel his breath trickle down my neck.
    "I'm not mad," I whispered back planting a soft kiss on his lips.

  3. whaddupstories whaddupstories
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2012 9:23pm UTC
    Takethe Pain Away Chapter 4 I buried my face in his chest as I began to sob and he held me tight in his arms. "Payton and I aren't friends anymore!" My muffled voice shouted. Brice rubbed my back and comforted me while waiting for me to calm down. Finally I stopped crying and he grabbed my hand leading me over to the couch. I had soaked his T-shirt with black streaks from my mascara so he pulled it off and grabbed a different one out of a laundry basket. Then he walked over to me and leaned down to kiss my forehead so gently I could barely feel his lips. "Why doesn't Payton want to be your friend?" He asked as he sat down next to me, locking my fingers with his. I contemplated on telling him that she knows. I decided I might as well. "She saw the bruises, Brice." I looked at him with narrowed eyes, wondering if Payton was right. Maybe Brice is taking too much from my life. I don't think he knew what to say because he just got up and went to the window, looking outside for what seemed like forever. When he turned around he had a few dry tears on his rosy cheeks. "I'm a monster." he whispered so quietly I could barely make out what he was saying. "No. You--" I started to whisper back but he cut me off. "I am, Emerson. You can't tell me I'm not." He spoke a little bit louder now. "But you-you're not. You're so loving, and caring, and sweet. You are not a monster." I told him getting up and hugging him as tight as I could. "You're dad made you think you are. But really he's the monster." I assured him. I could hear him sniffling behind my ear. He rubbed his lips on the side of my head but I pushed away in pain. "What?" he whispered. "You-you're kidding, right?" He turned around and sat on the couch with his elbows propped on his knees and his head resting in his hands. "Is there something else I did that I don't remember?" he asked sniffling. I pointed at my cheek and swept my hair back so he could see my head better. "D@mn it. I hate myself." he muttered covering his face with his hands again. This is one of the many conversations we've had similar to it. ** I totally fell off of this story. lol sorry to anyone who was reading. I know there wasn't many anyways. But I'm back and I posted 2 chapters cuz I felt bad. 2 more tomorrow? (: **

  4. whaddupstories whaddupstories
    posted a quote
    May 29, 2012 9:01pm UTC
    Takethe Pain Away Chapter 3 As the day went on all I could think about was the boy who smiled at me.I don't know why because I love Brice but it just seemed like there was something about this boy. Something more then what I could see on the outside. After school I met up with my bestfriend Payton. "Hey girly!" I smiled at her. "Hey Emerson!" She grinned. We walked home together, talking and catching up on everything. "How's Brice been?" she asked shifting the mood from fun to icy. I felt a pang in my stomach. Payton is the only one of my friends who knows what Brice does. "Well.." I started looking straight ahead rather than at Payton. "What Em?" She pushed stopping in her tracks. I yanked up my sweatshirt sleeve and showed her the bruise on my wrist. "Oh Em! You can't let him do this to you anymore!" she sighed examining the injury. That's when I unpinned my hair and showed her the cut by my ear. "I don't care if he can't help it." She continued before a shocked expression crossed her face when she realized what I was pointing too. "Pay, I think I can help him. And I don't wanna just leave him and let him do this to another girl. I want to help him stop because when he isn't hurting me he's the best guy I've ever met and I-I think I.. I love him." I said in defense. "Emerson Sommers, you can't help a person like him. He's messed up in the brain and most people like that are like that for life. No matter what you do it might not even help. What if he never does change?" "Payton! Stop it! I love him. I don't think you get it. It's not his fault his dad used to beat him for no reason. I'm trying to help this poor kid forget about it and put it in the past. Payton, I'm the only one who cares. If you're not gonna support me then don't. But don't get in my way of supporting the man I love." I ranted. I'm sick of her telling me what to do with my life. Espacially when it comes to Brice. "Sorry, Em. I didn't mean to make you so mad..." she said, "I'm just gonna go home now I guess," she continued turning around and walking towards her house."A real man wouldn't hit you." I heard her mutter as she walked away. I felt a pang in my chest as I realized I had just lost my best friend. I turned down the street I was one which was the one Brice lived on and ran to his house. "Hey babe," Brice said as he answered to my knocking on the door, "What's wrong!?" he asked as his face filled with concern seeing that I was crying.

