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Member Since: 5 Jul 2013 11:40am

Last Seen: 11 Jul 2013 04:56pm

Gender: F

user id: 365212

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hi guys :) my name is anonymous, sorry. but i just got back into witty.. i used to love it here. but after alot started happening in my life, i didn't really have time to be on this website as much as i wish. alot of people i know in real life followed me on that account and i couldn't really vent. so i made a new one. yes, my icon is me. well a little bit about me? i love music. favorites including: lana del rey, marina and the diamonds, the xx, odd future (ofwgktadgaf) and nevershoutnever. i love giving advice. i'm outgoing/funny, & i will really make conversation with just about anyone. don't be scared to talk to me, i'm not shy & i don't bite hehe :) i love all you bitches muahhhhh x
okay so, it took me so long to think of what i should put in this box. i decided to put "my story". don't judge me please. i was born november 2, 1998. my mom and dad were just dating. mom and dad both 18. my dad was already addicted to heroin since the age 16. he wasn't in the room when i was born. he claimed i wasn't his, that my mom had cheated on him. 3 years went by and he wanted nothing to do with me. my mom got a dna test, and finally proved to him that he really was my father. he suddenly wanted everything to do with me. 4 years went by, visiting with my father every weekend, sometimes sleeping over during the week. suddenly, my father "got sick" and was put in the "hospital". thats what everyone told me. now i know where he really was, a rehab center. months later, he came back. completely clean. i saw him once when he was fully clean. he started again, and at the age of 26, died. i was only 7. abandoned first by choice, and as soon as it finally felt like i had my father in my life for real, abandoned again. i grew up with a step father in my life, ever since i was 2 he was there. i thought of him as my father as soon as my real father went into rehab. he was in my life about 8 years. i loved him so much. little did i know, he beat my mom and was a raging alcoholic. when my mom finally got the strength to leave him, my sister was devistated. at the time she was 7, and my step father was her real father. my sister hated my mom for this. i almost did. about a year later, my mom got a new boyfriend. he got her into all kinds of drugs, beat her, beat my sister, and raped me.. months after he raped me, my grandfathers bestfriend did the same. my grandparents are/always have been like bestfriends to me, not in the fact that i tell them everything, but they are always here. they raised me. my mom now left that her boyfriend and is single, but still using heroin. i started cutting at the age of 11. i'm going to be 15 soon, and still haven't quit. may 18th, 2011. my big cousin, my bestfriend, my EVERYTHING.. tre-jordan paquette. his bestfriend, one of my close friends.. robert alves. they got into a car, drunk and high.. in the middle of crazy rain. driving really really fast.. they crashed. i lost them. forever. i was so hurt. around this time is when i started to get bad with my cutting. i ended up in corregan (a "mental rehab" type hospital). once i got out, i started getting bullied, BAD. i started cutting again. i am now going into my freshmen year, and i have attempted suicide 8 times due to bullies. just when i thought 8th grade would be my year, when i thought i would finally "get better".. november 8th, 2013. the most beautiful, funny, inspiring girl i knew. querida roche. 14 years old, we lost her to a brain tumor. it was such a hard hit on everyone, whether you were bestfriends or just met her, because she was so outgoing and so easy to trust. it was really hard on me and all my friends to look back on her, waiting for her quincenera and never having it. so much to look forward to. it hurt. i stayed home for a week just crying. went back to school, more bullying. i had just came out as lesbian and i got so much hate. on top of being insecure as it was, i got called "fat", "ugly", "slut", and "attention whore". this bullying still goes on everyday and because of it, i'm on medications for both depression and anxiety, as well as sleeping pills, and special pills to give me appetite. i've starved myself before, forced myself to throw up before.. everything. i've lost bestfriends, friends in general, relationships. right now? i'm single. obviously like every other teenage girl, head over heels for the wrong person. basically, i've been through hell. if you ever need advice, a shoulder to lean on, anything. i love all you cuties muahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh x
love is louder, than the pressure to be perfect


  1. thistooshallpassxx thistooshallpassxx
    posted a quote
    July 6, 2013 12:03am UTC
    why do you care if...
    a girl and a girl date? or a boy and a boy?
    if it doesn't interfere with your life..

  2. thistooshallpassxx thistooshallpassxx
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2013 11:41pm UTC
    I'm so scared for the day when I have to face

  3. thistooshallpassxx thistooshallpassxx
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2013 11:38pm UTC
    I'm in love with a girl.
    and I too, am a girl.
    Does it matter?

  4. thistooshallpassxx thistooshallpassxx
    posted a quote
    July 5, 2013 1:03pm UTC
    choose life♥
    not a knife♥


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