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Member Since: 1 Feb 2013 08:09am

Last Seen: 1 Feb 2013 08:09am

Gender: F

user id: 348644

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  1. still_standings_stories still_standings_stories
    posted a quote
    February 1, 2013 8:32am UTC
    Being A Farmers Daught er
    Being a farmer’s daughter isn’t easy, but I realize and believe now, whole heartedly that everything happens for a reason. You will always have a struggle in your life, but overcoming challenges make you only stronger. And as Daddy told me when I was young, God only chooses his strongest soldiers for his toughest battles.
    There was gonna be a new boy in town, the year I was turnin’ sixteen. He was just another man to work for Daddy on the farm, Momma told me, just a little closer to my age. All the other men workin’ for Daddy had been tall and strong, hairy, sweaty, and only seemed to drink sweat tea or beer. And they never quit starin’ at me either. Momma says it’s only because I’m young, and I’m the one who serves them lunch, and because the way to win a man’s heart is through his stomach. Momma always had me cookin’ lunch for Daddy’s men. She said it was killin’ two birds with one stone ‘cause I was learning to cook and Daddy’s workers were getting fed, as a small part of their pay.
    I woke up early one mornin’, leaving’ the day ahead of me to be anything I wanted it to be. I got dressed in cut off short shorts, and a red plaid flannel I tied so you could see some of my stomach. I slipped on my work boots, took my new camera that Daddy got me for my birthday, and I was outside wandering the field to take pictures. I hoped to be a photographer, but for now, the only people who actually admired my photos were the people that went to the fair, where I’ve been enterin’ my work since I was small.
    This is just the beginning, creating a setting for the rest of y'all to see. Please Please Please comment & let me know what you think. This is my first time posting a story. Go follow my regular profile.. Still_Standing_Strong, and comment with advice ! I love you all!


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