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Member Since: 10 Oct 2011 09:56pm

Last Seen: 22 Oct 2011 07:52pm

user id: 225881

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Don't toy with people's emotion's.
  1. tbro2355 tbro2355
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2011 7:35pm UTC
    One of the hardest things to do is to admit that you're wrong. No one wants to be wrong. Weather its on a question, or about the news. The worst part about being wrong, is admitting it. Is confessing that you were not right. You might not like it, because its embarrassing, or because you want to be the go to person. But sometimes, admitting that you are wrong, is the best way to go. Once you admit to what you have done, you are free of that horrible feeling of guilt. Once you admit, to what you have done, you have a huge wait lifted off you shoulders. Telling the truth about what you have done, it the best way to go. Because living on with the guilt, will bring you nothing but regret.

  2. tbro2355 tbro2355
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2011 7:17pm UTC
    You may not realize it, but almost every day you compare yourself to someone else more than once. When you compare yourself to someone you are always going to be either better or worse. If you compare yourself to other, than you will never be a individual. You will either become greedy or discouraged and paranoid. If you compare yourself to ones less than you, it may make you feel batter for the time being, but what you are doing is going to a certain extent to make yourself feel better, and also making the ones less than you look worse. If you compare yourself to someone above you, then you will become paranoid, and discouraged. You will think tat you are not good enough because, you don't have what they have. When in reality everyone is different, so you will never be better or worse than anyone. Nor the same. So stop comparing yourself to others. You are an individual, and you cannot be compared to anyone. Because you are not like anyone.

  3. tbro2355 tbro2355
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2011 6:31pm UTC
    That senior boy, that waves, smiles, and stares at you in the hallway. You cant wait to see him at his locker, and you don't know if you should wave or smile back or not. You get butterflies in you're stomach when you think of him. You think maybe, theres a a slight chance, he thinks I'm cute(: You get up extra early in the morning to make sure you look cute for him. You feel awesome, because hes older. But what you forgot, is that because he's older, he can play tricks. You forget that the way he looks at you, and the way you feel, is happening to someone else. Everything that meant so much to you, meant nothing to him. The next day you see him walking around with someone else you're age, and he has his arm around her. If only you didn't forget, if only you could get you're head out of the clouds. If only you knew, what you know now.

  4. tbro2355 tbro2355
    posted a quote
    October 12, 2011 6:23pm UTC
    I'm the kind of girl that believes that everything happens for a reason, and that you're life is a story, and you don't know what is going to happen until it does. Also I believe in fate. God has a plan for you, and If its meant to be, then it will be. God will lead you down a path, but at the end of that path you have to make a decision. Its up to you to make the right one, and if you don't make the right one, he will guide you to another opportunity to fix it. I know the past can never be changed, and sometimes not forgotten, but you can make a new beginning, and move on from their. You're life is what you make it to be. If their is something bad going on, it will make you stronger. Bad things don't happen to bring you down, they happen, to build you up. Half you're past shapes you to what you are now. And the other half shapes you to what your e going to be. I tell myself all the time, everything happens for a reason, it didn't work out, because it wasn't meant to me. Now I know better. Now I am stronger.

  5. tbro2355 tbro2355
    posted a quote
    October 11, 2011 6:52pm UTC
    I don't understand why you would flirt with someone if you didn't like them.
    What's the point?
    So that you can have fun?
    You think that it doesn't affect the person on the other end?
    Well it does.
    It actually kills.
    Its good to know that what meant so much to me, meant nothing to you.


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