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Member Since: 7 Aug 2011 04:59pm

Last Seen: 20 Dec 2011 11:11pm

user id: 204844

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Hey Witty (:
My name's Emma. So what you need to know about me:
I love:
Witty of course!
Chocolate (;
Taylor Swift! {Her music gets me through everything}
Jbiebs (:
That's pretty much it! I'll be your best friend if you:
I love feedback and faves so if you wanna make my day, just click the heart. (:
Love you wittiers!

Read/Fave/Comment my story! Following's good too (;
  1. summerforever13 summerforever13
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2011 7:41pm UTC
    type here
    When you say goodbye to someone then walk in the same direction as them...

  2. summerforever13 summerforever13
    posted a quote
    August 15, 2011 7:20pm UTC
    Almost There
    Chapter 6
    Two Weeks Later
    The normal Saturday morning glow had been replaced with a dull gray light as rain poured from above. I was lying on my bed scribbling this weekend's algebra homework (I know, math on the weekend.) in my pink notebook when my iPhone rang. I reached down where it was laying on the floor and stretched my arm out trying to reach. I ended up falling off of my bed to get it so I answered it while laying on the floor.
    "Hello?" I asked into the receiver.
    "Uhh, hey, Summer?" It was Jake's voice from the end of the other line. I had no clue he had my number.
    "Yeah, it's me." I smiled flirtatiously before realizing he couldn't see me.
    "It's Jake. So, me, Kyle, and Charlotte are all going bowling and I was wondering if you would want to come?" He asked. ( last week Kyle and Charlotte got together so now they're an official couple.) "I didn't feel like being a third wheel so they offered a double date."
    Date. Jake Adams just asked me to be his date. Even though he's using me to make it less awkward between him and other people, I was still too happy to let that get to me. I jumped up from where I was sitting and paced around my room excitedly.
    "Sure, I'd love to be you're fake date." I laughed.
    "Okay cool. So is eight alright for me to pick you up?"
    "Eight's good!" I exclaimed. Hanging up then falling back onto my bed. Life is good.
    Music blasting, rain pelting down, laughing together, Jake and I pulled into the cool new bowling ally about 15 minutes from my house. Jake pulled his old pickup truck into a space right in front, cutting off a guy going for the same spot. He yelled "Jerk!" and flipped us off. That made both of us crack up as we sprinted from the truck to the entrance, rain flying down on our heads like bullets. When we finally made it inside, it wasn't too hard to find Charlotte and Kyle. They were the couple making out by the cubbies where you put your shoes. A little girl was gawking at them from her lane.
    "Hey!" I yelled over the music as we approached them. Charlotte pushed away from Kyle, looking startled, then embarrassed when she realized it was us.
    "Oh, hi guys." Kyle smiled sheepishly, grabbing Charlotte's hand.
    "Nice." Jake said jokingly to Kyle patting him on the back the way guys do for a greeting. After a moment of awkward silence, I gestured to the bowling lanes.
    "So are we gonna bowl or what?"
    "Let's do it!" Charlotte said braking away from Kyle and walking to the shoe stand. This night was gonna be fun.
    ***Sooo... thanks so much to everyone who's been reading and faving my stories! it makes my day when I get faves and comments. I'm not even kidding. I need some ideas for my upcoming chapters! something exciting. is there anything that could make it better? I would be so happy if I got feedback!

  3. summerforever13 summerforever13
    posted a quote
    August 10, 2011 12:15pm UTC
    So today. . .
    I saw a solar powered flashlight.
    Fave if you get why this is screwed up...

  4. summerforever13 summerforever13
    posted a quote
    August 8, 2011 8:32pm UTC
    Almost There
    Chapter 5
    "Are you sure?"
    "Summer, trust me. I know everything that goes on at this school that's worth talking about. Jake is single." Charlotte reassured me over lunch.
    I blushed. "Okay." I probably sounded like a psycho stalker, but Jake always had girls all over him. I thought one of them had to be his girlfriend.
    "So I'm guessing you like Jake?" Naomi, one of the girls in Charlotte's group asked raising her eyebrows.
    "Um, yeah. How'd you guess?" I joked.
    "Join the club!" Nicole exclaimed. "Pretty much every girl in the school is drooling over him."
    Great. I thought slumping my shoulders.
    "Not me." Amber snorted rolling her eyes.
    "That's because he's your ex." Charlotte piped in. "That's the point of an ex."
    Oh. Awkward? I thought again to myself. I looked across the cafeteria at Jake. He was laughing hysterically at something the cute brunette named Kyle was doing. His spiky brown hair was as gorgeous as always and his tan skin looked good against his white T-shirt. I could feel my heart swooping in my chest. Why'd he have to be so damn cute?
    Saturday- 12 PM
    "Hello?" I asked groggily into my iPhone, which had woken me up ringing.
    "Hey, Summer." It was Charlotte.
    "Why are you calling so early?" I asked falling back into my pillow.
    "Early? It's 12:00. You knew that, right?" 11?! Whoa, I'm not really a late sleeper.
    "Seriously? I just woke up. So what's up?"
    "Wanna go to the mall with me and Naomi? I'm driving." She asked from the other line.
    "Sure!" I said realizing I hadn't been shopping in California yet. "What time?"
    "Well I was gonna say 15 minutes but I'll give you a little time to get ready." She laughed.
    "Okay cool!"
    The mall was big. Not just big. We're talking huge. There was every store you could think of, including the original Hollister. In the middle of our trip, who do we see making his way over to the three of us but Jake and his group. Oh God. One hot guy plus three girls in love with him equals a mess.

