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Member Since: 3 Dec 2011 09:16pm

Last Seen: 8 Feb 2012 10:00pm

user id: 246411

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  1. tayellington tayellington
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2011 3:02pm UTC
    they say if you love something set it free.
    so no matter how much i love you, i will never wish for you & her to break up.
    i'll try my best to be happy for you, & smile through pain.
    'cause i know she makes you way happier than i could ever. and i dont want her to feel like i do.
    to feel...heartbroken.
    i'll just keep in mind nothing last forever.
    & hope that maybe one day, you might decide to love me like i love you.
    so there's me setting you free. ♥

  2. tayellington tayellington
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2011 2:54pm UTC
    there's always that one person that no matter how long it's been or how badly they've treated you,
    if they say "i love you"...
    you'll say it back.

  3. tayellington tayellington
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2011 2:48pm UTC
    no matter where life takes me, or who i meet;
    will always have a special place in my heart.
    now & forever. ♥

  4. tayellington tayellington
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2011 2:43pm UTC
    if you can't choose between 2 guys...
    choose the second one.
    if you really loved the first one, you would've never noticed the second guy.

  5. tayellington tayellington
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2011 2:33pm UTC
    nothing last forever.
    so live it up, drink it down, laugh it off, avoid all the bull crap, take chances & never have regrets.
    because at one point, everything you did was exactly what you wanted.

  6. tayellington tayellington
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2011 2:25pm UTC
    it's better to dream of something you may never have than to lose something you always dreamed of having.

  7. tayellington tayellington
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2011 2:19pm UTC
    if two past lovers can stay friends; either they were never in love or they still are.

  8. tayellington tayellington
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2011 2:14pm UTC
    sometimes, it's not the person you miss. but the feelings you had when you were with them.

  9. tayellington tayellington
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2011 2:07pm UTC
    they say i deserve the best. but if you aren't the best, then i don't want it.

  10. tayellington tayellington
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2011 1:57pm UTC
    some people are meant to fall in love with each other. but aren't meant to be together.

  11. tayellington tayellington
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2011 1:52pm UTC
    i just want you...thats all.
    all your flaws, mistakes, giggles, smiles, jokes, sacrasm, everything.
    i just want you.

  12. tayellington tayellington
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2011 1:46pm UTC
    nobody will ever understand what you put me through, & i didn't even deserve it.

  13. tayellington tayellington
    posted a quote
    December 4, 2011 1:38pm UTC
    best friends
    are irrelevant to the number of years you've known them or the number of miles you live away from them.
    best friends are people you can always trust & people you always have a good time with.
    you can have friends of 5 years but have a better friendship with someone you've only known for 1.
    it just doesnt matter, it's all about who has your back!

  14. tayellington tayellington
    posted a quote
    December 3, 2011 9:21pm UTC
    you can always tell a real friend:
    when you've made a fool of yourself
    & she doesn't feel you've done a permanent job.


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