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  1. NEM0 NEM0
    posted a quote
    April 12, 2013 8:17pm UTC
    I'm going to wake up early in the morning, and pull on my favorite sweatpants. The sun will just be peaking over the horizon, flooding the sky will deep reds and purples. I'm going to tie on a pair of tennis-shoes, ones that hug my feet perfectly and are worn down from use. Then, I'm going to step outside into the fresh, crisp air, take a deep breath, and run. Run until my feet feel like they're floating under me, until my ponytail dances behind me, until my lungs sing with cold oxygen.
    When I get home, glistening with steaming beads of sweat, I'll step into a cold shower. Letting the water crawl down my body and empty my mind. When I finally get out, I'll bundle up in a fluffy towel and slather myself in my favorite smelling lotion. Feeling clean and soft and new. I'll pull on my outfit for the day, smiling at myself in the mirror, proud.
    I'll go downstairs, just as the rest of my family starts stirring and waking up. I'll plop a pad of butter into a sizzling pan, and whisk up some eggs. Adding cheese and salt and pepper until the room floods with the smell of breakfast.
    This is how I am going to start my day, perfect. ♥


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