  5. whaddupstories whaddupstories
    posted a quote
    April 25, 2012 4:57pm UTC
    Take the Pain Away
    Chapter 2
    I woke up to my alarm beeping. My head was throbbing. I winced as I brought my hand up to touch my swollen cheek. I then peeled the t-shirt from my head and almost began to cry. The shirt had crusted onto my wound in a scab and that came off along with the shirt. I hopped into the shower, washing the blood down the drain and relieving the soreness of my feet and legs. I got out and carefully brushed through most of my hair, but there was no way to brush the parts that Brice had kicked, so I pinned the sides back and let it air-dry. After that I applied cover up to my face and did my eye make-up. By then it was almost time for me to leave so I threw on a sweatshirt and jeans and grabbed a granola bar to eat on the way. I walked to my bus stop and rode the bus to school. When I arrived, I didn't want to talk to Brice so I walked right past his locker. I guess this made him mad, because he ran after me and grabbed my wrists. I yelped at the pain that shot throught the one he had injured yesterday.
    "What's wrong?" he asked as he pulled up my sweatshirt sleeve revealing the bruise. "Did I do that!?" he asked surprised. I weakly nodded, looking into his eyes, which were full of pain.
    "I know you didn't mean too," I said as tears welled up in my eyes. He pulled me into a tight hug.
    "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, baby," he whispered to me and kissed my head.
    I know Brice doesn't mean what he does. He was abused as a child and he has times where he just blacks out and does crazy stuff. I know it's not healthy for me to be in this relationship, but it's not his fault.
    "It's okay, babe," I hushed him, "Now stop we're making a scene." I whispered into his ear and pulled away, planting a kiss on his lips. I turned around to walk away but accidentally bumped into a boy with longish brown hair. "Oh s--t sorry!" he said as he smiled at me. Then he walked away.

  6. whaddupstories whaddupstories
    posted a quote
    April 24, 2012 5:42pm UTC
    Take the Pain Away
    Chapter 1
    "Please, Stop!" I cried as my boyfriend Brice grasped my wrist so hard my fingers were turning purple."You're hurting me!" I whispered as the first tear rolled down my cheek. This made him mad and he punched me, his knuckles smashing into my left cheek. I fell into him as my vision blurred and he pushed me off him, letting me fall to the ground. I winced in pain and laid there helplessly hoping he would just leave me. Tears were pouring out from my eyes now. That's when i felt it. Right above my right ear I felt an undescribable pain. Then I realized Brice had kicked me. I watched him run upstairs and got onto my hands and knees. I felt dizzy and I thought I was going to pass out. But I needed to get out beause if he comes back down he'll do more. I gradually made it to my feet and ran out the backdoor and all the way home barefoot and crying. When I swung open the door my little sister was sitting in the living room, coloring. She looked up at me and I put my pointer finger to my lips signaling for her to be quiet. She got up, tip toed over to me and wiped my tears away as she hugged me. Then she slid her fingers across her lips, twisted them at the end like a lock and threw away the key. I watched her silently walk back to the couch and begin to color again. I blew her a kiss behind her back and ran upstairs to my room. Looking in the mirror, I realized that where Brice had kicked me was gushing blood. I pulled an old t-shirt from my closet and tied it around my head. There was a bruise forming where he had grabbed my wrist but my cheek seemed okay, for now. I made sure I had make-up to use for tomorrow and fell into my bed, drifting into a dark, dreamless sleep.
    ** This is a new story of mine. It's the first time I'm posting to Witty.. feedback? (: **

  7. whaddupstories whaddupstories
    posted a quote
    April 23, 2012 10:55pm UTC
    Hey hi hello .
    so i have 3 stories im writing .
    i dont know which to post on here so imma ask y'all .
    if you like reading stories and are looking for a new one comment on which i should do ;
    1 : After losing her mom in a car crash, Isabella turns to Jake Taylor- the most popular boy in the grade above her. When she starts to date Jake, Kyle and Summer - her best friends - feel like she has no time left for them. When she completely loses them and Jake starts to hurt her more then help her she has to try to regain her relationship with Kyle and Summer. Will they take her back in or shove her further away?
    2 : Emerson is in a abusive relationship with her boyfriend, Brice. She thinks if she stays with him she'll be able to fix him. But when her best friend ditches her because she hates seeing her hurt, a boy who barely knows her finds out about what Brice is doing to her, what will she do ?
    3 : Only a few months after his grandmother dies, Christians girlfriend of almost a year Hayden gets in a car accident and loses all her memory. Will she be able to re-learn everything she lost and have time to get introduced to Christian and fall in love again?


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