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Member Since: 2 Jun 2011 07:13pm

Last Seen: 16 Aug 2011 05:49pm

user id: 179558

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  1. teenwrite teenwrite
    posted a quote
    June 3, 2011 2:58pm UTC
    love kills
    chapter 4
    Jesse's POV:
    Aimee and I really got to know eachother. Shes nice, funny, and really hot. I made good friends with Sydni, Krista, and Austin too. They all invited me to go to the beach with them after school with a few other guys and girls. After we got off the bus, I headed to school. "Ugh. First class Social Studies." I moaned to myslef. "I know, same. It's like the worst class of the day! I'm Cassidy." A girl with short golden hair and green eyes told me. "Hey, I'm Jesse. I know, social studies is a real day-wrecker." We both chuckled a little and walked into class together. We became good friends, and I found out she was also coming to the beach after with Aimee and Sydni and all of them. She was also bringing her boyfriend Derek. We left social studies and went off to our next class. As I walked in Science, I saw Aimee. I ran over to sit next to her.
    like? yes? no? haha comment and fave so i know to continue or not! *suggestions needed !

  2. teenwrite teenwrite
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2011 8:06pm UTC
    love kills
    chapter 3
    Aimee's POV:
    Me and Syd both spied the hot guy on the bus, and we assumed that smile he gave us meant for us to sit next to him. I sat next to him, followed by Sydni on the end. "Hey! I'm Aimee Fields and this is Sydni Dayne." I told him. "Hey, I'm Jesse Evans. Nice to meet you guys." He said with a smile. This guy was seriously hot. I'm pretty sure Sydni was into him too. "So Jesse, who's your homeroom?" Syndi asked. "Crawford. I heard shes hard. What about you two?" He answered. "I have Crawford too!" I replied. "Lucky, I have Santellos. I hope I meet someone who also has her." Said Sydni. The bus stopped once again to pick up a crowd of kids. I reconized some from previous years. Lily Gray, Krista Ellis, Austin McCartney, Joe Rivers. They were all pretty good friends with me and Sydni. Austin and Krista sat at the seat across from us. "Syd! Aimee! I've missed you guys soo much! Who's your little friend?" Krista asked in a teasingly voice. "Missed you too! And this is Jesse Evans. We met him this morning." I replied. "I think I see a new boyfriend for Aimee coming soon!" Austin teased. Jesse and I both laughed and smiled at eachother. Maybe it's true. Maybe we will become more than friends.
    like? yes? no? haha comment and fave so i know to continue or not! *suggestions needed!

  3. teenwrite teenwrite
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2011 7:52pm UTC
    love kills
    chapter 2
    Jesse's POV:
    First day of Senior Year. I'm pretty excited to meet some new girls, go to some parties. I took a quick shower this morning and then bathed myself in axe. I brushed through my medium length dark brown hair and gave it a little flip. I threw together a plain black tee and some white basketball shorts. I walked outside to catch my bus. I was the first one to be picked up, and I felt like a loner on the bus all alone. I walked down the thin black isle and sat in the very last seat. I threw my black hat on backwards and pulled out my iPod. As we approached the next stop, I saw 2 good looking girls outside. One was blonde, long straight hair. The other had dark brunette wavy hair, also long. They were both really hot, but I think I fell harder for the blonde. As they boarded the bus, i straightened up and took off my hat for another hair flip. I moved my backpack out of the way and gave them a cute come-and-sit-with-me smile. They smiled back, and came to sit. The blonde sat next to me, and the brunette sat on the end. This....was a good start to my day.
    like? yes? no? haha comment and fave so i know to continue or not! *suggestions needed!

  4. teenwrite teenwrite
    posted a quote
    June 2, 2011 7:39pm UTC
    love kills
    chapter 1
    Aimee's POV:
    Senior year finally made its way. I was excited for the boys, the parties, the fun, and well.. the boys! I haven't had a boyfriend in over a year, so i was interested in seeing the new guys in town. I was getting ready for school which started in 30 minutes. I straightened my long wavy blonde hair and applied black mascara and eyeliner to my icy blue eyes. To top it all off, I added some sparkley blue cream eye shadow to my eye lids. I glossed up my lips and threw on short shorts and a hot pink tank top. I walked outside to meet my best friend Sydni at our bus stop. "Hey Aimes! It's so nice out. I think we should hit the beach after school with a few guys." Sydni said. "Hey Syd and yeah we deffinetly should!" I answered. I was excited for this afternoon. I could hardly wait to see the new boys we met at school shirtless on the beach!
    like? yes? no? haha comment and fave so i know to continue or not! *suggestions needed!


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