  5. summerforever13 summerforever13
    posted a quote
    August 8, 2011 7:37am UTC
    click to see this quote

  6. summerforever13 summerforever13
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2011 8:55pm UTC
    click to see this quote

  7. summerforever13 summerforever13
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2011 6:13pm UTC
    Almost There
    Chapter 2
    After unpacking everything (which was a lot, trust me on this one,) I was walking along the dark beach listening to the waves lapping softly against the shore. This is so much different than Florida. It's better. I feel so much more at home here, even though I arrived just 6 hours ago. I was so lost in thought, living in a movie moment walking along the beach with the wind blowing back my hair, that I didn't notice a figure running towards me. Apparently they didn't notice me either because a split second after our bodies collided, I was enveloped by a milky blackness.
    "Hello? Um, wake up? Hello?" A voice was ringing in my ears. At first, I thought I was dreaming because when I opened my eyes, the boy that was leaning over me wasn't cute, he was gorgeous. I blinked rapidly and sat up quickly, realizing I wasn't in a dream because pain shot through my head.
    "Ow." I muttered rubbing my head. "W-where am I?" I asked realizing I was laying in a sandy road side under a street lamp.
    "The beach is down there." He said pointing. Okay, so I wasn't kidnapped. "You were walking and I was on a run, I guess I didn't see you cause we hit heads pretty hard." He said gesturing to a egg sized lump on this forehead.
    "Ohmygod! Did I do that? Sorry!" I gasped.
    "No, no it's fine. It's my fault. Should have been paying more attention." He smiled. I think I just died a little. I clearly wasn't paying attention to what he was saying because he gave me a confused look.
    "Um, what?" I asked.
    "I said, I'm Jake, and you are...?" He looked at me and cocked his head. Completely adorable.
    "Oh, Summer. I'm Summer." I stuttered, probably sounding like a complete idiot.
    "Jake." He smiled again shaking my hand. I held on for a tiny bit longer then needed. "You must be new becuase-"
    He was cut off by my mom's voice across the beach, "Summer! Come home!" She called.
    I felt myself blush. "I gotta go but I'll see you around?" I asked.
    "Yeah I'll be around." He replied.
    "Cool!" I smiled standing up and walking home. I think I'm in love with California.

  8. summerforever13 summerforever13
    posted a quote
    August 7, 2011 5:49pm UTC
    Almost There
    Chapter 1
    As we pulled up to the new house, butterflies fluttered in
    my stomach. Something about California just made me
    happy. It wasn't the warm air or the fact that my
    backyard was a beach, it was the feeling of starting fresh.
    Even though this is my 7th new town in my life, there was
    a promising feeling in the pit of my stomach. Not the
    temporary home feeling I usually had, this feeling was
    "Here we are!" My mom sang from the passenger
    seat as we pulled into the smooth driveway.
    "Yep. Malibu, California." My dad turned around and
    gave me and my little brother a warm , "new home" smile
    "Whoo-hoo." Said Zach sarcastically. Glaring out the
    "C'mon Zach. California! The West Coast! What's
    wrong with that?" My mom asked turning around.
    "It's not California I have a problem with. I just got
    used to Florida and made friends, and now we're moving.
    Again." He said flatly.
    "Well you'll make new friends here. We all will." I told him.
    "What's up with you?" He asked giving me a look.
    "usually you're the same way."
    I didn't have a answer. He's completely right. I'm
    usually dreading the new town but like I said, I feel
    different about Malibu. "I don't know. Just give it a
    chance." I told him jumping out of the car. Malibu, here
    I come.


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